Well of Oblivion.

"...That's it."

Looking at a girl in front of him who still had the perseverance to squat down and smash bricks on someone's head after someone fell, after a brief silence, he considered what would happen if Patsy was really beaten to death by a brick here. It was a bit troublesome, and Ange couldn't bear it and stopped the other party from whipping the corpse.

"I think he has no ability to resist now, what do you think?"

Although it is true that the school board has the highest authority over Norma, Cassel also has a trump card named Eva.

When Patsy sneaked into the Well of Oblivion, Eva warned them and reported Patsy's actions in real time. Passina thought that his infiltration was seamless and perfect, but in fact, under the vice-principal's supervision, The whole process was broadcast live.

In order to avoid long nights and nightmares, Angers rushed to the ice cave. It would be okay if other collections were leaked, but those tubes of potions were a Pandora's box that could never be made public.

...With human greed, once that kind of thing is announced, it may even directly trigger a war against the secret party! !

Going down from the ground to the ice cave, and then down to the Well of Oblivion is a very complicated process. Percy's time estimate is actually not wrong. He still has at least 15 minutes of safety time.

——But the problem is, he missed one person.

Anyway, they had nothing to do. After learning about this kind of thing from the vice-principal, Mu Qingzhi volunteered to use any door with Ange to come here... Who told Patsy to damage her room? Door?

Normally, she would really not want to participate in this kind of thing...

And what happens after that is very simple.

After using the arbitrary door to reach the Well of Oblivion in one second, Angers directly opened Time Zero in order not to leave evidence for Patsy.

In the realm of time zero, the whole world seemed to have slowed down dozens of times. No one could keep up with this speed, not even Patsy, which was why he was hit so hard so easily.

But even Ange didn't expect that the opponent's blood would be so excellent. The first blow he made with the folding knife was enough to knock an A-level hybrid into a coma, but when placed on the opponent's body, But it seemed that nothing happened at all, and instead the other party took the opportunity to activate the spirit of speech.

[Dustless Land] is extremely functional, even he cannot enter the other party's domain when this domain is opened.

Originally, he planned to delay it slowly, but unexpectedly, the girl completely ignored this word spirit... Was it some kind of authority of the Dragon King?

"Why can you enter the other party's field... What, is he very strong in the realm of speech and spirit?"

Looking up at Ange beside him, Mu Qingzhi blinked.

"The dust-free land of word spirits was once considered the strongest defensive word spirit. When this realm of word spirits was opened, nothing could enter the realm without the other party's permission."

Looking at Patsy who was unconscious on the ground, he shook his head slightly, and Angers leaned over and picked up the camera from the ground.

"Theoretically, as long as the user is strong enough, he can even stand in the center of the nuclear bomb explosion without being injured at all."

"Is that so... It should be because of my knife."

With a slight shrug, Mu Qingzhi picked up the Zhidianzhe in her hand and showed it to Ange.

"One of the characteristics of this knife is to break demons. It happens to be the nemesis of this kind of defensive barrier. In front of this knife, [Dustless Land] is probably no different from paper."

"Kill demon……"

Looking at the Odachi sword in the girl's hand, Ange couldn't help being slightly stunned.

——He just asked casually, but to his surprise, the other party actually gave an answer.

"Then that brick...?"

"This? This is for treating insomnia."

While putting Zhi Dian Zhana back into the night hat, Mu Qingzhi casually threw the pink brick in her hand over.

"I used to have trouble sleeping at night, so I made this sleep-aid brick. No matter how severe your insomnia symptoms are, as long as you are patted by this brick, you can sleep well and have sweet dreams. , it can be regarded as a daily household prop, and it doesn’t hurt to take pictures.”

"Sleep aid brick...wait, let's put it this way..."

After being stunned for a moment, Angers lowered his head and looked at Patsy on the ground.

Just now, he thought that the other party was knocked unconscious with a brick, but now it seems that the other party is...

"Well, he's asleep now."

Looking at Patsy on the ground, Mu Qingzhi nodded with some emotion.

"It seems like he will have a sweet dream...I am indeed too kind."


Looking at the pink brick in his hand, Ange was speechless.


The Well of Oblivion was not a good place for chatting. After carefully searching Patsy's body to make sure nothing was missing, Ange was just about to ask Mu Qingzhi to take him back to the bell tower when his eyes twitched. At some point, the other party had already taken out a sack from his pocket...

"Go directly to the clock tower? Then you have to change the location again. This is very troublesome. I don't have the strength to open the door."

While stuffing Patsy into the sack with skillful and quick movements, Mu Qingzhi rolled her eyes.

"Our current course of action is to go back to the principal's office first, and then take the right way back to the bell tower. Carrying him directly will attract attention, so we might as well add a sack."

Angers: "..."

…Is it possible that adding a sack would make it more noticeable?

"Why, can't we go directly to the bell tower?"

Turning his head, Ange looked at the crimson door standing on the ground over there.

——He not only completed [Shagugan no Shana], but he also completed the entire series of [Doraemon].

"Every time the door opens and closes, it takes half of the physical strength and energy of the person opening the door. I opened the door just now, do you think I still have the strength to open and close the door again now?"

Walking in front, Mu Qingzhi curled her lips.

"Let's go, it's just a few more steps. Principal, you must be strong, so please take care of me a little more."

...Now that things have happened, she is not afraid of exposing the existence of [Any Door] to Ange. After all, strictly speaking, the other party is now in the same boat as her.


Sighing, Ange leaned over and picked up the sack on the ground.

"Also, I admit, what I said before is indeed a bit exaggerated. The ice cave is indeed not safe."

... He himself never thought that the slap in the face would come so quickly.

Just as he said that the [Ice Cave] is the safest place in the world, an expatriate secretary swaggered into the most important place in the [Ice Cave]...

For a moment, Ange felt a stomachache.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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