For Chu Zihang, today is the most magical day he has experienced in the past ten years of his life.

On this day, he not only rediscovered his father, but also met and shook hands with a powerful cologne. It was also on this day that he suddenly realized that his master might not be human. It seems that there is an extra "father" inexplicably...

Looking at his master who was patting his chest in front of him and looking like he would protect you from his adoptive father, Chu Zihang felt inexplicably a little sick in his stomach.

"What are the identities of that little boy and that ancient dragon?"

——On the subway on the way back, Chu Zihang finally couldn't resist his curiosity.

Forget about the cologne, after all, the other party was ridiculously strong at first glance, but in that little boy, he actually felt an extremely dangerous aura that was rare.

"They...all the legendary four kings of the Dragon Clan know about it, right?"

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi raised her head and looked at the other party.

"Well, it's covered in the school curriculum."

Still holding the armrest and standing in the middle of the car, Chu Zihang nodded.

"The first lesson for new students is to introduce the history of the Dragon Clan. Bronze and fire, earth and mountains, sky and wind, ocean and water. The target of our Bronze Project is the suspected resurrected King of Bronze and Fire .”

"Not only that, the four kings are actually twins. On the throne...can you sit down for me?"

In the middle of speaking, she suddenly felt something was wrong. She looked up at Chu Zihang who was looking down at her in front of her, and Mu Qingzhi's face darkened slightly.

"Why, people have to raise their heads when talking to you. Does that make you feel accomplished? Just sit down on the chair opposite me. It's not like there's no place to sit."


Subconsciously he glanced at the short skirt his master was wearing. After a moment of silence, Chu Zihang sat down on the seat opposite him without squinting, his body straight.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...It’s amazing how tall you are, right?

Originally, she wanted to look at the other person levelly, but now it seems that even if the other person sits down, she seems to have to continue to look up at him...

"...The people sitting on the throne are twins, so the King of Bronze and Fire you know is actually two."

After a brief silence, Mu Qingzhi continued to speak.

"Of these twins, one controls power and the other controls strength. Together, they are a complete king."

"Twins... was the Dragon King-level battle that took place in Bronze City a month ago caused by the twins of Bronze and Fire?"

With a slight movement in his heart, Chu Zihang asked.

"Oh, no."


"First of all, you need to understand clearly that the relationship between twins is generally very good. Although it is said that as long as one of them devours the other, it can complete itself and gain greater power, but they are often unwilling to fight to death. Do this."

Mu Qingzhi raised a finger in front of her and shook it.

"Bronze and Fire are a pair of brothers. The elder brother is a cold-faced brother-controller who speaks his mind and is duplicitous, while the younger brother is a sickly brother-controller. They would rather die and resurrect again and again than devour each other."

"In that case, those two just now were..."

Recalling the man and the dragon he just saw, Chu Zihang looked thoughtful.

"Oh, no, you still guessed wrong."

Mu Qingzhi shook her head calmly.

Chu Zihang: "..."

"Didn't you always want to know what Odin is? Now I can tell you clearly, Odin is the dragon king who one of the four kings devoured his own blood relatives to complete his own."

Sitting up straight, Mu Qingzhi's tone rarely became serious.

"Although I have gained the upper hand in several confrontations with him, in fact, the opponent has not suffered much loss at all. The opponent's layout for thousands of years is not something I can shake in just a few years. His strength is beyond imagination, so you’d better put off the idea of ​​seeking revenge against him for the time being.”


After a moment of silence, Chu Zihang responded.

He was so eager to find Odin before, mainly because he wanted to get news about his father from him, but now that the man has been rescued by his master, his desire for revenge is naturally not as strong as before. .

"Okay, then I'll continue."

After staring at Chu Zihang for a while, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"The story I want to tell starts from the time when the Black King fell and the world ushered in a new era thousands of years ago..."

——In the concise language possible, Mu Qingzhi recounted what she had inferred.

Although most of the descriptions are her personal speculations, after Xia Mi and Constantine's corrections, the accuracy is still quite high.

According to records in ancient books, thousands of years ago, the Black Emperor was killed by the four kings and humans. At this point, the history of the Dragon Clan ended, and humans became the masters of the world.

This description is actually very doubtful. She has asked Xia Mi and Constantine about this matter, but because they were massacred too many times, their memories are severely damaged. The only bit of information she can provide is, It was at that time that the black emperor was seriously injured by humans using unknown means.

Because this period of history is full of mystery, Mu Qingzhi did not dwell too much on it when describing these events. Instead, he chose to briefly describe the events and focus on the conspiracy planned by Odin.

The other party single-handedly ended the history of the Dragon Clan, killed the other four kings of the same level as him, buried the history of the Dragon Clan and everything in the Nibelungs, and made the world a stage for humans.

So far, in the thousands of years since then, Odin has become the biggest black thread hidden behind the scenes. The other king has continuously killed other kings and deprived them of their power and authority, just to achieve his own ulterior purpose.

...Like Chu Tianjiao, he is just a more useful chess piece for the other party to implement his own plan.

"The chess piece...what is Odin's purpose?"

Unconsciously, Chu Zihang frowned.

"I don't know, but I think he is coveting the position of the Black King or something, but it may also be for some more ambitious purpose. I can't say for sure."

Shrugging slightly, Mu Qingzhi spread her hands in front of her.

"That guy always appears as a puppet controlled by himself. Who knows where his body is hiding. In fact, his plan is almost completed. According to the current progress, in a few years at most, the Black King will Resurrection and bring closure to this world.”

"...The time we have left is actually quite tight."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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