The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 283 The History of the Odin Dragon Clan

Blank space, past, history, years... and destiny.

For Odin, there are few things in the world that are beyond his control. Lu Mingze is one of them, and the other is the White King who has awakened from a long sleep.

When he was created by his "father", the white emperor had no bones left, and most of the dragons who stood on the other side were brutally and bloody purged following the opponent's failure.

Therefore, he had never actually seen the white emperor, and could only explore the other party's affairs through some remaining clues. This kind of thing had nothing to do with anything else, but was just out of curiosity in his heart.

...What kind of powerful existence can compete with that black emperor?

Those who have never seen the Black Emperor with their own eyes will never know how terrifying the other party is. In front of the Supreme Being, they don't even have the courage to raise their heads and face him directly.

But it was a pity that everything left by the white emperor had been cleaned up. After spending a lot of time and energy, he was shocked to find out some of the backhand left by the white emperor.

... No dragon could have imagined that the other party would hand over his last hope of recovery to those slave-like humans.

In that era, human beings were too weak, and their bodies were even more fragile. Apart from their strong reproductive capacity, they were useless and could only barely serve as lowly slaves around them.

Like ants on the roadside, few dragons pay attention to them.

Although according to the sporadic records left behind, the White King took most of the human race with him during his rebellion, but no dragon would take slaves seriously.

...Those humans are the last descendants of the White King in the world.

Out of curiosity, he had been silently paying attention to that special group of humans and had not revealed the fact that the descendants of the White King were still alive in the world.

And that group of humans were also extremely cautious and kept a low profile, which was actually passed down slowly over time.

...until the new era comes.

It was another rebellion after the White King's rebellion. It was started by the Dragon Clan's Elders Council together with humans. They first severely injured the black emperor through unknown methods, and then pulled their four kings together to successfully end each other.

Although the black emperor is their "father" and has given them life and rights, in the world of the Dragon Clan, there is no such concept and bond of blood relations.

——He thinks so.

So long before the rebellion started, he secretly killed his brother to complete himself, becoming the first of the four kings to successfully complete his own existence.

Frankly speaking, when the black emperor really died on the frozen mountain, he was still in a daze, unable to accept the facts before him.

Although they suffered heavy losses in that rebellion, the Presbyterian Church was almost completely slaughtered, and their relatives also died in large numbers... but they still achieved this miraculous victory.

...If the black emperor hadn't been seriously injured before, they would never have been able to do this.

But then, the question arises, who among the dragons has the qualifications and ability to cause the other party to suffer such serious injuries?

Carrying serious injuries, the other party caused such heavy casualties to their side. In their heyday, they would not have any chance.

...unparalleled alchemy? Powerful alchemical weapon?

Or...the White King's authority?

Holding back the ambition that emerged in his heart, when the final winners met to share the fruits of victory, he quietly subverted everything.

As the only one among the four kings who has completed his own existence, although he has far more power than his brothers, he still carefully hides himself. Learning from what the white emperor did, he has reached an agreement with mankind. a certain transaction.

After that, the Presbyterian Church, which had suffered a tragic victory, was destroyed silently, and his brothers also fell one after another... On the surface, he was the one who fell first.

Little by little, with the joint efforts of him and humans, the era of dragons was ended and buried in the Nibelungs, and the era and history of humans officially began at that time.

After he completed all this, according to the content of the deal, humans handed over to him the instrument of destiny that had stabbed and seriously injured the black emperor.

——That is a gun that directly anchors fate, and is an absolute sure shot.

It was not an alchemical weapon made by alchemy, but an instrument of destiny that transcended the concept of alchemical weapons. It was made of the purest spiritual elements and came from the hands of the fallen white emperor.

...Using his own life as a sacrifice, the other party left the black emperor with this fatal situation, creating the only opportunity to kill the other party.

He had tried to reproduce the gun, but all had failed. It was not until he used Constantine as bait to seize the so-called supreme alchemy from Norton that he could barely deconstruct this magical gun. , successfully produced a replica of this gun.

...Although compared with the genuine products, the power of those imitations is not even 1% of the original ones, but they are already powerful enough.

The more he learned, the more he coveted the power held by the white emperor, so after making full preparations, he single-handedly manipulated the white emperor's abnormal recovery in order to seize the other party's power.

——So at that time, the "Baqi" incarnated by King Bai was resurrected.

Although in the end, the other party was sealed again by Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi of that era, and even the Amancong Cloud Sword was lost, the white emperor did revive once.

…But unfortunately, there was a problem with that recovery.

The Baqi who revived due to seduction under his control cannot be called the White King at all. The most important spiritual authority of the White Emperor does not lie with him at all.

The plan he had worked so hard for so many years failed, and he had no choice but to take a break, and then he thought about focusing on Norton's alchemy, hoping to achieve his goal through another way.

...But he didn't expect that when he almost gave up any hope, the white emperor would quietly complete his recovery.

Although the other party hid it very well and even deliberately transformed himself into bronze and fire, which almost deceived him when they first met, it was a pity that he finally saw the clues.

Although the Gungnir he threw at that time was only an imitation, the power of destiny attached to it came from the original. There were only two possibilities for avoiding being anchored by that gun.

One is that the identity of the other party is extremely noble, so noble that the power of destiny on the imitation is not worthy of anchoring the other party, and the genuine product must be used.

And one kind...the other party is the maker of the magic gun.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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