Tang Wei's career as a hunter for more than ten years has long since honed his big heart. Although his younger brother has been inexplicably caught in the attack, he is very able to keep his composure.

It was just an evil spirit. It was not like they had never encountered this kind of thing before when they went to the tomb to fight upside down. After all, the most indispensable thing in the ancient tomb was this kind of strange power and chaos, and he was more or less used to it.

... But habits are habits. The other party attacked his little brother so unobtrusively, which was a bit like stepping on his face.

With a cold face, Tang Wei looked at the man sitting on the chair in front of him.

"What you are doing is a bit unethical, isn't it?"

"They're just ordinary people. I'm just helping them speed up their operations a little bit. My money is not that easy to get."

He chuckled softly in his mouth, turned his head, and the man looked at him with a playful expression.

"Why, is Third Young Master feeling distressed? With your ability, it is very simple to find such a group of people again."


After a brief silence, he placed the suitcase with money that the other party had handed over before on the table, and Tang Wei pushed the suitcase back expressionlessly.

"I don't want half of the money, but I have to bring back all the people I brought. This is non-negotiable."

Perhaps it was the intuition developed in more than ten years of hunting career. When the man turned to look at him, he was keenly aware of some kind of crisis.

Just now, he never understood why the man was staring at his younger brothers with such interest, but when the other party turned to look at him, he suddenly understood what the other party was doing just now.

...The other party is choosing.

A few years ago, for a commission, he made a special trip to XZ. In a well-known restaurant there, he had a very special whole-sheep feast. The guests stood directly outside the sheep pen. You choose the lambs in the sheep pen, and after you choose which one, the chef will skin it on the spot.

——The man in front of him looked at his younger brothers with the same expression as the guests outside the sheepfold who were choosing their lunch.

He didn't know what kind of monster the man in front of him was, but it was obvious that he had a plan to kill him.

"What if I have to keep a few?"

Glancing at the suitcase on the table, the man looked half-smiling.

"No ifs."

Lifting his head to look at the man in front of him, Tang Wei's tone was terrifyingly calm.

"Unless you want to be my enemy."

As the words fell from his mouth, his pupils suddenly burned, like the eyes of a lizard or a snake, or like a golden gas lamp, adding a touch of mystery to him out of thin air.

This is his biggest secret, and it is also his biggest trump card. His success as a hunter depends entirely on these eyes. When he concentrates all his energy, his pupils will change color. In the past ten years, these eyes have His eyes had saved him countless times. All evil things so far would have fled in front of these golden pupils.

He believed that no matter what kind of evil monster the man in front of him was, there would be no surprises in the outcome in front of his own eyes.

...But he miscalculated.

Not only was the other party not frightened by his eyes, but he couldn't help but laugh. He even held his stomach and laughed forward and backward, even crying.

Looking at the man in front of him who didn't play according to the routine at all, Tang Wei was at a loss for a moment.

In his line of work, it's easy to encounter peers competing for business, but when faced with those fierce peers, as long as he shows these eyes, the other party will instantly become as obedient as a sheep and tremble in front of him...it never works after repeated trials. .

But this kind of unsatisfactory miracle in the past completely lost its effectiveness in front of the man. In the man's unabashed laughter, Tang Wei suddenly felt as if he had become a clown in some circus.

"...That's it? Be your enemy?"

After laughing for a while, the man looked up at him.

"You alone are worthy of becoming my enemy?"


Pursing his lips, Tang Wei did not reply, but concentrated hard again, hoping to make his eyes brighter.

"You won't give up until you reach the Yellow River, and you won't shed tears until you see the coffin. Congratulations, you succeeded in making me laugh."

Reaching out to take off the sunglasses and mask on his face, the man looked up at him with parted lips.

"Let's have a good look at what real power is."

——The next moment, Tang Wei saw a pair of golden eyes that were ten times more dazzling than his own.

The moment he met the other person's eyes, he felt a huge force forcefully pushing his eyes back. He felt that all the muscles in his body were trembling in front of the pressure that was almost realized.

If he hadn't firmly grasped the handle of the chair with his hands, he would have probably kneeled down to the other party involuntarily.

The other party also had golden pupils, but compared to him, he had an overwhelming power advantage. He no longer had the courage to look at the other party. He also understood why some hunters trembled when facing his own golden pupils. It felt like Facing some demon, the golden cracks radiating from the pupils form complex patterns, which can deprive people of their spirit.

"...You are not human."

Tang Wei reluctantly looked away, his voice hoarse.

...When the mask and sunglasses were all removed from the other person's face, he saw the man's appearance.

It seems that he has not been exposed to the sun for a long time. The other party's skin is horribly pale, and you can even see the blue blood vessels hidden under the skin. But compared to this deathly pale skin, the other party's fangs exposed on both sides of his lips are the most attractive. Attractive.

Thinking of the other party's weird dress and the iconic fangs, he could already think of the other party's true identity.

——Urban legend vampires wandering in those Western countries.

Although the existence of vampires seems to be some kind of weird story that exists in urban legends, he doesn't know how many zombies and rice dumplings he has encountered here. The appearance of vampires in this world is not surprising.

"Of course I'm not a human being, I'm a higher-level life form than humans."

Seemingly enjoying his reaction, the man stuck out his tongue and licked the fangs on both sides.

"Although you have a low bloodline, you have barely escaped from the low-level life forms of humans. Otherwise, you would not be qualified to sit in front of me."

Tang Wei: "..."

... He has always been curious about where his strange eyes came from, but he has never been able to find out the reason.

But now, he seemed to understand something.

...a vampire?

I didn't expect that I, a descendant of Yan and Huang, would actually have a weak bloodline of a vampire... So what is the other party's level?

Those eyes that were more than ten times more powerful than his own, and the obvious features of his teeth, all showed that the other party's bloodline was several levels higher than his, and he was almost a crushing presence.

……baron? Viscount?

Also, if vampires appear, then creatures like werewolves should also exist, right? So in China, there are actually all kinds of monsters? What is the true appearance of this world?

For a moment, Tang Wei was in a state of confusion.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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