The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 357 Making a grand appearance

... Mu Qingzhi originally wanted to take it easy during this summer vacation.

But what she didn't expect was that the holiday had just begun, and things happened one after another. The fierce ghosts who had been dormant for a long time suddenly came back in large numbers, and bloodline evolution drugs with extremely side effects were freely abused on the market.

In the past half month since she returned to She Qiba's house, she had hardly had a good rest for a day... It was simply outrageous.

"Miss, the trial didn't produce any results, they just took money to do things."

Just as Mu Qingzhi frowned at the hell on earth in front of him, Crow who came down from the deck stepped forward with a serious face.

"Other ships have also been inspected. Several smuggling ships are filled with hybrids collected from all corners of the world. The fierce ghosts ordered these things from a mysterious buyer, just like slaves in the Middle Ages. Buy and sell.”

"Slaves? They don't buy these things for slaves."

Mu Qingzhi's face looked a little cold.

"They bought these hybrids to build their own Deadpool Legion. It's obvious that those people can't wait."

Although there is no evidence, you can think of someone who can do such a thing with your toes. Apart from that disgusting guy Herzog, who else has that ability and technology?

Deadpool didn't come out of thin air. It was made from a hybrid species. In the past, the Fierce Demons could secretly kidnap some people and use them as consumables. However, in recent years, under Uesugi's unremitting efforts to suppress them, the current Fierce Demons are It's almost like a street rat. It's basically impossible to control half of Japan's underground yakuza like the original plot.

...In this case, couldn't they just find ways to obtain "raw materials" from the outside world?

To be honest, Mu Qingzhi felt that something was wrong at the very beginning. You said that it is understandable that the fierce ghosts would jump like this under the premise that the White King's holy skeleton was revived, but now it is almost a month before the holy skeleton is revived. On the premise of years of time, why are you dancing like this?

She couldn't figure it out before, but now she does.

——The reason why the other party was so active was mainly to cover these raw material ships.

The Fierce Ghosts were preparing to cultivate an invincible army of Deadpools before the resurrection of the Holy Skeleton. However, since they had already been reduced to street rats, it was impossible for the smuggling of so many people not to be noticed by the Snake Qiba Family. , the fierce ghosts chose to commit suicide to attract firepower and abandon their soldiers to protect their commanders...

Even though she has time to appear here now, the rest of Japan is already in chaos. Destruction is the simplest thing. After all, the demons only need to release a deadpool in a random place, which is enough to involve a large number of people. , tonight, there were 19 dangers in this small place in Japan.

It is precisely for this reason that not only Uesugi Koshigen and the young girls were mobilized in full force, but Eri Yi also rushed to the battlefield with a sword.

"Deadpool... among the fierce ghosts, is there really anyone with this skill?"

Unconsciously, Crow frowned.

The main backbone members of the Fierce Ghosts are members of their own family. Not to mention that everyone in the Sheqiba family knows the ins and outs, but in fact they are all similar.

To be honest, if there had not been external forces providing all kinds of support to the Fierce Ghosts, these people would never have become successful.

"Why not? Among the fierce ghosts, he is an evil spirit crawling out of hell."

Looking up into the distance, Mu Qingzhi spoke with a faint tone.

"There is definitely a Nibelung here in Tokyo, and that guy is hiding in that Nibelung. Almost 20 years have passed, and the other party is really tolerant."

...To be honest, she really admires Herzog now.

In order to find the other party, she has made no less than seven or eight props. Over the years, those props have been in operation all the time. As long as the other party appears in this world, she will definitely be able to lock the other party's location.

But she didn't expect that almost 20 years had passed, even if it was ten years after the props were made, during these ten years, the other party would not come out of the Nibelung for even a second...

——If this guy goes to play chicken, he can definitely get it to the finals.

"Miss, what should we do with these people?"

Although he didn’t know who the evil spirit crawling out of hell that his eldest lady was referring to, Crow followed the duties of a retainer very well and did not choose to pursue this matter too much. He pointed at the mixed-races in front of him and asked.

The physical fitness of hybrids is generally strong. Although the blood level of these people is not high, they are still living in pain.

"...Organize manpower and send them to the hospital opened under our family. We don't have the energy to take care of them for the time being."

After a moment of silence, Mu Qingzhi answered.

"Besides, send these ships to the Yanliu Research Institute, along with those responsible for escorting them... By the way, what about the riots in other places? Where are there shortages of manpower? Tell me, I Go now."

Turning her head, Mu Qingzhi looked at the crow beside her.

There were riots in nineteen places and reports of Deadpools appearing in nineteen places. It can be expected that tonight will be another exhausting night.

...The fierce ghosts must be suppressed at any time. It is impossible not to suppress them.


Same time, different place.

While Mu Qingzhi was busy putting out the fire, on the other side, Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang had quietly sneaked into the port dock from underwater.

It's not that they want to go underwater, it's mainly because of the previous series of haunted and supernatural events. The dock has been under martial law. Conventional means cannot be used to enter here, so extraordinary measures can only be used.

The port is eerily quiet. Several large ocean-going ships are moored quietly at the pier. There is no moonlight tonight, and the pale searchlights shine brightly on the pier.

But in this port that was supposed to be closed under martial law, a bunch of people gathered at the pier. More than a dozen luxury cars were lined up, and these people were guarding the must-have section from the port to the pier. On the way.

"Boss, is this place really haunted?"

Uncomfortably, he tightened the buttons of the collar in front of him, and a two-meter tall man with a long and narrow scar on his face swallowed unconsciously.

"I checked about this port on the Internet. In the past few days, it is said that something quite evil has happened here."

"Xiehu? No matter how evil it is, this is not in a tomb. There are so many people here, and we are fully armed. What is there to be afraid of?"

After glancing at the other party, he opened the folding fan in his hand with a snap. Tang Wei looked calm.

"Everyone, please be patient. Once this order is completed, I'll invite you to take a bath at the largest bathing center in the city."

...Having been a hunter for so many years, what kind of storms has Tang Wei not seen?

It's not like a thousand-year-old tomb with rice dumplings or something, it's just a modern port, there's nothing scary about it... Although it does seem a bit cold here.

While muttering in his heart, Tang Wei closed the fan again.

In the summer, even if the temperature dropped at night, it would not drop too much. However, in this port, they seemed to be in a subzero ice cave, and everyone had to wear extra clothes.

Opening his mouth, Tang Wei let out a piece of white mist.

...I hope the employer will come here soon.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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