The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 284 The Terrifying White Emperor

Odin has held Gungnir for thousands of years, and he knows very well the characteristics of this gun.

Those two may, no matter which one they are, point directly to the essence of the other.

...Extremely noble status?

In the mutilated state of Norton or Jörmungandr, which he has been harvesting for thousands of years, there is no need to use genuine products at all, and the only person qualified for him to use the true form of the divine spear has already been pierced through the heart by the divine spear.

After putting aside these options, who else could be more noble than the four kings besides the white emperor?

As for the latter possibility, let alone that.

The divine spear was originally made by the white emperor himself, so the other party would naturally not put any disadvantageous conditions on the gun. It was natural that the divine spear that was bound to hit was shot away like an ordinary stick in front of the opponent.

It was from that day that he began to pay attention to the other party.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to risk his own exposure and captured Chu Tianjiao again. Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to see the other party's details, but he did not expect that the other party was far more calm than he imagined. .

Not only did he not choose to take action, but he also stayed dormant for several years. If he hadn't seen through the other party's identity at the earliest, he might have been confused by the other party's time in those years.

The plank road is built openly and the warehouse is secretly built.

On the surface, the other party acted heartless and showed no concern for everything, but secretly, the other party not only succeeded in bringing Jörmungandr to his side, but also established a connection with humans again.

Needless to say, the Snake Qiba family, who are the blood descendants of the other party, have even reached a good cooperative relationship with Angers. He has seen the alchemy creation called Guiyu, even though Flamel Fe He tried his best to disguise the outside, but even in front of him, a master of alchemy, he couldn't hide the fact that it was essentially an ordinary flashlight.

The spirit interferes with reality and adds new attributes to things. This is indeed the fifth element in his understanding, the legendary spiritual authority.

The nature of things determines the upper limit of manufactured items. The reason why the divine gun Gangnir was able to severely injure the black emperor was because the gun itself was forged by the white emperor using his own bones.

——At the cost of his own life, the other party created this sure-hit weapon for the black emperor! !

After discovering this through Norton's alchemy, even Odin himself couldn't help but feel a slight tremor in his heart.

He had always been curious about the gun Gungnir's material, but only after he found out more about it did he realize how terrifying the white emperor was, and for the first time he felt respect in his heart. .

...But while respect arose in his heart, he also felt a little more urgent.

Just as the black emperor will eventually return to rule the world, so will the white emperor. How should he deal with himself when the other party recovers?

From the moment she returned to the Jakikihachi family, the other party had actually started planning the layout. Uesugi Koshi, Minamoto Kasaki, Minamoto Shōna... and Uesugi Eri, these people were all on her chessboard. a chess piece.

After resurrecting from a long slumber, the other party was not only satisfied with killing the Black King again, but also seemed to want to control the entire world, as evidenced by the fact that he took Jormungandr and Constantine into his possession first.

If that was all, that existence seemed to be standing behind the other party, which made him feel extremely troubled.

He was certain that the other party was not complete now. After all, the most important dragon bone cross, Gangnir, was still in his hands and was being nailed into someone's heart... This was part of the right to belong.

As for the part of the opponent's strength, it is still on the sacred remains of the Divine Burial Hall on the other side of the Japan Trench.

If these two things cannot be completed, the other party will always be incomplete. Otherwise, there is no need for the other party to play house games with those humans.

Although their family seemed happy and happy, he knew the coldness of the white emperor better than anyone else. The reason for taking back Uesugi Eriki was not because of family ties, but because the other party chose Eriki from the very beginning. Became the carrier of the holy remains.

As the key to regaining his past power, the other party naturally wants to hold it firmly in his hands. In essence, the other party's thoughts are the same as his.

——The white emperor is such a cold existence.

If you think about it for a moment, you will know that a being who can use his own life to set up fatal murders, how could he indulge in those ridiculous family ties?

...and this is his chance.

There is no problem in terms of power, but what he wants to seize now is the aspect of strength.

Under the premise that the nails he planted in the Sheqiba family were almost pulled out by the other party, he had to try to find a new breakthrough, and Yuan Zhisheng was a good target.

Originally, in his original plan, he was planning to control Eriki Uesugi, but unfortunately the opponent's body was too seriously eroded by the dragon's blood. Even if the personality of the "player" had been successfully independent, it had already become a An abandoned piece.

In this case, he can only choose one of the two.

Compared with Eri, both Minamoto Shosei and Minamoto Sashimi are very good control targets. The royal blood in their bodies is very stable. They may be a little unqualified as carriers, but as weapons, they are absolutely useful.

...just like Chu Tianjiao.

Among the puppets he captured in recent years, Chu Tianjiao is considered the best one. Hybrids with time zero are extremely rare.

But now, he found that the Yuan Zhisheng in front of him seemed to be not bad either.

"……I do not know what you're talking about."

After a long silence, he looked up at the "ghost" in front of him, Yuan Zhisheng's tone was terrifyingly cold.

"No matter who you are, no matter what your purpose is, or what matters you have, you should see the truth in your hands."


After looking him up and down, "Ghost" laughed dumbly.

"For me, you are too weak. When the difference in strength between the two parties is too great, fearless courage seems too ridiculous."

As he spoke, the ghost raised his feet and walked towards him without any scruples. In the process, the flesh and blood of his completely broken right arm actually squirmed. In just a few seconds, Within, a new arm grew out of flesh and blood.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Yuan Zhisheng's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly, and then the next moment, he released the royal power again without hesitation.

——The king's ferocious anger fell from the sky.

pps:Good morning(づ●─●)づ

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