When Old Tang woke up from his deep sleep, it was already dark outside, the lights were out in the room, and everything seemed quiet.

"Sure enough, it's good to go out for a walk properly..."

After turning his head to look at the night outside the window, he yawned and sat up from the bed.

At home before, he would have nightmares every now and then, which almost made him mentally weak. But now, less than a day after he came out, he had a rare good night's sleep.

"Hmm... I remember the room description seemed to include catering..."

After reaching out and touching his stomach, Old Tang looked down at the time on his phone.

After catching a flight all day today, he was so tired from traveling and traveling that he was very hungry and in urgent need of energy.

Without too much hesitation, after confirming the floor of the restaurant, he casually washed his face in the bathroom, took the room card and wandered out.

But I don’t know what happened. As soon as he opened the door, several people rushed past him in a rather embarrassed manner. One of them seemed to have paint on his arm, and blood was spread all over the corridor. .

"What the hell..."

Turning his head and looking at the direction in which those people were fleeing, Old Tang looked confused for a moment.

When he came here in the afternoon, the hotel looked quite normal. Why did he just take a nap and then switch to battle royale mode?

As a senior hunter on the hunter website, he could clearly detect that the expressions on the faces of the few people just now did not seem to be fake. It seemed that something bad happened quietly in the hotel while he was sleeping. happened.


After squatting down and carefully observing the blood stains on the corridor, after a moment of pondering, Old Tang decisively turned back to the room and locked the door.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Although he doesn't know what is going on outside, judging from the current situation, it is best not to go out rashly.

As for being hungry or something... He happened to have a few buckets of instant noodles and dry food in his box for emergency use.

"It seems that this mission is very dangerous..."

A few minutes later, while sitting at the table eating instant noodles and looking at the no signal display on his mobile phone, Old Tang looked worried.

After returning to the room, his first step was to call the hotel/front desk to find out what happened inside the hotel, but no one answered.

Then later, he wanted to check the situation online, but found that at some point, the communication signal here was completely cut off. Let alone the Internet, he couldn't even make a call now.

"What the hell..."

While muttering in his mouth, Old Tang finished the noodle soup in a hurry.

Although a bucket of instant noodles is not very filling, it can at least make him feel less hungry and somewhat calm his spirit.

Just when he was hesitating about what to do next, the lights in the room flickered a few times and then suddenly went out. After the communication signal was cut off, the power in the hotel was also terminated.

...Now, Old Tang was really panicked.

He came here as a tourist group through formal channels, and the weapons would be delivered in the days before the operation, so now he didn't even have a knife, let alone a pistol.

To deal with the next crisis with bare hands...do you want his life?

After rummaging around in his suitcase, Old Tang finally found a nail clipper in a corner.


Looking down at the nail clipper in his hand, which was the only weapon that could be considered a weapon, Old Tang was silent for a long time.

...It wasn't until the explosion sound from downstairs that he woke up.

The conflict seemed to have spread, and he vaguely heard the roars from the men. Those people seemed to be fighting something terrifying, and the sounds of fighting continued to come over.

After a little hesitation, he clenched the nail clipper in his hand. Old Tang first came to the door, opened it and left it ajar, then went back into the room and deliberately made the whole room a mess.

Then...he decisively lifted up the mattress and hid under the bed board.

——The world is big, and life is the most important thing. He personally cherishes his life.

Sure enough, less than ten minutes after he hid, there was movement from the door of the room. The door was pushed open by something, and someone walked into his room.

"One, two, three...wait, the footsteps don't sound right..."

Putting his ear to the floor and listening to the noise coming from outside, Old Tang frowned unconsciously.

Before setting off, he had learned about the mission. The target of this mission was a ruins located 150 meters deep underwater. He needed to bring something out of the ruins according to the instructions of the publisher.

This mission is no different from those in the past. The only difference is that this ruins seems to be targeted by many people. Therefore, in his original idea, the incident that happened in the hotel should be that someone wanted to kill his competitors in advance. One solution at a time eliminates the problem fundamentally.

The hunters on the hunter website are not very kind. In addition to him being relatively easy to talk to and friendly, there are also some evil-doing guys. It is not surprising that those people do such things.

So by analogy, the people coming in from the door now should be armed thugs, but judging from the vibrations on the floor, Old Tang suddenly doubted his own judgment.

...too light.

If we judge the height and weight of those people from the vibration of the floor, unless the three people who came in were handled lightly, they would only be three children less than 1.2 meters tall.

Because the power was out, the sealing of the mattress was very good, so even though Old Tang was extremely confused, he couldn't see the scene outside and could only continue to worry about it in his heart.

...What are the three beings wandering around the room now?

At the same time, inside the room.

In the dark room, three dead waiters were wandering around blankly.

After turning from a hybrid to a Deadpool, very few people can retain their self-awareness. Unless they are gifted from above, they can only turn into irrational and bloodthirsty monsters.

These three deadpools are still slightly conscious and can understand instructions and carry them out. The task they received this time is to come into the room and take away the people in the room.

…But the question is, where are the people in the room?

For a moment, after Old Tang, who looked confused, the three dead waiters were also confused.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ一

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