The so-called [Ice Cave] is actually the warehouse of Kassel College.

As the name suggests, the low temperature is always maintained here. Only dangerous items that are easily out of control are eligible to occupy a place in the ice cellar, such as dragon scales, music boxes with the "Emperor's" words recorded on them, alchemy equipment, captured living dragons... …and the equipment department.

The further down the ice cave, the higher the level of the collection.

At the same time, the deepest level of the ice cave, also known as the "Well of Oblivion," means that all secrets thrown into this well will be completely annihilated and disappear from this world forever.

As the absolute core of the ice cave, this place should have been the most heavily defended place. In Passi's vision, it should have had a complete electronic monitoring system, temperature-sensing infrared rays as dense as thorns, electrified floors, tear gas, and equipment. Special equipment produced by the Department...but there is nothing here.

It was as quiet as an ancient cave. Paxita leaned on the wall and listened, only hearing the ubiquitous sound of water.

After a moment of pondering, Patsy took out two prepared fluorescent sticks from his pocket. After twisting them a few times, bright yellow fluorescence overflowed from his fingers.

With a gentle breath in his mouth, Patsy raised the light stick in his hand above his head, and then looked around.

And after he saw the whole scene around him clearly, even if he had made corresponding psychological preparations in advance, he couldn't help but stay there at this moment.

Under the light from the fluorescent sticks, intertwined lines extended in all directions from his feet. Those lines were deep grooves etched on the hard bronze ground. Green water flowed in the grooves. These gentle water flows were like a stream of water. A lush vine tree branches, then merges, and finally merges into the silent lake ahead.

If you look down from a high place at this moment, you will see that he is standing at the heel of the vine tree. Endless symbols are hidden in the entangled branches of the vine tree, and finally form a perfect circular totem, surrounding the small lake.

——The entire "Well of Oblivion" covers an area equivalent to that of the entire Kassel College! ! !

Here, looking up to the top, in a space made of metal as the ground, time seems to be frozen, the air is condensed, all gods, ghosts and monsters are isolated by some powerful force, and all intrusions are rejected.

This is a "field", but it is not a field caused by humans or dragons. The word spirits that trigger this field are the branches of those vine trees. The symbols on the entire ground form an unprecedented formation of word spirits.

There is no doubt that this is a miracle of alchemy, using symbols and elements to create a realm that is almost beyond life and beyond the prerogatives of gods in all religious codes! !

"Nightwatchman, Nicholas Flamel..."

Looking at the scene around him, Patsy made a sound like he was talking in his sleep.

In the world of mixed breeds, Nicholas Flamel's name is as loud as Angers. Even if the other person has retired for decades, he is still a legend in the history of mixed breeds.

He has never been able to figure out why this famous night watchman stayed in Kassel for decades, but now looking at the miraculous alchemical matrix in front of him, he seems to understand a little bit. What has the other party been doing in the past ten years?

After a brief shock, Patsy quickly collected his emotions, straightened his collar slightly, took out a camera from his pocket, and walked forward slowly along those lines.

Where the lines are tangled, there are altar-like platforms made of different materials. Dragon texts surround these platforms. These words with mysterious power combine different elements to form small areas.

In the culture of some countries, these are called "formations", "seals" or "enchantments", but no matter what the name is, it is a strange circle containing strange power, suppressing the restlessness within it. strength.

On these platforms, various collections are displayed, including crystals of different colors, unknown mechanical equipment or weapon fragments, and even half mummies soaked in formalin solution.

The strange powers in them were suppressed by these altars, so the entire Well of Oblivion became as quiet as ethereal.

Very conscientiously, starting from where he came in, Patsy took photos of these collections one by one. This time he came here with Andrew, his purpose was not just to take away the Kunlun Mirror, but also on his shoulder. Responsible for several important tasks.

A few years ago...or even earlier, the Gattuso family discovered something strange about Angers.

At a certain time every year, a large amount of extra money will be spent from the other party's account and I don't know where it goes. Although the other party explains that it is money to buy special alchemy items, some of the other party's abnormal behaviors do not make sense at all. .

...Typical, such as the several disappearances that occurred at the special sanatorium built secretly by the secret party.

Those sanatoriums were built secretly by the Secret Party, and were uniformly placed on isolated islands or other secret places. Some of the big shots in the past lived in them, but because they broke through the critical blood line, each of them changed. If you don't win people, you won't win ghosts.

Originally, these people who degenerated into Deadpool should be killed immediately, but because their past achievements were too dazzling, they were placed in these nursing homes under consideration.

Of course, in addition to those who broke through the critical blood line and became Deadpool, there are also some people who have been corroded by dragon blood. Unlike Deadpool, they still retain their own sanity, but they are corrupted by dragon blood. The bodies corroded by blood still put them in a state of extreme pain at all times.

——Of the two types of people, the latter will account for the majority.

Except for Angers who visits his old friends who live there at fixed times every year, no one else cares about these special sanatoriums. Even these sanatoriums were only invested in by Angers at his insistence. built.

Nothing happened to these nursing homes for decades, but about eight or nine years ago, shortly after Angers' visit, two people disappeared in the nursing homes.

With Ange's temperament, after his old friend disappeared, he should have made it public with great fanfare, just like when the other party wanted to build these special nursing homes. But the strange thing is that this time the other party uncharacteristically took responsibility for the disappearance. The case was concealed.

——Maintaining an average rate of two people disappearing in the nursing home every year. Angers kept this kind of thing a secret for nine years.

It wasn't until recently that a member of the Gattuso family suddenly wanted to look up the affairs of these special nursing homes, and then they discovered the clues.

The main purpose of his coming to Kassel this time was to explore what was hidden behind Angers. Like Andrew, he was just a chess piece they put on the surface to attract firepower.

...With calculated calculations and no intention, his exploration plan was quite successful.

Under the premise that they control Noma's highest authority, throughout Cassel College, he comes and goes like no one else, and no one can trace his whereabouts.

...Although it’s a little embarrassing to bravely go through other girls’ dormitories.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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