The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 295 Chapter 197 A loving father and a filial son

...Chu Tianjiao's problems were far more serious than Mu Qingzhi imagined.

She originally thought that the other party was just a deadpool because his bloodline exceeded the critical blood limit, but she did not expect that compared to other problems with the other party, this kind of thing was a minor problem.

Compared with Deadpool's body, the damage to the opponent's consciousness is the most serious. I don't know if it was Odin's deliberate manipulation. The opponent's consciousness was completely destroyed, like a torn cloth bag. , I can’t even fight to make a complete one...

And because consciousness is related to the body, the chain reaction produced by the superposition of the two makes the other party's situation worse. If there was not Constantine here, Chu Tianjiao would have been completely cold.

As a last resort, Mu Qingzhi had no choice but to freeze the opponent in ice first, and then make plans.

"From the moment I rescued him, he was already a complete Deadpool. His self-awareness was almost on the verge of dissipating, and he was planning to attack me... As a last resort, I could only freeze him temporarily, and then Waiting for you to come and make a decision."

Mu Qingzhi shook her head as if she remembered something.

"In short, your father..."

" cremated."

Looking silently at the monster frozen in the ice, he clenched his fists unconsciously, digging his nails into his flesh, and Chu Zihang spoke softly.

"I know him. He probably doesn't want to live like this monster. All I can do now is to bring him back to peace."

He knew about the existence of Deadpool, a kind of living dead person. From the moment he saw his father's current face, he already understood what kind of state this man was in now.

——Become a dead waiter, there is no cure.

Just like the technique called [Violent Blood] that he compiled from the ancient books of the Lion Heart Society to refine the bloodline with the spirit, the final destination is the unstoppable degeneration into a monster like Deadpool.

...What can he do in front of his father who has completely turned into a monster?

Perhaps the only thing he could do was to let the other person rest in peace.

"...Is it possible that your father can actually save him a little bit?"

Just as Chu Zihang was immersed in the sad atmosphere, his master's voice sounded faintly beside him.

"Your father is not dead yet, but you can't wait to send him to be cremated. I'm starting to wonder if the real name of [Murasame] you are holding is called [Frostmourne]..."

Looking up at him, the girl looked helpless.

"By the way, you don't think I called you here just to let you see your father for the last time, right? What, do I look like a devil?"

Chu Zihang: "..."

Just as the sun cannot rise from the west, a person who has fallen into the state of Deadpool cannot be brought back again. This is the first common sense that his professors taught him when he came to Kassel to report.

...But now, he found that his common sense seemed to be distorted again.


Looking down at the girl in front of him, Chu Zihang's words were cautious for the first time, and even his voice trembled slightly unconsciously.

"Nonsense, otherwise why do you think I asked you to come here?"

Mu Qingzhi rolled her eyes and looked a little annoyed.

"You have been my apprentice for so many years. Do you still have no confidence in me? You still want to be cremated... It's only because your father is unconscious now, otherwise he might be angry to death."

Chu Zihang: "..."

... My master is good at everything, his only flaw is that he sometimes has a bit of a poisonous mouth.


"To put it simply, two choices."

Looking up at Chu Zihang in front of her, Mu Qingzhi stretched out two fingers in front of her.

"First, continue to freeze your father for half a year to a year, and use a long sleep to warm up his spirit. It will take at least one year and at most two years, and I can make him recover as before."

"One year...what about second?"

After thinking for a while, Chu Zihang asked.

"Second? You have to make a careful choice for the second one."

With a slight shrug, Mu Qingzhi put down her hand.

"These two options are not proposed by me, and they are feasible to some extent. However, this option may sound a little outrageous, so I want to hear your opinion... Let me state in advance that the second option can allow your father to be in three states. He will wake up within a month.”

"What options?"

Glancing at the man frozen in the ice, Chu Zihang's heart moved slightly, and Chu Zihang asked further.

"It's very simple, transform him into a pure-blooded dragon."

Before Mu Qingzhi could reply, a slightly childish voice sounded from the side.

"From a mixed race to a true pure blood, from a human to a dragon, because of his bloodline, after he hatches the dragon body and completely transforms, his strength will reach at least the third generation level."

Approaching from the corner, Constantine looked expressionless.

"Although I am very reluctant, for her sake, I can reluctantly accept him as my dependent. This is a supreme honor."

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

If it was possible for Chu Zihang to choose the second option before, then with Constantine's sudden appearance, she knew that the second option was absolutely useless.

...She seriously doubted that this naughty kid did it on purpose.

Sure enough, as Constantine finished speaking, he turned to look at the other party, and Chu Zihang's expression quickly turned cold.

"Who are you?"


His eyes glanced at Chu Zihang, he raised his chin slightly, and clasped his hands behind his back like a grown-up, Constantine spoke calmly.

"Mortal, you can call me great..."

——With great accuracy, a bag of potato chips hit him on the head.

"Ignore this guy, I already know your choice."

After waving with a slight headache, Fenrir, who was also looking curiously, dragged Constantine away. Mu Qingzhi turned to look at Chu Zihang next to him.

"The damage to consciousness needs to be repaired through a long sleep. After that, I will transfer your father to a safe place. If you want to see him in the future, you can tell me and I will take you to see him."


After watching the little boy being quite speechless as the cologne happily hooked it up in the air with its claws, he turned to look at his master in front of him. After a long silence, he took a few steps back. Chu Zihang solemnly bent down to the girl in front of him.

"I leave my father's affairs to you, Master."

"It's a small matter. Once you are a teacher, you will always be a father. I am also your master after all, so I naturally have to pay more attention to your affairs."

Waving her hand, Mu Qingzhi looked unconcerned.

Chu Zihang: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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