Chapter 350 Champion Legend'

In Kassel Academy, bounty is a very common game, which is an equal exchange of helping each other.

Nono herself has not posted many bounties on the website, but Caesar, who is wealthy and powerful, posts bounties every day. When the other party was chasing her, there was a special bounty for people to send her postcards from their hometowns all over the country during the holidays. The reward was one for each sender. Taishin version of PSP, she received as many postcards as snowflakes.

But compared with this time's huge bounty of 100 million US dollars, not only Caesar, but all previous bounty lists on the website can only be regarded as trivial.

The content of this sky-high price bounty is actually very simple. The general idea is that as long as you vote for Mu Qingzhi in the final voting stage of Academy Star, you can share the prize of 100 million US dollars with everyone else who voted.

Because it is Kassel's own internal event, even if you include those thousand-year-old divers and department directors in the Night Watch Forum, the total number of voters will not exceed 3,000.

Even in the most extreme case, everyone who votes can get at least a huge sum of more than 30,000 US dollars. This money is basically absolute generous sum.

Nono was sure that if the finals hadn't ended yet and the voting page hadn't been opened yet, someone would have won an overwhelming number of votes.

"...Wait a moment, I'll make a call."

She stretched out her hand and pressed her forehead hard. After saying this to Nono, Mu Qingzhi went to the corner and took out her mobile phone.

A few minutes later, she hung up the phone, dumbfounded.

She originally thought that Yuan Zhisheng was the one who came up with this sky-high price bounty. After all, [Spider Cut] was the other party's ID on the Night Watch forum. But when she called to prepare for an investigation, she realized that she seemed to have blamed the wrong person... …

During this period of time, as the director of the executive bureau, my brother was so busy all day long that he had no time to pay attention to this kind of competition. Therefore, the real manipulator behind the account was actually Eri Yi.

According to what Minamoto said, this account was acquired by Eri Yi as early as last year. She also posted the reward, and the 100 million US dollars spent on the reward was her own New Year's money... She spent all the New Year's money she had earned for several years in one breath.

Even now, Mu Qingzhi no longer cares about money. Money is just a number to her. But when she heard that Eri Yi spent 100 million US dollars without blinking, she couldn't help but feel a twinge in her heart. .

"Why, you asked?"

Looking at Mu Qingzhi who had left and returned, Nono looked curious.

"Ah, almost. My sister did it... Isn't this really called malicious competition?"

Sitting back on the sofa, looking at the rapidly beating posts on the laptop in front of Nono, Mu Qingzhi suddenly felt a little headache.

Although the finals haven't ended yet, with her strong money-making ability, the final champion has been determined in advance... But why does she want this title?

"No, I think I deserve it."

While using the mouse to refresh the posts that popped up in real time, Nono slightly shrugged.

"Actually, even if there is no reward, based on your performance, the vast majority of people will vote for you. Don't put too much psychological pressure."

"What pressure can I have? I just feel sorry for the $100 million."

Mu Qingzhi put her feet on the edge of the sofa in an awkward manner, leaned back and leaned on the armrest of the sofa. Mu Qingzhi rolled her eyes.

She has never been stingy with things like New Year's money. Anyway, she has more money now than she can spend all. Every year she gives New Year's money quite generously, but she never expected that Eriyi would quietly save so much money. There are so many, and I can spend all the New Year's money I've saved over the years in one breath without even blinking... No, the more I think about it, the more distressed I feel.

As if thinking of something, Mu Qingzhi trembled and sat up.

"By the way, do you have any plans for the summer vacation?"

Turning to look at Nono who was sitting on the sofa while browsing posts and eating cake, Mu Qingzhi asked.

"Arrangement? Susie invited me to visit her hometown during the summer vacation. It is said that there is a hot spring resort there...wait, what do you want to do?"

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly realized something was wrong and turned to look at someone next to him. Nono looked wary.

——She has not forgotten how miserable she was during the three months of hell-like special training.

If there was another special training like this during the summer vacation...

Thinking of this, Nono couldn't help but shudder.

"As you wish, but it is simpler and easier than the last special training. It is a short-term intensive training. You can choose whether to come or not."

Mu Qingzhi took out an invitation letter that had been prepared in advance from the ring, and handed it to the other party.

"The specific time is late June. The special training will not be too long. If you want to participate, just open the invitation letter and follow the instructions above."


After a little hesitation, Nono reached out and took the invitation.

Although the process of special training is a bit painful, it is undeniable that the special training also greatly improves the strength. The summer semester of the college starts on July 20th, and it is fully calculated. The length of this special training is the most Just one month more... maybe?

Just as she reached out to take the invitation, cheers came from the front desk.

Mu Qingzhi herself made her final appearance, but because of her chest-breaking tricks and tricks, the final process was delayed for almost half an hour. Now, as the last girl came on stage to perform, the academy The finals of the Stars have come to an end.

Under the premise of a sky-high price of 100 million US dollars, the ownership of the final champion cannot be disputed at all. Almost as soon as the voting interface was opened on the Night Watch forum, someone's vote count increased at an extremely exaggerated speed. Soaring, riding high.

——In his own way, Mu Qingzhi created a legend that may not be broken by anyone for decades to come.

"How's it going? How do you feel? Does it look good?"

With a mean smile on his face, the vice-principal reached out and patted Patsy on the shoulder.

"……very nice."

Very reluctantly, Patsy showed a smile on his face.

"It's convenient to ask, when can we start it here..."

"I knew that the people who came here from the school board would not be wrong!!"

With a fierce slap on the thigh, the vice principal's face was filled with joy.

"Gentlemen think alike. Like you, I think the girls in our school have particularly good figures!!"

Patsy: “…”

No matter how well-mannered he was, looking at the bright smile of the vice-principal in front of him, he couldn't help but feel the urge to curse.

The other party had no intention of lowering his voice. The moment the words fell from his mouth, Patsy could clearly feel that the eyes of the people around him were instantly turned towards him, and the flashlights were flashing wildly. Several dead people Ma Zai held the camera manually and was shooting this way without blinking.

... He could foresee that after today's incident, his reputation would be further reduced.

Also, among the favorites to win the championship, except for the young master’s girlfriend Chen Motong, can anyone really be associated with the term “good figure”?

Suddenly, he began to regret taking this mission.

I thought that without Angers, there would be no threat in Kassel, but now it seems that the vice-principal is the most hidden role in the college...

...This guy is too insidious.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be more updates in the next few days (づ●─●)づ

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