It has to be said that as Kassel’s hidden core warehouse, the collections here are unimaginably rich.

There were a lot of things that Patsy had never even heard of.

What he can do now is to take photos of these things one by one as evidence, and then hand them over to the people above to deal with them. While Patsy was recording them in order, an inconspicuous-looking altar in the corner attracted the attention of got his attention.

——Unlike other messy collections, there is an ordinary flashlight placed on this seal altar.


Looking at the altar in front of him, Patsy frowned slightly.

He didn't know what was going on, but the more he looked at this thing, the more he felt that it was exactly the same as the legendary alchemy creation [Kuaiyi] they spent a lot of money to buy... At most, [Kuaiyi] had an extra skin.

But what really aroused doubts in his mind was the Nanfu battery placed next to the flashlight. He had used [Kuo Suspicion] before, so he naturally knew what the necessary energy source was for that alchemical creation. There is nothing else besides that thing that Angers and the others specially placed in the [Well of Oblivion].

...but why is it like this?

After a brief struggle, Passi tried to open the seal on the altar. If conditions allowed, he would like to take this thing directly back to Gattuso.

But after trying it for a while, Percy finally reluctantly gave up the idea. This is a huge alchemical matrix. If you don't have the corresponding authority, you want to open the altar unless you destroy the entire alchemical matrix from an external force.

——With his current ability, he is far from being able to do this.

So in the end, Patsy had no choice but to take a few more photos around the altar, recording the entire picture of the flashlight from all angles, and then went to other altars with some regret.

Originally, according to Patsy's idea, he planned to record each collection carefully, but just as he was leaving for the next altar, a message suddenly came to his earphones.

"...Isn't there enough time?"

Listening to the message coming from the earphones, Patsy couldn't help but frown.

The school directors all have the highest authority to directly log in to Norma. Under the powerful operation of Norma, the entire Kassel College is under their surveillance. Originally, he had one night to explore slowly, but now According to the information, due to unknown reasons, Angers will arrive at the Ice Cave in thirty minutes, and will arrive at the Well of Oblivion in forty-five minutes at the earliest.

Excluding the cost of retreat, there is not much time left for him now.

After a brief pause, Patsy walked quickly toward the center of the Well of Oblivion, ignoring the surrounding altars.

...Time was running out, so he could only temporarily discard some less important information.

The area of ​​the Well of Oblivion was surprisingly large. As Patsy quickly moved towards the center, his eyes quickly passed over the surrounding altars.

Because the changes in Angers occurred about nine years ago, he had glanced at some ancient things such as mummies or chainmails. Now he was focusing on searching for some relatively new things.

...For example, a certain red and white Poké Ball.

He has played the Pokémon series of games, and he is naturally familiar with things like Poke Balls. Although he is curious about why there is a Poke Ball here, this thing obviously has nothing to do with the changes in the sanatorium and Angers, so he After taking a few photos at the far end, they quickly approached the center again.

Finally, in an area very close to the central area, he found what he was looking for.

——On this altar, two transparent needles are stored.

The needle tubes are not big, just like ordinary syringes. They float quietly in mid-air on the altar. The golden liquid stored in the needle tubes emits a faint golden light in the darkness.

"...This should be it."

Looking at the altar in front of him, he stopped and breathed out softly in his mouth.

He had a hunch that the secret that Angers tried so hard to hide was definitely related to these two syringes. At the same time, the truth about the inexplicable disappearance of the people in the sanatorium every year was definitely hidden in these syringes.

After quickly taking a dozen photos of the two needles on the altar in front of him, he carefully put away the camera, and with the help of Noma's authority, Passi remotely contacted the head of the family in Italy.

Originally, he had planned to retreat before, but now that he had found the definite evidence, he no longer had to conceal his identity.

——Everything in this school belongs to the school board. He himself is authorized by the school board to supervise and manage school assets, so naturally he doesn't need to be sneaky.

The school board has been dissatisfied with Angers for a long time, but because it can't find anyone who can replace him, it has tolerated him until now.

But at the moment, it is rare to catch Angers, so naturally they have to strike while the iron is hot. Angers must give an explanation for what happened in the special sanatorium.

...Even in the worst case scenario, they must ask Angers to hand over these two syringes.

But what Patsy didn't expect was that just when he was about to report what happened here truthfully, the communication in his ear was suddenly and silently cut off.

Before he could react to this unexpected incident, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. However, due to his special situation, the pain that could make ordinary people faint did not knock him down.

Holding back the severe pain from the back of his head, he lunged forward to distance himself. Patsy, who had already guessed something in his mind, suddenly opened his voice.

His speaking spirit is the "Pure Land", and anything that is not allowed by him within the domain will be rejected. In other words, a person with this speaking spirit can even be at the site of a nuclear explosion without suffer any injury.

But what he didn't expect was that even if he reacted in time and opened his domain immediately, a black shadow still forcibly broke into his domain, and then the next moment, another heavy blow came from It came from the back of my head.

Different from the last heavy blow, although the intensity of this heavy blow is much lighter than the last time, it still seems to contain some weird power.

After taking this blow, he suddenly felt a sense of extreme sleepiness, as if he hadn't slept for several days and nights, and a sea of ​​sleep flooded him like a tide.

If it was just for a moment, he could still bear it with his strong willpower, but the problem was...that person didn't have martial ethics.

After the first blow, there were several more bang-bang-bang combos. Under the superposition of multiple sleepiness, he finally couldn't hold on any longer and made a gorgeous announcement to throw himself on the street.

Before falling asleep, he vaguely saw the thing that sneaked up on him.

——That's a pink tile.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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