…It’s hard to describe Norton’s current state in words.

When Mu Qingzhi lowered her head to look, she only saw the huge dragon body winding under the water. As the scales opened and closed, bright light emitted from the gaps between the scales. The light was so dazzling, as if it were deep and deep. There was a bright sun in the water.

Not only that, Mu Qingzhi could clearly detect that the temperature of the surrounding water was gradually rising. The heat radiated from Norton's body was rapidly heating the surrounding water. She now seemed to be in scalding boiling water.

"No...is this guy's combat power so terrifying?"

Looking at the apocalyptic scene below, with her body suspended in the water, Mu Qingzhi suddenly felt a toothache.

"In the original plot, Caesar, Akihiro Aki and Mai Shutoku killed each other alone, but judging from the current situation, it feels like as soon as this thing reaches the water, everyone on the water will die."

[Don’t forget, this is the King of Bronze and Fire, one of the four kings of the Dragon Clan, with T0 level combat power under the White King and Black King. This behavior is normal, not to mention that the opponent is still in an abnormal and violent state. . Among the Seven Deadly Sins, Dragon King Norton represents rage. In this state, even if the opponent is not complete now, the strength he can exert is unimaginable. 】

While eating melon seeds, the system started talking, his tone full of the flavor of people passing by eating melon seeds.

[The Dragon King Norton in the original plot did not hatch the dragon body, but chose to fuse with Samson. This also caused the body to have a fatal weakness, and then he was blinded by anger. He attacked the Storm Torpedo head-on and was captured by Lu Mingfei. He took the opportunity to stab him in the waist... But none of the above was actually the cause of the opponent's defeat. The damage caused by the storm torpedo to the opponent was very limited. 】

"...You mean the commandments?"

Looking at Norton below who seemed to be undergoing some kind of transformation, Mu Qingzhi blinked.

"In that case, if I use that blood plug-in to release the commandments, can I seal his speech spirit?"

In fact, aside from other things, the most threatening thing about Norton now is not his huge dragon body. After all, the bigger he is, the easier he becomes a target. The one who can really pose a fatal threat to them is Yanling.

The power of the word spirit comes from the resonance between dragon literature and dragon blood. Generally speaking, a mixed race can only hold one kind of word spirit at most, but for pure-blood dragons, especially the four kings who stand at the top Generally speaking, they don't have such restrictions.

There is no need for a high-level speech spirit like [Zhulong], just one [Junyan] is enough to turn the entire Kuimen into a sea of ​​burning fire. Even if Norton in the original plot was weakened so much, if Lu Mingze hadn't taken action, If the opponent's speech spirit is sealed, the battle will not go so smoothly.

[The commandments can only seal the spirit of people with a lower bloodline than yourself. Your dragon blood plug-in is only S-level, which is enough to seal a next-generation species, let alone a dragon king like Norton. 】

Vaguely, the system seemed to have rolled its eyes.

[Also, in the original plot, Lu Mingfei did not use the commandments, but a kind of authority over the spirit of speech. If you want to achieve that level, wait until your system plug-in integrates the authority of the White King. 】

"Then what should I do? Do you want me to shake people now?"

Pouting her lips, Mu Qingzhi raised her head and glanced above.

At some point, the diving bell on the Monyach had been lowered, and Chu Zihang and the others had successfully entered the bell. At this time, Lu Mingfei was standing at the hatch and waving desperately to her, as if He motioned for her to come up quickly.

"Constantine is now in a human body. He probably can't beat his brother, and the other party will definitely not attack. It is indeed okay for Rafenrir to come over, but with Fenrir, I always feel that he is exploiting child labor..."

[If you dare to pull Constantine over, I can guarantee that he will definitely take advantage of his brother's rage and loss of reason and take the initiative to send him to your door for him to fuse and devour him. 】

Before Mu Qingzhi could finish speaking, the system interrupted her.

[As for Raffenrir coming over... have you ever thought about why Odin put so much effort into doing this? 】

"Hmm...maybe it's because I'm full and have nothing to do?"

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi looked serious.

"That guy has a very bad heart."

[...He is testing your combat prowess. 】

After a brief silence, the system spoke again.

[The other party has been planning for so many years, but just when it was about to reap the rewards, you suddenly appeared and disrupted many of his plans. After several previous confrontations, he naturally had to find an opportunity to find out your details. 】

"What about Lu Mingze? Didn't he appear out of nowhere?"

While swimming upward, Mu Qingzhi started to complain.

"Compared to me, Lu Mingze is obviously a bigger threat, right?"

[So, where do you think Lu Mingze is now? They are in a miserable situation right now. Not only are they suppressed by the seal, but the genuine Kungunir is also inserted into their hearts. Who do you think provided the weapon to suppress them? 】


Mu Qingzhi was slightly stunned.

She had asked the little devil about this kind of thing before, but he always smiled and said nothing, so she thought that he was simply locked up in the shelter alley, but she didn't expect that it would be like this.

Just as she was dazed, the anxious call from above brought her back to reality. With the rapid fluctuations of the water flow, Mu Qingzhi subconsciously lowered her head and looked down.

In the violent fluctuations of the water, the flames below became more and more dazzling. At an extremely terrifying high speed, Dragon King Norton launched a rapid surprise attack on them from the underwater side.

Almost instantly, the other party was in front of her, and the high temperature of the moxibustion forced her to even be unable to open her eyes for a while.

"Damn, it's endless..."

While wielding the knife to block a bone spur that was heading towards him, Mu Qingzhi made a decision in the shortest possible time after looking up at the diving bell that was about ten meters away from him. .

Scarlet wings sprouted from her back, and flowing flames surrounded her. Holding Zhidianzhana in one hand, Mu Qingzhi slammed straight into the giant dragon below, which was at least dozens of meters long.

——At this moment, the three people in the diving bell seemed to see a bolide falling from the sky.

There was no earth-shattering collision scene, only the roar of pain coming from the dragon's mouth. The gorgeous and bright flames covered their eyes, and they only noticed the increasingly hot water temperature around them.

When they came to their senses a moment later, the dragon had been led by the girl and sank to the bottom of the water again, while the diving bell they were riding on was quickly diving upwards.

Half a minute later, they were back on the water.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Happy Lantern Festival everyone (づ●─●)づ

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