I have to say that Odin is indeed a difficult opponent.

Mu Qingzhi was fully prepared when it came to matters like Norton's. Not only did she kidnap Constantine in advance, but she also coerced the emperor and ordered the princes to take away Samson and the Dragon Warrior.

But what she didn't expect was that Odin didn't care about martial arts at all. He used the fetal blood hatched by Norton to create a bunch of weird monsters, and shamelessly made Norton into this kind of moral character. .

Facing a crazy and irrational guy, the back-ups she had prepared before were completely useless. Just as Xia Mi said, Odin had given her a huge problem.

It is said that if Norton doesn't care about it, Norton will die and turn into a dragon bone cross, and Constantine will probably have to change the world, but if he wants to take care of Norton's situation, it just so happens that the other party can take this opportunity to let Norton find out about her. of reality.

In this plan, Odin even took into account Fenrir's additional combat power. Norton's current situation is completely different from Constantine's situation at that time. If Fenrir is really released, not only will it not change In Norton's ending, Fenrir might be seriously injured.

It is precisely because she understands this that Xia Mi chooses to take the initiative. Otherwise, with her salty personality, she would not join the battlefield...

[The bloodline plug-in can be called at any time. Which word spirit do you need? 】

Very cooperatively, the system's voice rang.

[Zhulong, emperor, Guixu, royal domain, Rhine? Or just do a Shiva Karma dance? 】

"No... since when did you have so many types of speech spirits?"

Mu Qingzhi couldn't help but be a little stunned as the long list of narrations from the system sounded like a list of dishes.

"I remember that in the past, Yan Ling seemed to have only one choice..."

[The past was before, and the present is now. Over the years, this system has done something to some extent. 】

It seemed as if a potato chip had been thrown into his mouth, and there was a slight ambiguity in the system's voice.

[The source of the bloodline plug-in is the cologne serum that Su Enxi injected into you. In the following years, with your harvest, I also added some more things to it... Don't forget, Fenrir and Constantine But they are all genuine dragon kings, and it is very simple to use their blood to reversely analyze these spirit spirits. 】

"So I can really use any word spirit now?"

Hearing this, Mu Qingzhi's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly.

"Is there a divine metaphor? It's the one King Bai used before. I think..."

【Oh Nope. 】


[The sample is missing. It will be more or less the same after you get the White King's holy bones. Don't think about it now. 】

Vaguely, the system curled its lips.

[Also, although you can use those ultimate speech spirits such as the Candle Dragon, Shiva Karma Dance and so on, I don’t recommend you to use them, otherwise your body will easily be marked with related marks. You are borrowing the power of the God of the Red World. It is very likely that the other party will notice the abnormality. 】

"Okay, then I'll just stick with [Dream Tapir]."

With some regret, Mu Qingzhi sighed.

...I finally managed to capture Constantine and suppress him as a hostage, but Norton went crazy?

She would never allow her perfect plan to go wrong. In order to enable Constantine to play its original role, she decided to awaken Norton from his chaotic thoughts first.

[No problem, Dream Tapir is ready, please check. 】

Very impressively, the system snapped its fingers.

[Backup hidden energy activated! ! Come on, Golden Iron Beast! ! ! 】

Mu Qingzhi: "..."


At the same time, somewhere inside the seal was blocked.

Looking at the raging sea of ​​fire above, Lu Mingfei hovered in the water in a very tangled posture. His water properties were excellent, and even though the surrounding water was turbulent, he was still able to fix his body well.

A few minutes ago, he reached a deal with a certain little devil, and then quietly entered Fengjue. Under the cover of the little devil, no one noticed his arrival.

Originally, he wanted a handsome hero to fall from the sky to save the beauty and win her heart successfully, but what he didn't expect was that the situation on the court seemed completely different from what he imagined...

"...Is this the critical situation you said?"

Turning his head, Lu Mingfei looked at the little devil next to him with a look that looked like a liar.

Unlike him, who was half-immersed in the scalding water, the other person was sitting on a small boat with an umbrella. He wanted to climb onto the boat, but the other person didn't give him the chance at all.

"What, isn't the situation critical enough?"

Looking back from above and shrugging slightly, the little devil looked at him with a relaxed and innocent look.

"If no one stops Norton from losing control, the opponent will turn into a super-large nuclear bomb and overturn the entire Three Gorges. At least for now, I don't see any way to come back."

"you sure?"

Looking up again at the oversized bright light bulb in the distance, Lu Mingfei looked suspicious.

Because it was too bright there, like a small sun, so even if he tried to open his eyes wide, he could only see some blurry lights and shadows flickering.

Vaguely, he saw a small black shadow approaching the light body, but with the Dragon King's huge body becoming ethereal, that small figure was like a moth flying into a flame, and might be extinguished at any time... That was after the transformation. Xia Mi.

...What the little devil said before is not wrong. Xia Mi seems to be really just a second-generation species, but as a second-generation species, he dares to attack the Dragon King. He should be regarded as the strongest second-generation species, right?

——Vaguely, such a strange idea passed through Lu Mingfei's mind.

And the next second he had this idea in his mind, he suddenly saw the bright light and shadow fluctuate, as if a mirror had been broken, and countless fragments were scattered on the ground.

In that fluctuating tremor, the light and shadow suddenly fell into pieces, and the light level dropped rapidly along with the fragmentation of the light and shadow.

"this is……"

While Lu Mingfei was stunned, Lu Mingze, who had been staring in a certain direction, nodded thoughtfully.

"I see...is it [Dream Tapir]?"

"...Dream tapir? What does it mean?"

Turning his head, Lu Mingfei looked at the other party without knowing why.

"The exclusive word spirit of the White King series has the effect of pulling other people's spirits into dreams. Any harm suffered in dreams will be reflected in reality. She plans to use this method to bring back Norton's meaning."

Looking away, Lu Mingze glanced at him.

"This word spirit is not common. You don't need to know too much about it. You just need to understand its general effect."

"Dream Tapir...wait a minute, is it possible that you just use this speaking ability..."

"you guess."

Turning his head again, Lu Mingze dropped a sentence lightly.

Lu Mingfei: "..."

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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