The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 261 Bloodline of the White King

Maybe the consumption yesterday was too serious, so Ling, who should have gotten up early every day, slept until noon.

The weather today is undoubtedly very good, the sun is hot and cloudless, and the room is so quiet that you can even hear the sound of dust in the sun.

After lying on the bed in a daze for a while, Zero sat up.

And just when she was about to get up and wash up, as the door opened, the sound returned to the world again.

"Huh? Are you up?"

Carrying several lunch boxes in both hands, Mu Qingzhi and Xia Mi walked in from outside the room together.

"Hurry up and wash up. Come and eat after washing up."

While closing the door with her feet, Mu Qingzhi seemed to be in a good mood and greeted Ling who was beside the bed.

"By the way, while we are free this morning, Xia Mi and I will help you clean out the room next door. You can move in later."


... She suddenly had a myocardial infarction.

"Sound? Isn't it because you are tired? So in order to prevent it from disturbing your sleep, I put a silencer in the room."

While getting up and going to the refrigerator, Mu Qingzhi pointed at the reachable duck doll on the coffee table on the sofa in the room.

"With this silencer, no matter how noisy the next door is, it will never disturb you... How about this silencer? Isn't the effect of this silencer good?"


Zero turned his head to look at the Kodak, with a faint look in his eyes.

"Wait, I don't want Coke, I want orange juice!!"

"Come on, I only have Coke here, no orange juice, just a piece of shrimp... You, a freeloader, have no right to be picky!!"

"Xiami also has rights!! You are acting dictatorially!!"

"A little bit, why am I the dictator? Do you like to drink or not!!"


……It's a mess.

In the end, Zero reluctantly moved into the new dormitory.

Although she really wanted to set another fire... But if there were two fires in a short period of time, even a fool could see the problem.

And even if she wanted to take the opportunity to do something else, with Mu Qingzhi and Xia Mi enthusiastically accompanying her throughout the whole process, she wouldn't have the chance...

——Before moving into the new dormitory, she asked for the duck.


At the same time, while Mu Qingzhi was very caring and helping Ling clean the dormitory with Xia Mi, on the other side, a certain underworld patriarch wearing a long black windbreaker and carrying a bundle of famous swords secretly came to Kasai. you.

The matter at the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River in China is so big, and it is related to the King of Bronze and Fire among the legendary Four Kings. It is naturally impossible for the Sheqi Eight Family not to know any information.

But for the Snake Qiba family, who are descendants of the White King, the Bronze and Fire Kings are not too important, especially when so many forces are already focused there, they are naturally even less willing to go. Step into this muddy water.

...It's just that other people are not anxious, but a certain underworld boss of the Snake Qiba family is anxious.

In Uesugoshi's eyes, his daughter's identity has been determined, and she is the king of bronze and fire. This behavior of the secret party can be regarded as directly confiscating his daughter's home.

In fact, if it was just like this, there was no need for him to come over in person, but since he learned from Zhi that the other party would serve as the chief instructor of the Bronze Project, he suddenly became anxious.

In his view, Ange's behavior was clearly to burn bridges, planning to send his precious daughter to the Bronze City to promote the awakening of the Dragon King, and then cooperate with the secret party to capture Zhi... What a vicious intention this was. ! !

After confirming the authenticity of this news, the anger in Uesugi's heart immediately surged upwards. After involuntarily transferring all his work to Inuyama Ga and Minamoto Chiaki, he made a special trip early in the morning. Went to Kassel by plane.

Although he may not be able to beat Ange, it doesn't matter, he still has a child, a child, and worst, he can overwhelm the Snake Qihachi family.

Although he is a patriarch, frankly speaking, he has no feelings for the Sheqiba family. If he didn't need this identity to protect the safety of his sons and daughters, he would have given up his job long ago.

... Now Angers dares to scheme against his daughter. This is simply a challenge to him. How can he hold back?

Even though he has been a ramen chef for decades, he is still the emperor who once stood at the top of the mixed race! !

"...So that's why you came here to kill?"

Seeing the heavily armed and murderous Uesugi in front of him, Angers eyes twitched.

"Why, didn't she show her cards to you?"

Ever since he confirmed the identity of the white emperor of the other party, he had always thought that the other party had already had a showdown with Uesugi Yue.

After all, the other party has been so honest with them. There is no reason to say nothing to Uesugi Koshi, who is a descendant of the White King and is also the emperor. Maybe secretly, the other party has already mastered the entire Snake Qihachi family. Uesugoshi is just a spokesperson for the other party to bring it to light.

But now it seems that the situation is very different from what he imagined. Uesugoshi's understanding of the other party seems to still be stuck in the previous version...

"Showdown? Showdown for what."

Standing in front of the sword inserted into the wooden floor, Uesugoshi had a sneer on his face.

"The [commandments] of the Night Watch cannot restrict me. If you don't give me a clear explanation of this matter today, I'll tell you, we're not done yet!!"

"...Is it possible that she is not actually Bronze and Fire?"

Looking at his expensive floor that was seriously damaged, Ange stretched out his hand and pressed the center of his eyebrows vigorously.

"Also, she actually asked to participate in the [Bronze Plan], and the details were all worked out by her?"

"Not bronze and fire? How do you explain alchemy?"

Uesugi looked at him with a look that looked like a fool.

"I know Zhi's situation very well. What else can that kind of extremely pure flame power have besides bronze and fire?"

"Is it possible that it's not actually alchemy?"

Looking at Uesugoshi in front of him, Angre spoke in a faint tone.

"As the only blood descendants of the White King, your Snake Qihachi family has not handed down any information about the White King?"

From an old cowboy, he learned the true history of the past.

The White King was killed by the Black King, and the Black King fell because of the backhand left by the White King. Now the alchemy tools produced by the other party are actually a manifestation of the White King's spiritual authority, which is not the case at all. Alchemy, but a higher-end existence than alchemy.

By analogy, the Sheqi Ba family, who are descendants of the White King, must have the information about the White King passed down within them. Even if it is a long time ago and a lot of information is lost due to the persecution of the dragons, there will always be How could someone know nothing about leaving something behind?

"Information about King Bai? Why are you talking about King Bai?"

Hearing this, Uesugi suddenly became even more surprised.

"When I betrayed the Snake Qiba family decades ago, I destroyed all the inherited ancient books, murals, and other things. All those things were burned to ashes. Where would any information be left?"

Angers: "..."

...At this moment, he suddenly felt extremely tired.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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