"Although Fenrir and I also had the power to go violent in the past because of the design of some damn bastard who killed a thousand swords, the specific situation is different from Norton's at this time."

Raising his head, Xia Mi looked towards Norton.

"Rage of power just means that you can't control your own power, but your reason is still clear. Looking at Norton's situation, his reason is probably also in chaos."


"So if his body really collapses and turns into a candle dragon, then this will be the most gorgeous [candle dragon] in history."

Turning to look at Mu Qingzhi, Xia Mi spoke every word.

"Because he lost his mind just after he was hatched, the other party will not be reborn into a cocoon. At the cost of his life, the other party will release the most terrifying world-destroying word spirit in history."

"So, is there a solution?"

Slightly flicking her wrist and looking at Norton over there, Mu Qingzhi frowned slightly.

As time went by, the waves of flames released by the other party became stronger and stronger. The blow she had just blocked had already made her hands numb, and the originally healed wounds collapsed again... It was also because she had enough supplies. .

"If there was a way, do you think Fenrir and I would rather self-destruct again and again? The process of body collapse is almost irreversible, unless you can regain control of your power before everything reaches the critical point."

Xia Mi sighed.

"In this case, it's useless even if you call Fenrir over. Instead, it will only speed up the opponent's slide into the abyss. That bastard Odin, this is a huge problem for you."

"...Can you stop the other party's self-destruction process for a little bit?"

After a moment of pondering, Mu Qingzhi asked.

"If you can do that, I might be able to do something about it."

"If it's just a little bit of a hindrance... it should be okay."

After thinking for a moment, Xia Mi nodded.

"I hold the power, and Fenrir holds the power. The power I hold allows me to find the "eyes" of everything. As long as I give a heavy blow from the weakest place and pour power into it, I can destroy it instantly. Everything in the world. As long as I can get close, I can find the "eye" on the other person's body...but only if I can get close."

When he said this, Xia Mi looked up at her curiously.

"Then, what are you going to do? Your power probably hasn't been recovered yet."

"What power has not been recovered... No, you know?"

Looking at Xia Mi in front of her, Mu Qingzhi looked surprised.

"Because I'm missing something very important, my current power is indeed incomplete, but how do you know?"

She had only discussed the plan to connect with the Red World God Alastair and borrow his power from the other party. Even this idea was only decided not long ago. As a result, she had not even outlined the plan. Someone has actually seen through it in advance... This kid is so terrifying, he must not be kept! !

Xia Mi: "......"

... She felt that the other party was insulting her intelligence.

"Forget it, whatever plans you have, just hang on."

After sighing and looking at each other, Xia Mi looked at Norton not far away.

What she just said was not wrong. In this kind of situation, it would be useless for someone with a bad mind like Fenrir to come over. On the contrary, it would be self-defeating... just like the sword light that Chu Zihang and Caesar used before.

——Even after three months of hell-like special training, they are not qualified to play on a battlefield of this level.

Facing the oncoming blazing wind, Xia Mi exhaled slightly in his mouth.

The next moment, as she moved, light blue scales quickly climbed up the corners of her eyes and cheeks. The sharp scales slowly expanded on themselves, and the scales that pierced the skin and spit out her skin tore apart her tight-fitting combat uniform. It was broken into pieces, her clothes were taken away by scales and bone spurs, various dragon-like characteristics appeared on her body, her knees were bent, and her delicate calves should now be called "strong hind limbs."

Her strength is far weaker than Norton, not to mention that the opponent is still in the body of a dragon and she is in the body of a human. If she continues to approach the opponent in the same state as before, she will die miserably, so although she doesn't like her current state, she temporarily For a while, there was no other way.

As for being naked... there are no outsiders here anyway.

"One minute. After one minute, the other party will be temporarily paralyzed. If you want to do anything, it's best to take advantage of that time."

Turning to look at Mu Qingzhi, Xia Mi's golden eyes shone with an unprecedented majesty on his face.

"You were lucky before, but now you are not."

After looking at the other person up and down, Mu Qingzhi looked disgusted.

"Actually, if you want to get close to the other person, I have a better way for you to get close to him. There is no need for you to act cool and transform in front of me. It's better now. I don't see how you can go back later without your clothes."

Xia Mi: "......"

"...Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

——Looking at the innocent-looking girl in front of him, Xia Mi spoke with a faint tone.

"It's still my fault...Have you given me time to speak?"

Mu Qingzhi rolled her eyes.

"Just now I was about to stop you and tell you that I have some useful props for you, but you turned out to be nice and transformed in front of me without saying a word. It's okay if you said you'd transform. You'll look better after all. Really? Not only did she change into such an ugly outfit, but she also ran around naked..."

Xia Mi: "......"

...Rather than Norton, is it better to kill the guy in front of you first?


In fact, Xia Mi can't be called streaking. After all, there are those densely growing scales on his body, and he looks like the style of the demon kings in some Japanese RPG... Unfortunately, he is too ugly. point.

Looking at Xia Mi or Jörmungandr who was running straight towards Norton in the distance, Mu Qingzhi shook her head slightly and took out the Seven Deadly Sins from the Ring.

Then, taking advantage of the time when Xia Mi attracted Norton's attention, Mu Qingzhi quickly took out any door and walked in after temporarily using Zhidianzhe to outline a relatively safe area. .

After a moment, she walked out of the door holding a little boy who was unconscious and covered in dust and footprints.

Fenrir executed her instructions perfectly and successfully beat Constantine to death. When she went to the subway station, Constantine had already passed out in a miserable state.

——When Fenrir said it was a deadly attack, he was absolutely unequivocal.

"Okay, system, call the bloodline plug-in."

After exhaling a little breath, Mu Qingzhi spoke in her heart.

"...If [the commandment] doesn't work, then change it."

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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