On the distant clouds, there is a gentle breeze.


"Yes, to put it simply, this is a level to exercise your control."

As he spoke, Mu Qingzhi walked to the edge of the platform, and then tapped the cloud ground below with the pointer in his hand.

Then the next moment, following her movements, seven one-meter-tall things similar to console ships rose from under the clouds.

"It's hard to explain this in detail, so I'm going to give a teaching demonstration first... Who among you will do it?"

Turning her head, Mu Qingzhi looked at the people behind her.

"Let me do it."

Without any hesitation, Chu Zihang took the first step forward.

"Okay, come on, stand here."

Mu Qingzhi simply stepped aside and put her hands on the console. As she pressed the button, the clouds surged rapidly in front of her eyes. In just a few seconds, they formed in front of Chu Zihang. A white cloud runway was built that was 100 meters long and three meters wide.

"Now run as fast as you can from here to that side. The faster the better."

Facing Chu Zihang's focused gaze, Mu Qingzhi nodded slightly, then pointed at the top of the runway with the pointer in her hand.

"The timer on this will record your average speed and passing time for each run. There is no starting gun here, you can start at any time."


He raised his head and glanced at the top of the runway, his eyes flickering slightly, Chu Zihang slightly bowed his body and assumed a starting posture.

——The next second, he rushed out like a cheetah.

In the world record, the speed of a man's 100-meter run is nine seconds and fifty-eight, which is already considered the fastest among human beings. However, for hybrids, this record can only be regarded as just beginning.

Every mixed race in Kassel Academy, except Lu Mingfei, can easily run within nine seconds, and a person with excellent bloodline like Chu Zihang can easily run within eight seconds.

Now that his master asked him to use all his strength, Chu Zihang naturally had no intention of hiding his clumsiness. Although the runway was located at an altitude of several hundred meters, it did not matter at all.

While running, Chu Zihang was even thinking about the meaning of what his master wanted him to do.


If I had to say it, running and so on could indeed go hand in hand with control...but he always felt a little strange.

"7.56 seconds...Okay, you can come back."

After glancing at the timer above the runway, Mu Qingzhi waved thoughtfully towards Chu Zihang at the other end.

This result is already quite excellent, but the test for her in this level is not her performance. In other words, the faster she runs, the more painful times she will suffer later...

"Okay, the data has been written down. Next, the formal teaching of the level begins. What level of difficulty do you want to challenge?"

After Chu Zihang came back, Mu Qingzhi first pressed a few times on the console, and then turned her head and asked.

"There are ten difficulties in the novice level. Difficulty six and above are considered passing, and difficulty eight and above are excellent. How difficult do you want to challenge it?"

"...Difficulty level eight."

Although he didn't understand what his master meant, Chu Zihang still made a very cautious choice after recalling the pain he suffered when he eliminated the levels before.

"Difficulty eight? Yes, I admire your courage."

Giving a thumbs up to the increasingly uneasy Chu Zihang, Mu Qingzhi turned around and made corresponding settings on the console behind her.

The next moment, as the settings in her hands were completed, the hundred-meter-long runway in front of Chu Zihang suddenly underwent strange changes.

The original runway was 100 meters long and three meters wide. Now, although the length of the runway has not changed, the width has been greatly reduced, from the original three meters wide to a length that can only accommodate one foot... or It can no longer be called a runway, but a crooked thin line, even frantically disconnected in some places.

"Okay, now use the speed you just had and run on this track again."

Turning her head, Mu Qingzhi looked sympathetically at Chu Zihang, whose face turned pale at some point.

"This runway has recorded the data when you ran over it for the first time. The path left now is the ground that your feet touched when you ran over before. Since you were able to run over before, please do the same now. Run over in the same amount of time.”

Chu Zihang: "..."

After a moment of silence, under the sympathetic eyes of everyone around him, Chu Zihang nodded with difficulty.

It's just that compared to the crisp and quick start last time, this time he started much slower. Before he could run a few dozen meters, he suddenly stepped on the ground, and then the whole person jumped directly from these few hundred meters. He fell headlong from a high altitude.

Chu Zihang's reaction was actually quite timely. When he lost his balance, he subconsciously grabbed the runway with his hands to stabilize his body. But unfortunately, the moment he stepped off the fixed runway, , the entire runway suddenly turned into white clouds again, and his hand was completely empty.

The next moment, Chu Zihang's helpless figure disappeared into the clouds.

Everyone: "..."

"How about it? Now after classmate Chu Zihang's demonstration, I believe you should have a general understanding of this novice level, right?"

Turning around, Mu Qingzhi looked at the people behind her with a smile.

"If you have any questions, you can raise them now."

"...How many levels are there in the control training?"

After a moment of silence, Susie raised her hand.

"...Not many. I'm still building some levels. Counting this newbie level, there are probably only six or seven."

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi answered.

"If you want to move from this level to the next level, you must achieve an excellent rating more than three times to officially pass the level. If you can pass the level with full scores in these three times, there will be additional prizes."

"Full marks... what's the highest difficulty level?"

Looking at the re-condensed runway behind someone, Lu Mingfei had a lingering fear on his face.

"Also, if you fall from such a high distance, will there really be no problems?"

"The highest difficulty? The highest difficulty is that there are only a few points left for your footsteps to support, and at the same time, the runway in front of you is completely invisible. It's very simple."

After waving her hands, Mu Qingzhi turned her head and looked behind her.

"As for safety, you don't have to worry about that. There are corresponding security measures in place... Well, I'm back."

As the words from Mu Qingzhi's mouth fell, Chu Zihang's intact body sitting on a white cloud reappeared in their field of vision.

Although his expression was still as calm and hard as iron... his face seemed a little pale.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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