Under the leadership of the "vampire" in front of him, Tang Wei came to the bottom cabin.

He originally thought that what was contained here was just some shady smuggled goods at most, but when he actually came here and saw the original state of these goods, his face suddenly became very ugly.

——The people in the bottom cabin are all people.

Men, women, old people, children...these people caught on board seemed to come from all over the world, and there were many black people among them.

Like his younger brothers, these people also fell into a strange sluggish state. It was unknown whether they had drugs injected into their bodies or some kind of group hypnosis.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Taking a deep breath, Tang Wei turned his head and looked at the other party.

Over the years, although he has done a lot of derogatory things like digging up ancestral graves, he still thinks that he has a strong sense of control in his heart. What he does can only be regarded as wandering in a gray area at best.

He personally abhors this kind of completely inhumane human trafficking.

"I have read your resume on the hunter website. Although you are not strong enough, you still have the ability to do things, so I am willing to give you a chance."

Reaching out and patting his shoulder, the vampire had a kind smile on his face.

"From now on, if you are willing to do things for me, I can grant you a great blessing."

Tang Wei: "..."

...He now understands that the other party is not trying to take advantage of others, but is trying to devour them completely. Others are trying to grab the golden eggs at most, but the other party wants to take home the chicken that laid the golden eggs as well. .

"I can give you time to think about it. You are a smart person. I believe you will know better than me what a smart person should do."

Bringing her face closer to his, the vampire smiled in his ear and spoke.

"Speaking of which, it seems you still have a father at home, right?"


At this moment, Tang Wei's heart completely turned cold.

He has known for a long time that money in the hunter's profession is not easy to make. After all, as the saying goes, "If you go out to hang out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later." Over the years, he has done so many semi-black and white things, and just the ancestral graves of other people are worth it. After digging dozens of buildings, he wouldn't believe it if he said there was no retribution.

The reason why he wanted to go to Vietnam was that it might be a long way, and "Retribution", a wanderer from east to west, might not be able to find him. He had already made enough money to spend his whole life, and he wanted to finish this job. After that, he planned to wash his hands in the golden basin, but unexpectedly, he was pecked in the eye by a goose.

In such a risky business, "washing hands in a golden basin" is indeed a taboo word. He is not afraid of things like "retribution" coming to him. After all, he has already made psychological preparations in his heart and made arrangements for his father. There was a way out, but he didn't expect that things like retribution could involve his father... At this moment, he was completely at his wits' end.

He had read in a book before that even the most vicious criminals in the world had a soft spot in their hearts. He agreed with this statement.

No matter how awesome he behaves outside, as long as his father is angry and chases him with a spatula, he will never dare to fight back and can only run away in embarrassment. His father is the most important thing in his heart. Existence is his only lifeline. As long as someone takes advantage of his lifeline, he will lose all courage.

Lowering his eyes, Tang Wei lowered his eyebrows and replied obediently with a good word.


When Raymond opened his eyes, he was still faced with the familiar darkness.

He tried to move his body, but the cold touch from the shackles on his limbs still reminded him of a certain fact. Due to the cold, the pain at the wound had been numbed... He even wondered if a layer of ice had formed there. ice.

Because he was in the dark, he had no way of knowing the exact passage of time, but according to his estimate, at least 16 hours had passed since he lost contact.

During these 16 hours, he had many dreams. In some dreams, he was stabbed through the back of the head by a piece of glass shard, and in other dreams, he was cut into pieces by countless pieces of glass falling from the sky. In short, there were all kinds of dreams. Various scenes of his tragic death... He felt that this was a very ominous omen.

Thinking of this, Raymond couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

He may have had Mercury retrograde this month. It was obviously just a simple C-level investigation mission, but he didn't expect the difficulty of this mission to be frightening. He didn't even see the attacker before he was knocked unconscious and locked up. here.

Recalling the scene he saw before, Raymond's face couldn't help but look a little solemn.

There were three smuggling ships, each of which was filled with hybrids. The tendons of their hands and feet were severed and they lost the ability to move. They were stuffed into the bottom cabin like the lowest livestock. Not only that, they seemed to have been injected with a large amount of Psychedelic drugs, he couldn't get any clues from those people.

In fact, he still gained something. In a secret room in the bottom of a certain ship, he found a secret document that seemed to have some strange pattern printed on it. The document recorded something called the "Holy Palace Medical Association." mysterious organization.

He couldn't quite understand the document, but he had a vague idea that the organization seemed to be creating something consciously. It also mentioned the words vampire-type I-type II, which seemed to be related to some kind of human experiment... or hybrid species. experiment.

——Inadvertently, he seemed to have spied on a rather terrible secret.

Originally, he wanted to seize the time to retreat and report the matter to the college. However, he did not expect to be attacked by an unknown creature in the darkness during the retreat.

The opponent had obviously been crouching there for a long time, and it was a killing move as soon as he made a move. Before he even had time to release the spirit, several steel pipes that seemed to have been roughly pulled from the fence penetrated his body, and a hammer was inserted into his body. It hit him directly on the head... God knows how the other party accurately locked his position in the darkness where he couldn't see his fingers.

...Then when he woke up, he found that he had been stripped naked and locked up here.

The other party was obviously very cautious. Not only did he disarm all the equipment on his body, he even took off his clothes frantically, leaving only a pair of underwear and a pair of socks for him.

In this situation, he had no choice but to die.

The only thing he can hope for now is that the college can send people to support him because of his disappearance, so that he may still have a chance of survival.

It's just that he doesn't know where he is now, and it's a bit fanciful to expect reinforcements that will arrive at any time.

...Maybe I can count on Shana to come to the rescue again?

Due to the cold and the numbness caused by the wound, Raymond's consciousness began to become chaotic, and he began to think wildly in his mind unconsciously.

About seven or eight years ago, while performing a mission on the other side of the ice sea, he seemed to be caught in this life-or-death situation, but in the end, Shana appeared and saved him.

He had always thought that it was an illusion when he was in a near-death state, but recently, through the big news that frequently appeared on the Night Watch forum, he discovered that it might not be an illusion.

...But will Shana still come?

At this point in time, the other party should be enjoying their summer vacation...

——Just before Raymond's thoughts fell into darkness, he suddenly heard an explosion from above the cabin.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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