...It is difficult to describe Yuan Zhisheng's current feelings in words.

It was as if he was hit head-on by a motorcycle traveling at a high speed of 200 kilometers. Even if he turned on the keel state, his whole body flew out involuntarily and hit the wall with a muffled sound.

Under the superposition of the second injury, Yuan Zhi fell to the ground and coughed up a mouthful of blood. The royal domain that had been maintained for life finally fell apart at this moment.

The hidden knife technique just now was not a so-called cassock knife, but was accomplished with a storage ring worn on his hand. Although Spider Che was knocked away by the opponent, he wanted to knock the opponent back out. Putting it back into the storage ring is just a thought.

He withdrew the Spider Cut, but left the scabbard to confuse the opponent. In addition, he never looked over there, so he successfully completed this assassination sword technique.

Since the other party is playing dirty tricks, he has no choice but to cooperate with the other party.

But he didn't expect that even though he tried his best and even cheated, he still couldn't finish off the opponent. Looking back at himself now, that punch was second best, mainly releasing it one after another in a short period of time. The two strikes of King Quan almost wiped out all his strength, and his keel state was also lifted by the punch just now.

——Now he has become a fish on the chopping board.

"That's a pretty good reaction. I'm starting to appreciate you a little bit."

On the other side of the hall, the ghost was still standing there. Although one arm was chopped off by him, no blood came out of the wound.

Raising his head, the ghost looked towards him. The golden eyes under the mask were bright and extremely dazzling.

"When did that knife come back to you?"

He had snatched the spider cutter from the opponent's hand when he flew backwards. He remembered this very clearly, but now, the spider cutter had disappeared from his hand.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't reply, just held his body with his hands and reluctantly sat up against the wall.

...This enemy was far more powerful than he had expected.

"Don't answer? If you don't answer, forget it."

He opened the robe he was wrapped in and took out a submachine gun. The ghost's tone was extremely cold.

"If the Lord hadn't given me the mission to bring you back alive, you would have been dead at the beginning. Although theoretically speaking, [Royal Power] was released twice in a short period of time. You don't have the strength to stand up anymore, but what happened to you is so weird that I won't take any chances. I will stand here and beat your limbs to pieces before I try to get closer."


Raising his head, Yuan Zhisheng looked at the other party expressionlessly.

He does still have the strength to fight now. Although the two releases of [Royal Power] have drained him of his physical strength, he still has a low-end version of [Fairy Bean] equipped for him by his sister in his storage ring. He had one under his tongue as early as he was laying out the flour.

Not to mention the depleted physical strength, most of the injuries on his body can be recovered...but it's meaningless.

Having missed the killing opportunity just now, it would be difficult for him to find another opportunity to defeat the opponent. Originally, he wanted to repeat the same trick to attract the opponent, but he did not expect that the opponent would not be fooled at all.

...The current situation has returned to the garbage time of the confrontation between the two parties.

Don't look at the fact that the other party now has no arm. If he continues to drag him on, the situation will be quite unfavorable for him.

Now that his disguise had been seen through by the other party, Yuan Zhisheng had no intention of continuing to pretend. While swallowing the fairy bean in his mouth, he stood up from the ground expressionlessly.

"Sure enough... is it that the burden of royal power is not as heavy as I thought, or do you have other means?"

Looking at the spider cutter that reappeared in Yuan Zhisheng's hand, the ghost unconsciously let out a sigh of praise.

"So, what are you going to do now? Are you going to continue to resist?"

"Resistance? I just need to hold on until support comes."

Yuan Zhisheng spoke calmly.

"In five minutes, reinforcements will arrive here."

"Reinforcements? If we can complete the task within the specified time, then the Lord will arrive."

For some reason, the ghost looked at him with pity in his eyes.

"At that time, how many people do you think you can survive?"

"Lord...isn't the person behind you the King of Bronze and Fire, a certain King of the Night?"

As if something suddenly occurred to him, Yuan Zhisheng frowned slightly.

"Let's wait for you to experience this kind of thing later."

Shaking his head, Ghost let go of his hand and let the submachine gun in his hand fall to the ground.

"I am honored to inform you that because the Lord is very interested in you, the Lord has decided to come early."


Before Yuan Zhisheng could figure out the meaning of the other party's words, a boundless power suddenly fell from the sky. It was different from the domain pressure exerted by [Royal Power]. This was a pure and absolute majesty coming from the superior.

...Zhuang Yan, magnificent, like the brilliant sun hanging high in the sky! !

Looking at the ghost in front of him, Yuan Zhisheng took a step back unconsciously.

It was obvious that he was still the same person, but he could clearly feel that something seemed different... In the other party's broken body, there was an endless majestic will descending here.

After that will came, it didn't look at him. Instead, it lowered its head and looked directly at the spider cutter in his hand. It wasn't until a while later that the other party looked away and looked at him.

"Mortals are not worthy to hold this sword."

"Who are you?"

Holding the knife in front of him, Yuan Zhisheng spoke coldly.

The power brought by this newly arrived will was too terrifying. Although it was just a simple sentence and the other party stood there without moving, it still shook his mind unconsciously.

"I always thought that you descendants of the White King have not passed down anything except blood, but now it seems that you may have really passed down something."

Without any intention of answering their words, the descending will spoke on its own.

"Tian Congyun may count as one, but that thing has long been lost. You personally used it to seal the abnormal resurrection of the White King. As for the other things, they have also been lost in history, including the weapon that can lock others. The spear of destiny..."

"who are you!?"

His heart tightened suddenly, and Yuan Zhisheng interrupted the other party's words.

"Me? It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is this thing."

Reaching out and pointing to the spider cutter in his hand, "Ghost" answered his words for the first time.

"Did she make this thing specially for you? It seems that you are very respected by her..."


ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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