The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 356 The ferocity in the darkness

Chu Zihang and the others did not spend much effort dealing with this younger brother who seemed to have quite a lot of mental activity.

Without even needing to draw his sword, Chu Zihang directly entered the car from the blind corner behind the car, and then directly grabbed the opponent with his backhand and pinned the opponent to the back seat of the car before the opponent could even react.

But what the two of them didn't expect was that this guy seemed to be very loyal. He was obviously a general in front of him, and the fear of their power appeared in his eyes, but he gritted his teeth and didn't say a word.

" this necessary?"

Looking at Huang Mao in front of him, who although Chu Zihang was tightly tied to the driver's seat with a rope, was still staring at them with a straight face and a heroic and unyielding look, Lu Mingfei was quite dumbfounded.

"Let's be clear, you are the villain, can't you be honest? It's thousands of dollars a month, what do you think you're doing with your life?"

"When you come out to hang out, what matters is the word righteousness. Back then, we had worshiped the Second Master Guan together."

With his head held high and his chest held high, a certain Huangmao looked proud.

"How can I not get my shoes wet when I often walk by the river? Today I admit my defeat, and you guys will be happy. Eighteen years later, I will be a good man again!!"

Lu Mingfei: "..."

...The guy in front of me seems to be a little too into the drama.

"You go dig a hole."

Nodding, Chu Zihang turned to look at Lu Mingfei beside him.

"Over there on the east corner, I remember there were bags of cement."

Huang Mao: “…”

Although he wanted to convince himself that the words spoken by the big boy in front of him were all for threats, the expression on the other person's face made him unsure for a moment.

As long as he hesitated, when he came to his senses, a large pit several meters deep had been dug in front of him, and even the cement on the side had been carefully mixed.

——While busy with these things, the two people were even in the mood to talk in front of him.

“It’s easy to deal with people, but what about the car?”

"Wait until dark and drive forward, then sink into the sea."

"What about the company behind the other party?"

"It's okay. Anyway, we will go abroad in a few days. In a year or two, no one will remember this."

"That's okay...the cement seems to be a bit insufficient."

"Add some lime and then some desiccant so that the corpse will not rot easily when buried underground. This is taught in professional classes."

"Desiccant... I remember there's it in the car. Wait a minute. I'll go get it. You can take care of it first."

After patting his head, Lu Mingfei turned around and walked out.

At the same time, Chu Zihang also cooperated by lifting Huang Mao, who was tightly tied with a rope, and threw it into the pit.

Although the other party is said to be an ordinary person, since he is a hunter and the boss is a mixed race, he cannot deal with it in the same way as ordinary people. He did not lie just now. These methods of extorting confessions were indeed taught in the school's internship course. .

As the president of the Lion Heart Society, although he has not yet graduated, he has actually gone on more than a dozen missions. During the mission process, he had to deal with gangs from various countries. The one that impressed him the most was nothing more than several missions. I took a business trip to Japan a few months ago.

Perhaps because of Minamoto's naivety, Japan, which was like hell to other commissioners in the academy, was quite enthusiastic towards him. He learned a lot from two people there named Yasha and Crow.

But it was a pity that he had just shoveled a shovelful of cement into the pit when the other party had a mental breakdown and was crying with snot and tears... Although there were indeed people who sacrificed their lives for righteousness in ancient times, But obviously, the yellow hair in front of me is not qualified.

"Wash your hands in a golden basin, Tang Wei, entrust..."

After a moment of pondering, without looking at Huang Mao who was knocked unconscious by him, Chu Zihang called Norma again.

"Norma, help me check if there is any information related to the Dragon Clan at the seaside pier in my city today."

...smuggling ship?

Not to mention most of the commissions placed on the hunter website, at least half of them would be related to the Dragon Clan. He didn't believe that Tang Wei led almost all his subordinates to the dock just for a few smuggling ships.

Norma's efficiency is as trustworthy as ever. Only one minute after he sent the question, Norma gave a response.

"According to the information review, a week ago, several smuggling boats were parked at the port. In the week after that, strange things happened frequently at the port. Raymond, Commissioner B007 of the Executive Department, was ordered to set out to investigate one day ago."


"Three hours ago, Commissioner No. B007 completely lost contact. It was initially determined that the contact was lost. The execution department is sending other commissioners there."

"There is no need to send anyone else. Lu Mingfei and I took over this task..."

Turning his head and looking at the yellow hair on the ground, Chu Zihang seemed to suddenly think of something and asked.

"By the way, can you find out the final destination of those smuggling ships?"


After a few seconds, Norma responded.

"The starting point of the smuggling ship was in Mexico, and its final landing place was on the Japanese peninsula."

"What cargo is on board?"

Thinking of his master who had become particularly busy during this period, Chu Zihang couldn't help but frown.

"I don't know, but according to the last message sent by Commissioner B007 before losing contact, the cargo on the ship should be related to hybrids."

After a brief pause, Norma spoke again.

"——Those boats are full of people."


The long cement pier stretches out towards the sea. The sea water is rising at night. The black waves beat on the canine-shaped tidal wall, leaving behind fine white foam. The brightly lit city in the distance can be vaguely seen.

This is a remote coast near Tokyo. Very few people come here late at night, and the pier has been idle for a long time. But for some reason, at this night, there are many people hiding on the edge of the coast.

It's dark and windy tonight, and the tide has become turbulent.

At a certain moment, several flashlight lights suddenly came from the dark sea, shooting aimlessly towards the coast, as if there was some kind of signal alternation. Soon after the lights came from the sea, the coast Several similar lights flashed beside him.

A few minutes later, several cargo ships that received the signal quietly sailed towards the abandoned dock.

But just as these cargo ships docked and anchored at the pier, strong lights from nowhere illuminated the pier brightly. The sound of helicopters rang in the sky, and the sound of airboats also came from the sea. Violent motor.

By the time everyone on board reacted, they had already entered the dragnet specially laid out for them. Under the strong fire suppression and the comparison of the number of people, several boats only lasted less than ten minutes before surrendering.

Although there were a few good ones on the ship, they were so vulnerable in front of the crimson figure walking among the crowd... The opponent didn't even draw his sword.

A few minutes later, standing at the bottom of the cabin, looking at the hell on earth unfolding in front of him, Mu Qingzhi's face looked very ugly.

——What appeared in front of her at this moment were piles of people.

These people were piled up randomly like goods. The environment was so messy and terrible. It seemed that their limbs and limbs had been cut off by someone. Each of them couldn't even get up, so they could only lie down on the dirty floor. In the water flow.

Several long nutrient tubes connect their bodies to each other, providing them with minimal nutrition, which is their only source of life.

Ordinary people cannot bear this kind of torture. People who can survive such brutal torture basically have vitality that is different from ordinary people.

...In other words, the goods piled up here are all hybrids.

If she hadn't intercepted these smuggling ships tonight, these people would have become deadpools in a month or two or more.

——Artificial Deadpool.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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