The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 325 They rushed over shouting about bonds, love, etc.

In the Bronze City, everything is collapsing.

After the city's self-destruction system was activated, millions of tons of water were flowing downward from different entrances, and then pouring down. The power of the water flow pushed the city forward, but this operation seemed to be destroying itself.

This huge and sophisticated city seems to be alive, and at this moment it makes a death cry.

There are countless channels under the water, just like a chemical factory in the industrial era. There are strange valves opening and closing, and pipes are twisted and disconnected, leading the water flow to completely different places. Huge water wheels are pushed by the water flow at high speeds. Turning, they had to work hard to control their bodies in order not to be caught by this rapid current.

In Lu Mingfei's words, it was as if they were in a huge toilet... And as soon as he finished saying this, Nono gave him a sharp look.

Although it was difficult to go down, their control over their bodies had reached a new level in the previous three months of training, so no one fell behind, and everyone went straight down quickly and accurately.

Originally, this was an extremely dangerous thing, because the road mechanisms in the Bronze City were constantly changing and heading towards self-destruction. They did not have such high computing power to calculate the correct road, but with the premise of a traffic circle, everything became apparent. It's very simple.

It only took them less than ten minutes to successfully reach the bottom of the Bronze City without any hindrance. On the bronze wall directly below them, a ferocious face loomed.

Originally, Chu Zihang wanted to hesitate before stopping and waiting for someone, but after Lu Mingfei mouthed the words "any door" to him, he no longer insisted.

...Thanks to the state that Mu Qingzhi had replenished for them before, even though the statute of limitations had expired, they were still able to come and go freely under the water.

After breaking away from the Bronze City at the bottom, they quickly snorkeled upwards. Not far after they emerged from the Bronze City, the sound of rock cracking came from behind.

Nuonuo turned her head subconsciously and saw that the bronze palace embedded in the rock was tilting. The stones that originally fixed it fell into the cracks caused by the earthquake. More and more gravel fell until the lovely Cracks for sneaking in are clogged.

——The Bronze City, which was exposed to the world due to the earthquake, was buried underground again.

"Wait, Zhi, she hasn't..."

"Don't worry, she should have gone out by now."

His tone rarely became relaxed, and Lu Mingfei smiled and spoke.

"Maybe by the time we get to the boat, she will be sitting in the cabin wrapped in a blanket waiting for us to come back..."

The next moment, an extremely violent sound interrupted his words.

The voice sounded like a roar in rage, but it also seemed like a meaningless shout. It came straight from under the water, causing the surrounding water to start churning.

When Lu Mingfei lowered his head blankly, he saw a blurry black figure tumbling about dozens of meters below them.

Because of the stirring of the black shadow, the ground and dust at the bottom of the river were turned up over a large area, causing the water to be filled with sand and mud, making the bottom of the water turbid.

Faintly, in the turbid water, Lu Mingfei saw a crimson figure blocking the huge black figure, swiping his knife again and again to repel the black figure downwards.

"It's Dragon King Norton, he really came out..."

Looking blankly at the situation below, Nono seemed a little distracted for a moment.

"Let's go up."

After a brief daze, he suddenly turned around and swam towards the water. Chu Zihang's voice was terrifyingly cold.

"If you can't help, it's best not to stay here and hold you back."

Although he had the effect of adapting to the light, he couldn't exert half of his strength underwater, and he couldn't even use his speech spirit, let alone step forward to help.

——Facing a behemoth that is beyond human imagination, the only thing that can fight against the opponent is the crystallization of human technology! !


"Huh... not bad, it seems that Chu Zihang is quite reliable."

With the corner of her eye, Mu Qingzhi breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Chu Zihang and the others were already struggling to swim towards the surface of the water.

Twenty minutes ago, she successfully started the self-destruction process of Bronze City through Constantine's guidance. At the same time, because of this great change, Norton was forced to break out of his cocoon.

Mu Qingzhi originally planned this. Since the other party was forcibly interrupted from the cracking process, it meant that the other party's strength must have been affected. With his own strength and the excellent hostage of Constantine, he might be able to Keep the situation under control.

But what she didn't expect, and she didn't know if it was Odin's secret manipulation, was that Norton came out of the cocoon completely like a madman. As soon as he came out, he went crazy and wantonly destroyed the surroundings, and even wanted to forcefully release the speech spirit regardless of the situation. [Zhulong], shocked her.

The Yanling [Zhulong] claims to be able to boil the Yangtze River. The previous changes in the Yangtze River only occurred in the Kuimen area. Once the Zhulong is released, the terrifying power will definitely completely destroy and permanently change the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. of landforms.

Even if she could survive, at least half of the people on the Monyach would probably be missing... Norton, this madman, spent his life to release the Word Spirit [Candle Dragon]! !

As a last resort, she was forced to appear early. While attracting the opponent's attention to make him give up releasing the word spirit, she also tried to use Constantine to bring back the opponent's sanity.

But she played the emotional card, the coercion card, and even the intimidation card, but Norton had no effect at all except becoming more and more violent.

In the end, Mu Qingzhi even went so far as to make a video call between Constantine, who had just finished bleeding, and his brother, in an attempt to win back Norton's sanity with his relatives' words. Unexpectedly, Norton broke out with her directly...

Constantine's sincere words only succeeded in adding a violent buff to Norton... a thief's trap.

The only thing that made Mu Qingzhi feel a little bit lucky was that the other party seemed to have no sense now and his thoughts were completely confused, so he could be suppressed by her temporarily.

However, judging from the strength of Zhi Dianzhe's upload, the opponent's power is rising sharply at an incredible speed. In a minute at most, the opponent will break through her blockade and rush into the water.

[It’s Norton in the form of a have no chance of winning. 】

——At the right time, the voice of the blue-haired lolita in the system rang in her heart.

[Now you can only deal with a second-generation species, against the King of Bronze and Fire who has turned into a dragon body. It is too difficult for you. Wait until I can connect with the God of the Red World to guide the power. It was pretty much the same after coming here. 】

"You think I want to fight? Who knows what that guy Odin did secretly? Constantine can't even wake him up, it's simply outrageous!!"

While muttering resentfully, Mu Qingzhi struck down again, then took out a bamboo dragonfly without hesitation, put it on her head and flew upward.

"I almost cut off Constantine's head, but this guy is still indifferent... In anime, isn't it usually the bond of family that breaks the enemy's control at this time?"

[Wake up, reality is not anime. Do you really think you would lose in this kind of thing when faced with an old cunt who has lived for who knows how long? Knowing that Constantine was taken away by you, wouldn't the other party prevent this? 】

There was a vague sound of breaking potato chips coming from the system. While eating the potato chips, the system curled its lips.

[In reality, they rush in after shouting about friendship, bonding, the future, etc., and the ending is usually the team being wiped out. You don’t really think these things will be useful, do you? 】

[——This kind of person is more often called a clown. 】

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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