With the death of the giant dragon, the water surface is gradually becoming calmer, and the surrounding temperature is gradually dropping.

Deeply merging a next-generation species with Norton, the scene created by Odin was indeed generous enough. Looking at the rapidly decaying corpses on the water in front of him, Mu Qingzhi decided to withdraw his previous evaluation of the other party.

"I threw the person over there. There is a very calm-looking butler over there who is in charge of receiving it... So, what are you going to do now?"

Returning from the other side of the door, Xia Mi stood beside Mu Qingzhi.

"That guy Odin has been hiding and can't come out. Even if he comes out, it will be a puppet. How are you going to fight back against him?"

"It's simple, turn light into darkness."

Leaning down, Mu Qingzhi placed her hand on the huge dragon-shaped corpse beneath her.

"Although Norton's situation is much better than yours, he is also the target of Odin's persecution. I sat down with him and talked a lot in his spiritual space before. The battle at Baidi City more than 1,000 years ago was caused by Odin. The devil behind the scenes was that it was also at that time that all of Norton’s proud alchemy skills were taken away..."

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean his situation is better than mine? It's just a matter of taking 50 steps and laughing at a hundred steps. He's not someone who flatters others, right?"

Very dissatisfied, Xia Mi retorted.

"Otherwise? At least I have a Bronze City and two loyal brothers. What do you have over there? A broken subway station? A bunch of weasels?"

Turning around to glance at the guy next to him, Mu Qingzhi looked disgusted.

"Have you seen the seven deadly sins? The shortest one is the whip of lust, which Norton specially prepared for you. You also said that you are not the whip of God."

Xia Mi: "......"

...So this hurdle is destined to be difficult to overcome, right?

"So, what do you want to do now?"

Twitching the corner of his mouth slightly stiffly, Xia Mi decided to change the topic.

"It's just a corpse of a second-generation species. Even if it has been baptized with Norton's blood, it's nothing worth cherishing, right?"

"Do you understand? In fact, Norton understood who his real enemy was earlier than you. A long time ago, he had already realized that there were people hiding behind his back who had been deliberately harvesting kings like them."

Turning her head to look at the corpse beneath her again, Mu Qingzhi spoke calmly.

"But it's a pity that he and Constantine couldn't beat each other together, so all he could do was to take his brother and escape all the way. But even he didn't expect that he had already traveled all the way from that place in Northern Europe He fled to China and kept his name anonymous, but in the end he still couldn't escape Odin's pursuit, so he had no choice but to suffer."

"...Is this what he told you?"

Xia Mi was suddenly stunned for a moment.

"The so-called fate of abandoning one's family is to cross the wilderness, raise the battle flag again, and return to the hometown. Death is not terrible, it is just a long sleep. Before I can swallow this world, it is better to sleep peacefully than to trek alone. We will still wake up Come."

As if he was paraphrasing someone's words, after reading the above paragraph, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"I believe you should feel the same way about this paragraph. Obviously before falling asleep, the world was still ruled by dragons, but after waking up, the previously magnificent dragon civilization disappeared. Human beings became the masters of the world, and the king himself became He abandoned the so-called clan and became the enemy of the whole world..."

"Uh... Actually, Fenrir and I have been dying so much that we have no chance to trek alone..."

Xia Mi reached out and scratched his cheek, Xia Mi looked ashamed.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

"...Before the body collapsed, Norton concentrated part of his strength and authority on this dead dragon body."

After realizing that no matter how much he talked to the shrimp next to him, he was just talking to a cow, Mu Qingzhi decided to give up on his stupid idea of ​​having a heart-to-heart talk with him.

"Relying on my strength and using this huge dragon body as the raw material for refining, I am sure to create a dragon bone cross that can look real."

"Dragon Cross...are you trying to forge proof that Norton is dead?"

After a moment of daze, Xia Mi reacted.

"Yes, this is Norton's determined revenge."

A faint white light emitted from the palm of his hand, covering the huge dragon body beneath him. Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"Although Norton will take some time to recover, after he recovers, he will turn into a cold-faced avenger in the darkness and pierce Odin's heart."

"Can this... dragon bone cross also be forged?"

Looking at the dragon carcass undergoing rapid transformation in the white light beneath him, Xia Mi couldn't help but take a breath.

The dragon bone cross of the Dragon King is the embodiment of pure authority and power. Even if Norton gives up part of his power and authority, it is impossible to achieve the effect of replicating the real thing. However, in the hands of the white emperor, it seems to be omnipotent.

...If she remembers correctly, the other party's current power is not complete at all, right?

"why not?"

Pouting her lips, Mu Qingzhi retracted her hands and stood up.

"In short, remember not to let it slip. From today on, Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, is dead. The dragon bone cross that degenerated after his death is the best proof of his death."

As if he was announcing something, as the last word of Mu Qingzhi's mouth fell, the huge dragon skeleton under them slowly twisted in the dazzling white light, and finally turned into a pair of bronze bones, Just floating on the water.

"Okay...but are you sure about this insurance?"

After waving his hand to pick up the dead bones from the water, Xia Mi looked around at the still mist-steaming surroundings.

"Besides the two of us, there won't be anyone else who breaks into Fengjueli, right?"

"It's impossible. If someone comes in, there's no way I won't be able to sense it."

Without hesitation, Mu Qingzhi refuted the other party's question.

"Unless Odin takes action, it's impossible to hide it from me just by relying on those puppets... Anyway, that's it."

Mu Qingzhi almost said the existence of the system, but stopped in time.

"What if? I mean what if."

——Xia Mi corrected him.

"What if? There is no such thing as a chance."

Mu Qingzhi sneered as she took Zhi Dianzhana back into the night hat.

"If someone really entered Fengjue and watched everything, in order to prevent the secret from being leaked, I would have no choice but to kill and silence them."

Lu Mingfei on the edge of the seal: "..."

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional by a certain little devil, but several of the word spirits and authority solidified in him have not disappeared yet, including Kamaitachi.

Originally, he wanted to join the two people over there, but now it seems that it is better for him to continue to be a little transparent...

"...But this can be considered a good ending, right?"

With half of his body soaked in the water, while waiting for Feng Jue to disappear, Lu Mingfei thought thoughtfully in his heart.

Zhi seems to be fine, and Old Tang is not dead. Isn’t this just...

Suddenly, as if he noticed something, he suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance. Lu Mingfei looked stunned.

In the hazy mist, without any warning, the girl who was standing next to Xia Mi suddenly fell softly behind her.

——The moment the girl fell, the surrounding seal that covered the water area also disappeared in an instant.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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