The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 351 “Philosopher’s Stone”

It's midsummer, and the weather has gradually become hotter. The cicadas on the trees outside the window keep calling, as if they never get tired.

"...They are here for Norton's Dragon Bone Cross?"

In a certain attic, Mu Qingzhi's face looked a little subtle as she listened to the vice principal's narration in front of her.

It is night at this time, but the heat in the air has not dropped at all compared to the day. Walking on campus is almost like walking in a steamer. However, in this attic, there is obviously no air conditioning, but the internal environment is Unexpectedly cool.

"Not only that, I think they want to get the secrets behind Angers."

Sitting on the wide sofa, the vice principal shook his head.

"Although they didn't take away any paper image data when they invaded the ice cave last time, the other party still saw some things that shouldn't be seen. In addition, Angers' incident at the sanatorium was shocking. It's normal for those on the board to be skeptical."

——When he said these words, there was an obvious hint of schadenfreude in his words.

After all, the hands-off shopkeeper in Angers was really cool. He went to a summer resort town like Portofino to enjoy himself, and then dumped a lot of mess on him. He had saved up in his heart. The resentment is quite deep.

Just like today, in order to fend off Patsy's investigation team, he had to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman. He is obviously an old man who is almost over 100 years old, but he still has to do such social things...

Just like now, he had just returned from the reception party of the Patsy Investigation Team. His whole body was full of alcohol. He originally wanted to lie in bed and relax for a while, but then he received a visitor notification from Norma. .

In order to meet the white emperor of the game world in front of him, he had to get up and take a shower and pay attention to his clothes.

"Secret... that's right too."

After a moment of pondering, Mu Qingzhi crossed her hands and nodded thoughtfully.

"If the school board discovers that we have falsified the props, it will really be difficult to explain..."


...Is the focus of your observation wrong?

Perhaps it was because he had been sleeping for too long, but the vice-principal discovered that the white emperor in front of him lacked common sense in the mixed-race world.

Not to mention the kind of potion that can change other people's bloodline at will and pull people back from the deadpool state. For example, those "alchemy props" taken out by the other party, are they really things that can be taken out at will?

Before the other party appeared, the war between them and the dragon clan was more inclined to the category of fantasy, but after the other party appeared, the original fantasy instantly turned into magic like Harry Potter.

With his own efforts, the other party forcibly corrected their conception of the ancient dragon society. It can be imagined how prosperous the dragon civilization was during the period when the black and white emperors coexisted.

"...It's okay, don't worry, they want to check the Dragon Bone Cross, just let them check it."

After a moment of pondering, Mu Qingzhi nodded and emphasized a certain sentence again.

"Norton's Dragon Bone Cross is not as important as you think. It can be stolen or lost, but don't take it too seriously. You can think of it as a highly poisonous fishing bait, but if you want this bait to catch a big fish If so, we need to be patient and wait for the opportunity to come.”

In this world, the person who hates Odin the most is Norton.

In order to avenge the other party, Norton is almost willing to do anything. The dragon bone cross that combines part of his authority is a great gift he prepared for Odin.

If Odin is really interested in this dragon bone cross, if Odin really wants to devour this dragon bone cross, as long as the other party has this idea and takes action, then Norton can rely on this mysterious power to Contact to find the other person’s true identity.

——As the embodiment of "wrath", his revenge is never-ending.

It's just that plans are plans, and it's not that simple for Odin to get this Dragon Bone Cross smoothly.

As the ultimate Gou King who has been planning for thousands of years, Odin's caution has reached an incredible level. He obviously has the strongest power in the world, but he is too cautious.

It doesn’t matter that he never shows his true identity to others, but he is also keen on making puppets for himself. Odin’s mythical identity is also a vest he made up for himself, making everything about him impeccable and watertight.

Nearly twenty years have passed since Mu Qingzhi came to this world. Even excluding the development period of the previous ten years, she has been searching for traces of him for nearly ten years.

But in the past ten years, even with the intelligence network of the Snake Qiba Family and the intelligence forces of Lu Mingze and Ange, except for the Holy Palace Medical Association who did not know the truth or the false, they found nothing.

...But if you think about it, it’s actually normal?

After all, the other party has been planning for thousands of years. How can her plans in the past few years be worth what the other party has planned for thousands of years... Even if she has a cheat.

According to Mu Qingzhi's own estimation, even if Norton and her worked together to set up such a trap, with Odin's caution, Odin would not be able to take the bait in a short period of time.

But in things like this, the key is to take a long-term approach to catch the big fish. You can't rush, you can only do it slowly.

"...Okay, I know what to do."

After a moment of pondering, the vice principal nodded.

"Research on the Dragon Bone Cross will officially begin tomorrow. We were originally hesitant about damaging it, but since you said so, it's no problem."

"So, how do you plan to study it?"

Looking at the vice principal in front of her, Mu Qingzhi looked curious.

"It's very simple. Cut off a small section from the dragon bone and use it as raw material, and then use it to refine a new Philosopher's Stone. This will be a great feat again after 600 years!!"

When it came to his own research field, the vice-principal immediately became energetic and beamed with joy.

"As the crystallization of the "fifth element" in alchemy, the Philosopher's Stone is the most sacred thing in alchemy. If we can use the dragon bone cross to refine a new "Philosopher's Stone", then what about Norton's body? There is no doubt about the authenticity of the Dragon Bone Cross!!"

"Is the Philosopher's Stone...precious?"

Looking at the excited vice-principal in front of him, Mu Qingzhi's face looked a little subtle for no reason.

It's not like she has never seen the Philosopher's Stone before. Su Enxi once showed her a bullet polished with the Philosopher's Stone, and then asked her with a serious face if she could make a replica and sell it. The money is ninety-one cents between the two of them.

To be honest, the difficulty of re-engraving the Philosopher's Stone is a little lower than she imagined. She has probably just touched the edge of golden quality. As early as a year or two ago, Su Enxi had already realized the Philosopher's Stone. The stone is free.

If they weren't worried that releasing too many goods at once would cause the price of the Philosopher's Stone to drop, they could easily earn over 100 billion US dollars in revenue just by selling this thing...

"Precious? This is no longer described as precious, it should be called sacred!!"

Standing up from the sofa subconsciously, the vice principal spoke loudly.

"The last alchemist in history to successfully refine the Philosopher's Stone was Nicolas Flamel. At 5 o'clock in the evening on April 25, 1382, for more than 600 years, no one has succeeded again. It is not a method. Lost, but we simply don’t have the raw materials to refine the Philosopher’s Stone. Our existing reserves of Philosopher’s Stone are all obtained from ancient tombs. As an absolutely non-renewable resource, one less thing is used every time. You know, as the crystallization of the fifth element, bullets ground with the Philosopher's Stone are extremely poisonous even to the Dragon King. This is..."

Halfway through his words, the vice-principal suddenly thought of something as he looked at the girl in front of him who was looking at him curiously.

...Is the Philosopher's Stone precious?

Precious, after all, it is the crystallization of the fifth element "spirit". It is an absolute weapon they use to deal with dragons, and it is highly poisonous to any dragon.

But for the white emperor in front of him who controls the "spiritual" power...this thing should be a bad thing, right?

"Yeah, I'm listening, what next?"

After blinking and calculating in her mind how much the batch of Philosopher's Stones stored by Su Enxi could be sold for, Mu Qingzhi began to urge her.

"Are you in short supply of the Philosopher's Stone? If you want to receive the Philosopher's Stone, how much are you willing to pay? How much can you eat at most?":


ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

First update today

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