Lu Mingfei didn't know exactly what Xia Mi, the strongest next-generation species, had done, but he could clearly observe that after Xia Mi's blow, Norton's huge light and shadow suddenly became sluggish.

——Mu Qingzhi accurately grasped the opportunity created by Xia Mi.

"Spiritual mean, her current spirit has entered Norton's spirit?"

Looking at Norton who suddenly stopped over there, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt worried.

"Is she going to be okay? I read it in those novels. Collisions in the spiritual realm like this are the most dangerous. Maybe one..."

"Although it's not complete, she still has the power called [Spirit]. Brother, are you caring about it and causing chaos?"

Interrupting his words, the little devil's words had a vague flavor of speechlessness.

"Instead of worrying about her, brother, you might as well worry about your old friend Lao Tang."

"Old Tang... By the way, the little boy on Zhi's hand is..."


It seemed that he was a little tired of his endless questioning. Before he could finish his words, the other party simply interrupted him.

"As for the box in Zhi's hand, it is the [Seven Deadly Sins] that I mentioned to you before, brother, the sharp weapon forged by Norton himself that can kill other Dragon Kings."

"Wait, if you say that, Zhi is going to..."

After being stunned for a moment, Lu Mingfei looked at the stagnant figure in the air.

Although the distance was a bit far and the water vapor factor made it difficult for him to see clearly, he could clearly feel that the little boy named Constantine who was being held in his hand looked miserable.

"As a hostage, hold Constantine hostage to command Norton."

Lu Mingze looked calm.


"Don't tell me you're not familiar with this brother. It's just a common plot in Japanese movies. For example, you don't want your husband's work to get in trouble, right?"

Turning his head, Lu Mingze glanced at him with disdain.

"Next time you hide study files, remember to hide them deeper. Don't put them in the D drive. It's best to make a virtual folder, or put them in a U disk. Brother, you have collected five T of resources online. For a long time?"

Lu Mingfei: "..."

...How can he explain that he really has never collected this thing?

Although it is true that he does have such a batch of study documents, the problem is that these documents were all shared with him by Lao Tang and Lao Yan... Especially Lao Yan, once he even shared them in the group at once. A whole ton of resources.

Thinking back to the time when the three people in the group had enthusiastically discussed the characters, plots and actions in these movies, he had the urge to crawl into the ground.

Originally, these ridiculous things in the past had been exposed by the two of them tacitly. He had already forgotten that he still had such a batch of learning resources, but he didn't expect that at this time, he would be stunned. Was he lifted up by Lu Mingze... Is this guy a roundworm in his stomach?


"All in all, once she decides to take action, you don't have to worry about your friends. That guy is too soft-hearted and everyone wants to save her."

Without delving too much into the previous incident, Lu Mingze looked away and spoke lightly.

"I have always felt that she was too greedy. She also wanted to save this one, and she also wanted to save that one. She still didn't give up and spent half a year trying to save me, without caring about her own situation. Originally, it was in my original script , Constantine will die, Norton will die, Xia Mi, Fenrir...but she just wants to save these people."

"...Is the crisis over?"

After a long moment of silence, Lu Mingfei suddenly asked.

"If Norton's consciousness successfully awakens, does it mean that this crisis has come to an end? Has it directly reached a happy end?"

"What do you think?"

Turning to look at him, Lu Mingze had an expressionless face.

"Let's not mention Norton's matters for the time being, and even Odin's matters can be put aside for the time being. In a few years at most, the Black King Nidhogg will wake up from his slumber. That is the ultimate in the world. The Black King's Waking up means the end of the world. Why do you think she did so many things before? To achieve the final happy ending, Nidhogg is a hurdle that must be overcome. This hurdle cannot be overcome. In the past, everything was nonsense.”

"There are still a few years left, it should be possible..."

"She paid for the Black King's death last time with her own life, so what about this time? Nidhogg's return must be even more powerful than last time."

Looking up into the sky, Lu Mingze spoke with a faint tone.

"Just because we won last time doesn't mean we can win this time. In front of Nidhogg, even Odin, who has devoured a lot of power, is so powerless, let alone her incompleteness? At that time, What are you going to do? You can obviously be a monster roaring in the world, but you have to restrain your minions and become a waste."

Turning his head, Lu Mingze looked at him deeply.

"So, brother, when will you decide to take back your power and power?"


Looking at the little devil in front of him who was completely different from before, he opened his mouth. Lu Mingfei seemed to want to say something, but in the end, there was only chaos in his mind.

Many illusory images passed through his mind, but in the end, all he could see was blank space.

"Forget it, this transaction is void."

Suddenly, Lu Mingze sighed and turned his head.

"Just like the last time, the situation here no longer requires you to take action. Although I really want to take your life, brother, I personally still stick to professional ethics."


"But don't worry, I won't give up, because as long as she is here, I will always have a chance."

Looking at the girl in the sky who opened her eyes and seemed to be waking up, Lu Mingze shook his head imperceptibly.

"Her current power is not complete, not only in terms of power, but also in terms of strength. When that day comes, I believe, brother, you will take the initiative to summon me."

"Okay? Now that you're done talking, you can leave."

Lu Mingfei's heart skipped a beat for no apparent reason, and he waved his hand at the other party, feeling quite disgusted.

"Also, don't secretly look through my things again, or I'll sue you for violating my privacy."

"No, I have never secretly rummaged through your things, brother."

Turning around, Lu Mingze's figure and the boat beneath him disappeared quietly, leaving only a chuckle in the air.

"I've always been honest and upright."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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