It was dark at night, and the harbor was eerily quiet.

Working in a group of five to six people, the boys brought by Tang Wei began busy moving work. This kind of work can only be done by pure manpower, and it is easy to leave traces when using machinery.

Although the iron cage is heavy, they are not vegetarians. The only problem is that the iron cage is too cold. Even if it is separated by a thick black curtain, the skin will be biting by the freezing cold if it is in contact for too long.

It is precisely because of this that they have to stop and breathe into their hands every time they walk a few dozen meters, otherwise their hands will definitely lose consciousness.

Although the reward for this commission is generous, the money is not that easy to get.

While all these people were focusing on the iron cage, Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang quietly made a big turn, and then quietly entered the truck under the cover of night. In the back compartment.

Perhaps it was because the place was under martial law, so those people didn't deliberately leave any manpower to guard it, which saved them a lot of effort.

There were more than ten iron cages covered with black cloth in the truck compartment. Although part of them had been moved, almost half of them remained. After gesturing to Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang quickly arrived. In front of an iron cage, he reached out and lifted the black cloth covering it without hesitation.

There is a layer of black cloth on the outside of the iron cage, and there is also a layer on the inside. There is a big lock on the iron door, and the lock is already covered with frost.

"Liquid nitrogen freezing..."

He figured out the source of the cold air almost instantly, and Chu Zihang's face couldn't help but become more solemn.

...In his impression, things that can be frozen with liquid nitrogen are basically extremely dangerous things.

Without any hesitation, Chu Zihang reached out and grasped the big lock hanging on the iron door. In just a few seconds, the iron lock faintly glowed with red light, representing high temperature.

By the time Chu Zihang took his hand back, the internal structure of the iron cable had been completely destroyed by the high temperature brought by Jun Yan. It took him almost no effort to remove the lock from the iron door.

He has trained his word spirit many times, but unfortunately he has never been able to control the elements, let alone unleashing moves like Higanbana or Red Turtle Dove like his master did... but it is only used for destruction. A lock is still more than enough.

Lifting the curtain, Chu Zihang squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the center of the cage.

Inside the cage is a container fixed in the center of the iron cage, occupying most of the space in the cage. A large amount of liquid nitrogen was added to the container, and it was vaguely visible that something was soaked in the liquid nitrogen.

The interior of the heavy truck compartment was already dark, and the inside of the cage was tightly covered by black cloth, so for a while, Chu Zihang really couldn't see what was soaking in the container, and could only vaguely see the inside. The soaked thing seems to be a humanoid...

The next second, Chu Zihang looked a little ugly and pulled down the curtain again, blocking the scene inside the cage.

——The cage contains Deadpool, who fell into hibernation after being soaked in liquid nitrogen.

... He has heard of human smuggling and trafficking, but smuggling and selling Deadpool?

Standing up straight, Chu Zihang looked around the car.

After excluding the six iron cages that were just moved away by Tang Wei and the others, there are still seven iron cages left in the carriage. Assuming that there are two Deadpools in each iron cage, the Deadpool The number is nearly 30.

And if you include the number of Deadpools that may exist in those smuggling ships, these ghosts are likely to exceed three digits, which can be called a small army.

Thinking of this, Chu Zihang's brows couldn't help but frown more tightly.

If before, he was still optimistic about the safety of Commissioner B007 Raymond, then now, he feels that the other party may not have even left the whole body, and maybe they can find pieces of it on the smuggling ship later. Another piece of each other...

"What's wrong? What's in it?"

At this moment, Lu Mingfei, who was guarding the entrance of the carriage, stepped back.

"I saw that someone from their side has already returned, and they will be back here in about five minutes."

"...The cargo inside is Deadpool. Remember to be careful when hiding inside later so as not to wake the other party."

After a moment of silence, Chu Zihang started to speak while walking towards the other iron cage.

"Yes, report the matter here to the academy. We need manpower support here."

The situation has exceeded his expectations. He must report the situation to the academy. Once any incident is related to something like Deadpool, the difficulty level will instantly increase several notches.

If this mission was just a simple B-level rescue mission before, then with the emergence of ghosts like Deadpool, the difficulty of this mission suddenly jumped to the top S-level.

——Like the previous bronze plan for the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, it was an S-level mission.

Among all missions, S-level missions are the highest. Although there are also legendary SS-level missions, such missions are the exception among exceptions. They are usually issued directly by the school board. They belong to the ranks of special missions and may not be encountered in several years. once.

This time, they hit the jackpot.


At the same time, on the boat.

Although he had concerns about this weird handover person, Tang Wei still had the courage to get on the boat. After being a hunter for so many years, he didn't know how many ancestral graves he had digged up, so naturally he would not be afraid of such an invitation.

…And besides, it’s not like he doesn’t have a trump card.

But what he didn't expect was that after he was invited to board the ship, the development of the situation was far beyond his expectation. The man who boarded the ship in advance did not go far and was waiting for him on the deck, and A table of red wine was specially set up for him.

But after all, he is a senior hunter who has been around for so many years. Naturally, Tang Wei would not be stupid enough to drink the wine provided by the other party on the other party's territory. It is still very common for gangsters to eat gangsters, so he just simply fought haha.

The other party was not annoyed by this situation. Instead, he sat leisurely on the chair and looked at the people carrying them, not knowing what he was looking at.

For this commission, Tang Wei brought almost all of his team members, so he still managed enough manpower. They were all great young men with a height of 1.9 meters and strong physiques, and they were all quick at work.

Compared with digging graves with buckets and buckets, the purely physical work of moving things is not too easy. Under the temptation of high rewards, all of his subordinates worked extremely enthusiastically, and they were all laughing and joking.

...But I don’t know when, everything suddenly became quiet.

No one spoke, no one spoke. After coming out of the cabin, each of his younger brothers seemed to have been cursed with silence. They never made any sound from their mouths. They just lined up mechanically and neatly towards the dock. The heavy truck at the pier. a walking zombie.

It would be okay if it was one or two, but after almost everyone became like that, Tang Wei finally couldn't help it anymore.

He knew best the moral character of his brothers. The noisy and noisy behavior before was the norm. Such kind of military management was almost impossible.

——These people are clearly possessed by evil spirits! !

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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