The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 274 Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick

...Chu Zihang's mood is quite subtle now.

He lost his footing at high altitude and still fell one to two hundred meters in one breath. This kind of excitement was not comparable to what he had experienced during skydiving before. If the cloud he was riding on hadn't caught him when he was about to fall to the ground...he I have no doubt that I will die ugly.

——This training is a bit too exciting.

"Ahem... let me tell you more about the relevant matters."

Facing Chu Zihang's gaze that seemed to be filled with resentment when he returned to the platform, Mu Qingzhi looked away and coughed a few times with some guilt.

"In the control level, each of you will get a white cloud of your own. It is not only a means of transportation that you will use in the next period of time, but also a rescuer when you fall off the runway... …But it’s not free.”

After clearing her throat, Mu Qingzhi raised a finger in front of her.

"The daily rent for Baiyun Mount is one hundred points, and the first three hundred rescues are free. After that, each rescue will cost one point. In other words, if you don't have enough points, it means that you will be Eliminated from this training camp early."

“Are there any additional ways to earn points?”

Glancing at the white clouds lined up at the edge of the platform, Nono raised his hand proactively.

"If you just rely on housekeeping tasks at night, the number of points earned will be very different."

"Don't worry, I have taken this into consideration. Not to mention that you will unlock achievements and gain points as you complete the training process. At the same time, you will receive three daily tasks every day. You can also earn points by completing daily tasks."

Mu Qingzhi waved her hand.

"As for the live broadcast in the evening, there is a fixed upper limit for the points everyone can get from rewards from exclusive monsters. There is no big gap."


"Later, you can view and receive them in your personal panel. Daily tasks vary. Some ask you to destroy special monsters, and some ask you to collect certain special items. You can take them at your own discretion."

As he spoke, Mu Qingzhi simply moved out of the way.

"Seven consoles, you can choose one to bind. In fact, the cores are the same, there is no difference... Are there any other problems?"

"Why is the console so short?"

Xia Mi raised his hand with a serious look on his face.

"The console is only one meter high in total, which is too short. I hope it can be lengthened a little bit."

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

After not fighting for three days, he went to the house to uncover the tiles. As expected, this shrimp must be taught a lesson every once in a while.


Mu Qingzhi did not make any strict requirements regarding training time.

In addition to the fixed training time of 9 to 11 am and 2 to 4 pm every day, the rest of the time is at their discretion.

They can continue to stay here for training, or they can complete daily tasks or strengthen and build shelter camps, but even so, it is impossible to stay on this Baiyun Platform all the time.

After all, Baiyun also has cloud rights and enjoys the same labor law rights, so their daily working time is at 8 a.m. and off work is at 6 p.m., and there is no overtime option.

"Commuting...wait, these clouds are life?"

Suddenly she came to her senses and pointed to the white clouds surrounding the white cloud platform over there. Susie looked stunned.

"Otherwise, what, is it strange?"

Mu Qingzhi curled her lips.

"Among the top achievements in alchemy, there is already the option of life creation. Is it reasonable for me to create a few Baiyun pets?"

"Then, the points paid..."

"What do you think the wages are for them?"


After a long silence, Susie breathed out a sigh of relief and nodded heavily.

"The more you know, the more you realize your ignorance... Alchemy is indeed magical."

Xia Mi: "......"

Subconsciously, she turned her head and glanced at the white clouds waiting there.

She didn't pay much attention to it before so she didn't notice it. Now after observing it carefully, she found some clues.

——Unlike those fake monsters created, these white clouds are all alive.

She didn't know if the God of Alchemy was magical, but now she seemed to have learned about another function of spiritual authority. In addition to being able to rewrite and cover reality with spiritual power, it could also give dead objects spiritual power...

After the early Q\u0026A, the special training officially began.

Although they didn't sleep all night last night, except for Lu Mingfei, everyone present was not an ordinary person. After the short rest before, some of their physical strength had been restored.

So it didn't take long before they all stood in front of their own runway.

It is very easy to go from difficulty one to difficulty five. The only difference is that the runway becomes narrower. As long as you overcome your fear of heights, passing these difficulties is not a problem.

But starting from difficulty six, the difficulty rises straight up.

Originally, at difficulty level 5, the runway was still about half a meter wide, but starting from difficulty level 6, the width of the track suddenly shortened, from the original width of half a meter to more than ten centimeters, which could only accommodate two feet parallel to each other. .

The distance between each person was about ten meters long, so there was basically no psychological comfort and they could only walk on a tightrope.

Although you can move slowly, you can indeed move over, but this runway also has a rather disgusting hidden setting.

When the time you spend on the track exceeds half of the originally scheduled time, the solid track under your feet will suddenly turn into white clouds, and then you will step directly into the air and fall into the abyss...

——Lu Mingfei was the first to discover this hidden rule.

As for resetting the data to deliberately set the running time to be longer, so that the difficulty of subsequent high-difficulty difficulties will be sharply reduced, it also does not work.

In order to prevent anyone from cheating in this aspect, Mu Qingzhi specially designed a lower limit for this track. Taking the average score of male high school students' 100-meter run as 12.5 seconds, once the time spent on this road exceeds 12 seconds, This road will also turn into white clouds and disappear in an instant.

In fact, Mu Qingzhi originally wanted to set it to 9 seconds. After all, everyone here could easily run within 9 seconds. However, considering that this was unfair to Lu Mingfei, she still gave in.

As for who among the crowd was the first to trigger this hidden rule... Xia Mi really fell out of favor.

Suddenly, Xia Mi and Lu Mingfei screamed one after another in the sky. They sounded very rhythmic and could be called the sleeping dragon and phoenix chicks of the modern generation.


ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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