She had no idea that Lu Mingze's planned second transaction was ruined again because of her. When Mu Qingzhi opened her eyes, she felt a severe pain in her head.

Going deep into the spiritual realm of others is a very risky behavior, especially when facing a dragon king with a chaotic spirit. In order to ensure that Norton is 100% awakened, she did not hesitate to take Constantine with her. Going in is a complete tightrope walk.

However, the reason why she dared to do this was naturally due to her own confidence, and the backup she had left was the system.

Although the system usually looks useless, in fact its status is extremely high. Whether it is the fate that cannot be locked by Kungunir, or the power that can control and guide a world's origin demon, it is enough to prove that. The other party's strength.

In fact, relying on her as a carrier, the system did exert its power in Norton's mental space, overwhelming the two kings Norton and Constantine with its own strength, and forcibly surrendered these two people. After being beaten, she sat down to negotiate peace... This was the first time she witnessed the power of the system.

Confrontations in the spiritual world are far more dangerous and elusive than battles in the real world. Mu Qingzhi originally had doubts about the system's sentence of "Leave it to her", but that doubt only came into play after After a few minutes it completely disappeared.

If the wills of Norton and Constantine are like stars, then the system in front of them is the infinity that accommodates everything.

——At the end, she saw a piece of flawless pure white.


He pressed his forehead hard with his hand and looked at Constantine who was slowly waking up in his hand. Before he could open his eyes, Mu Qingzhi threw him aside without hesitation and stood in the air. Any door that remains open.

Norton alone is already difficult to deal with. If Constantine makes a fuss again, she won't have the extra energy to deal with him. It's better to leave it to Fenrir.

——Whether it's crossing a river and tearing down a bridge, or unloading a mill and killing a donkey, she's good at both.

Fenrir's huge dragon body had been waiting at the door since just now. Seeing Constantine being thrown back again, he immediately slapped him to the ground with his claws.

Constantine: "..."

...So he hates this stupid big guy Fenrir.


"...Have you awakened Norton's spirit?"

Just when Mu Qingzhi retracted the Anyimen back to the ring, Xia Mi, who had returned to his original state and came back, emerged with a head from the water.

"It's almost the same. As long as you grasp the opponent's lifeline, it's quite simple to wake the opponent up."

After trying to call the system several times in his mind to no avail, Mu Qingzhi landed on the water from mid-air, and stretched out her hand to press her forehead hard.

"Things here should be over, get ready to wrap things up."

"It's over...are you sure?"

Turning around and looking at the huge figure over there whose light was gradually dimming, Xia Mi had a subtle look on his face.

"Although Norton's consciousness has returned from chaos, the loss of control of his power is irreversible. Logically speaking, there is no... Wait, you won't kill him, right?"

"If I wanted to kill him, I would have killed him long ago, why bother keeping him here until now?"

After rolling her eyes and looking down at Xia Mi, who was naked in the water, Mu Qingzhi took out a set of clothes from the ring and threw it over.

"You change your clothes first, I'll go over and get him."

"...Get people?"

Xia Mi blinked his eyes, and although he didn't understand the meaning of the other party's words, Xia Mi still accepted the suit of clothes honestly.

The two of them were of similar stature, so they wouldn't be in a dilemma of not being able to fit into any clothes. But the moment Xia Mi reached out to take the clothes, the giant dragon over there collapsed.

There was no time to explain anything. After throwing a handful of fairy beans into his mouth, Mu Qingzhi braced himself and spread the wings of flame behind him again.

The hatching of a dragon body is a long process, which not only requires a lot of time, but also requires a lot of material and energy.

Putting aside the issue of time, how could there be such a huge amount of energy to support Norton's hatching of the dragon body in the poor condition of the Bronze City that had been completely looted?

——In this matter, Odin took a trick.

Although the dragon died, its inner core was not dead. After searching for a moment on the rapidly decaying dragon body, Mu Qingzhi successfully found a body completely wrapped in flesh and blood at the heart of the dragon. A scrawny figure.

"This is... wait, not hatching, but fusion?"

After a moment of daze, looking at the unconscious and thin figure at the heart of the dragon, Xia Mi, who had also rushed over, suddenly came to his senses.

As one of the dragon kings, she knows many secrets of the dragon clan.

It takes a lot of time to hatch from a human body to a dragon body, but there is a secret method that can quickly speed up this process in a short period of time, which is to directly merge with a powerful ethnic group to directly occupy the other party's body.

But this method not only sacrifices a powerful ethnic group, but also leaves an obvious physical weakness in oneself. Therefore, this secret method can only be regarded as a desperate method that can only be used as a last resort.

Although the Norton in front of her was also fused with a next-generation species, it was very different from the secret method in her memory. The original fusion site should be in the head, but in the other party's case, the fusion site was replaced by the inner heart. , directly circumventing the biggest weakness of this secret method.

"Nonsense, it must be fusion? Otherwise, in that poor Bronze City, how could there be so much energy for him to hatch a dragon body? There was even Xianxin who hatched so many dragon-blooded creatures..."

"Uh... I mean, the fusion secret method I know is completely different from his, just like..."

"Times have changed. It's been so many years. Odin has developed a more efficient secret method or improved the original fusion, isn't it? It's time for you old guys to explode your gold coins."

Mu Qingzhi curled her lips while using Zhidianzha to peel off Old Tang from the pile of flesh and blood.

"Okay, in Norton's spiritual world, I used Constantine as a pledge and reached a "friendly" deal with him. From now on, Norton belongs to us."


Listening to Mu Qingzhi's words, Xia Mi seemed confused for a moment.

"The literal meaning, slowly understand it yourself... Come on, help me open a door. The location is the Blackstone Mansion."

While saying this, Mu Qingzhi took out any door and stood it next to it.

"I have contacted that side, and there is someone there to handle it. Odin's temptation has ended..."

"The next step is our counterattack."

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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