With the fire igniting in the underground parking lot and the Deadpools starting to invade the hotel from the parking lot, the entire hotel was completely in chaos.

The power is cut off, communications are cut off, there are swarms of deadpools, and there is an assassin with time zero in the dark...

In the shortest possible time, the order in the hotel was on the verge of getting out of control.

In fact, at this time, it is not that no one stands up to organize manpower defense and maintain order. After all, the people in the hotel are all mixed races, and Deadpool cannot release the spirit of speech. As long as they unite together, they are not necessarily afraid of these deaths. Waiting group.

…But that’s not the crux of the matter.

As long as someone performs slightly outstandingly, he will be assassinated in the shortest possible time. In front of an assassin with time zero, any defense they make is as ridiculous as a bubble.

The release of the word spirit requires physical strength and energy. The higher the level of the word spirit, the heavier the burden on the body... A typical example is the [King Power] held by Yuan Zhisheng.

So after the assassin killed a few prominent ones, the remaining people immediately dispersed like birds and beasts, each going upstairs to find a place to hide, and the defense line collapsed in an instant.

Unlike the others, Yuan Zhisheng did not move. After getting a few large bags of flour from the kitchen, he sprinkled all the flour in the hotel lobby, and then sat down in the center with Spider Chew on his back. Come down.

They are just some humanoid Deadpools, with the highest level being A. They pose no threat to him. The only one who is really a threat is that one.

If he can kill the ghost here, then everyone else in the hotel will be saved. If he is killed by the ghost, then no one in the hotel will survive in the end.

...a very simple multiple choice question.

He didn't know whether these Deadpools and the ghost came from the revenge of the King of Bronze and Fire, but he knew that he had to stand up now. This was not a righteous statement, but just because of everyone present. Among them, only he has the ability to compete with that ghost.

"64 times is not enough, we have to climb higher..."

Holding the spider in his hand, Yuan Zhisheng closed his eyes.

The release of [Royal Power] consumes a lot of energy. In his current state, he could release it once before losing all strength. At that time, he wouldn't even have a chance to stand up, so he had to seize the opportunity.

And while Yuan Zhisheng was waiting patiently, several Deadpools who were supposed to be wreaking havoc upstairs suddenly appeared in the hall.

The faces of these Deadpools were horribly pale, as if they had been soaked in water before. Water was dripping from all over their bodies. Just the moment they appeared in the hall, the flour that Yuan Zhisheng had sprinkled before was gone. It all turned into a ball of paste.

"You don't even dare to come here. It seems that I think highly of you."

Opening his eyes and looking at the Deadpool rushing toward him, Yuan Zhisheng shook his head in disappointment.

He didn't even have the intention to stand up, but just as he drew his sword, the Deadpools who were rushing towards him stood there blankly. In just a few seconds, the Deadpools' figures turned into several pieces. collapse.

——Instant kill in half a second! !

Mu Qingzhi has always been generous to her family, whether it is the [Spider Cut] used by Yuan Zhisheng, the [Boy Cut] used by Yuan Zhisheng, or the [Snow Away] used by Hui Liyi, Mu Qingzhi All have undergone a series of strengthening and enchanting treatments.

Like Yuan Zishi's Spider Cut, Mu Qingzhi's [Feng Rui] alone hit +9 in one breath. It is no exaggeration to say that the strengthened Spider Cut can be hit by just putting it on the ground without using any force. A peerless weapon that automatically sinks into the ground.

Because this knife was too sharp, Mu Qingzhi had to spend a lot of money to build a special scabbard for it.

Since this knife was strengthened by his sister, Yuan Zhisheng has used it very few times. More often, he directly hits people with the scabbard. After all, if he really wants to use the spider to cut, it is hard to say how many pieces of the enemy will be left.

But if the enemy is Deadpool, it doesn't matter.

...After all, Deadpool has no human rights.

After killing the dead waiters with one move, Yuan Zhisheng put the sword back into its sheath and closed his eyes again.

Even though the other party is a ghost walking in time and space, he still exists in the world. As long as the other party moves, he will naturally make a sound. He is confident that he can capture it...

——The sudden severe pain interrupted his thoughts.

As several gunshots rang out, a small flower of blood spattered on his wrist. With the sound of metal interlacing, the spider on his hand was also far away from the shrapnel fired by the bullet.

Yuan Zhisheng: “…”

... He admitted that he had overestimated the opponent's lower limit.

Opening his eyes, Yuan Zhisheng looked forward.

At some point, the figure wrapped in black robes and wearing an iron mask appeared in front of him again, but instead of the short knife held in his hand before, the figure now held a pistol.

Even if they have the upper hand, the opponent is still cautious now. Relying on the previously measured range of the royal power domain, they stand impartially just outside the range of the domain.

"You use Iai, and I use Iai."

——For the first time, the ghost's deep voice sounded.

"Hybrids with Time Zero are extremely rare. Who are you?"

Looking up at the figure a few meters away in front of him, Yuan Zhisheng had an expressionless face.

"Also, what is the purpose of you doing this?"

"Me? I am a servant of God and a subject of the Supreme King."

The muzzle of the pistol was still pointed straight at his head, and the ghost's voice was low, as if he was telling a distant and ancient story.

"After a long time, the supreme emperor will eventually return. In front of that emperor, all of us are just ants."

"Really? This is really a boring conversation."

Yuan Zhisheng shook his head, his interest waning.

"A gun can't subdue me. You underestimate me too much."

"Underestimating? No, as a person also chosen by God, I have never underestimated you."

Shaking his head slightly, the ghost opened his black robe, revealing various guns hanging inside.

"I won't consider getting close to you anymore. If the pistol doesn't work, then I'll switch to a submachine gun. If you don't want hundreds of holes in your body, it's better to just let him go."

"You made two mistakes."

Looking up at the ghost in front of him, Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were terrifyingly cold.

"First, even a sniper rifle is completely useless to me. My sister has already considered this for me."

Following the words from Yuan Zhisheng's mouth, the bullet at the wrist wound was automatically squeezed out by the muscles and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Yuan Zhisheng's bones creaked all over his body, and he entered the so-called keel state in the shortest possible time.

"Second, because you were too afraid of my knife, you knocked it away. But what you don't know is that I have never relied on that knife... Also, you are too close to me. Who told you that the scope of my speech and spirit realm is only that small?"

The moment Yuan Zhisheng finished speaking, he suddenly rushed forward like a cheetah.

——At the same time, the violent pressure fell from the sky like a violent wave.


ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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