The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 367 The pomp of the underworld’s daughter

The next day, amid his mother's nagging, Chu Zihang left home almost as if he was running away.

... He rarely felt so embarrassed.

No matter how awesome you are outside, slaying a dragon or killing Deadpool with a knife is like slicing a melon or a dog, but as long as you come home, you are still the little kid whose parents have been nagging you for a long time.

The weather was quite good today, the sunshine was not that harsh, and Norma had already arranged the special check-in of passports and luggage for them to go abroad, so he didn't need to do any more work.

According to the agreed time, he drove the Maybach to Lu Mingfei's community and planned to pick him up and take him to the airport.

After waiting patiently for a few minutes, he watched with twitching eyes as Lu Mingfei, who was carrying bags all over his body, walked downstairs tremblingly.

Unlike him who traveled lightly, the other party brought almost all his belongings, not to mention quilts, water bottles, etc... He even saw a large plastic bottle of eggs.

“My aunt said I couldn’t sell local eggs from domestic chickens overseas, so she asked me to bring them with me.”

Lu Mingfei, who was carrying the big plastic bottle and a baggage hanging around his neck, had a sneer on his face.

"Get in the car."

Shaking his head slightly, Chu Zihang opened the car door.

The city is not too far from the airport, only about an hour or two. After taking the expressway, it can be shortened to less than an hour and a half.

This trip actually went smoothly, but when the two of them arrived at the airport, they unexpectedly discovered a few uninvited guests.

"Nono, Susie...and Caesar?"

Looking at the three people in front of him, Lu Mingfei looked like he had seen a ghost.

He could understand that Nono and Susie were here, but why would a noble man like Caesar appear here? She even dressed up in colorful clothes...

"Coming to China for vacation with my girlfriend."

Taking off the sunglasses on his face, Caesar nodded slightly to them.

"The academy's commissioner in China is not strong enough, so Nono and I were asked to come over and be responsible for finishing the incident a week ago. In fact, we arrived a few days ago and have been busy these days."

After glancing at Chu Zihang, Su Qian explained in her mouth.

"Norma booked us on the same flight, so we just happened to leave together."

——Half an hour later, everyone got on the plane together.

Among the five people in the group, no one had ever been to Japan. Although Chu Zihang had been there once, it was only at the Blackstone Mansion, so he also had expectations for this trip.

...and this trip taught them a lesson from the very beginning.

Although Mu Qingzhi had said that he would pick them up at the airport, they didn't think much about it. After all, it was just a simple airport pick-up. What could be worth thinking about?

But when they actually arrived at Tokyo Airport and got off the plane, even Caesar, who was used to big scenes, was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Looking around, the entire airport was almost full of burly men in black suits. When they saw their arrival, as the leader waved, all the people in black suits bowed in unison, and the words of welcome resounded in unison. At the same time throughout the airport, countless colorful fireworks crashed down from above their heads.

Then, a man in a black suit quickly walked up to them holding a red carpet. After bowing to them with great respect, he quickly spread the red carpet in front of them. open.

After the carpet was rolled out, those in black suits spontaneously formed a human wall and stood on both sides of the carpet with their backs to each other, artificially paving a broad avenue for them...

So for a while, their five-person team suddenly became the absolute focus of the airport.

Everyone: "..."

"...I feel that even when receiving foreign leaders, Japanese officials do not need such a large-scale presence."

Sitting on pins and needles while walking on the red carpet, feeling the curious or shocked looks from the people around him, Lu Mingfei had a stiff face.

"Don't feel it, I've seen that kind of power."

Adjusting the sunglasses on his face, Caesar was suddenly glad that he still had sunglasses covering his face.

"Okay, are you still in the mood to chat? Hurry up and get in the car!"

With a dark face, Nono pushed them forward with his hands behind him.

——Because of this exaggerated airport pick-up, the journey of just a few hundred meters seemed like walking tens of thousands of meters to them.

It wasn't until they almost fled into the car that they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello everyone, I am the retainer of the eldest lady. You can call me Xiaogure. The eldest lady is motion sick, so I will pick you up at the airport. I hope you will have a good time in Japan in the coming days."

As soon as they got into the car, a capable female white-collar worker sitting in the driver's seat politely extended her hand towards them.

The other party spoke Chinese, and his words were spoken in a clear and round tone.

"Uh...hello, hello."

Because he was the closest to the other party, after being stunned for a moment, Lu Mingfei quickly reached out and shook it.

"Speaking of which, is your kind of airport pick-up...?"

"Sorry, I only received the message from the eldest lady this morning, so I didn't have much time to rehearse. When we wanted to clear the venue, it was already too late. Clearing the venue on this scale needs to be done a few days in advance."

Taking back her hand, Xiaomu looked apologetic.

"The eldest lady said that you are important guests, so we adopted as grand a welcome ceremony as possible. Before, it was just appetizers, and we also prepared them in the city afterwards..."

"Wait, that's enough, don't do it again."

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and Lu Mingfei quickly stretched out his hand to stop.

"The previous welcome ceremony was grand enough, really."

"……All right."

His eyes glanced at their faces. After a little hesitation, Xiaomu nodded, and then picked up the walkie-talkie nearby.

"Crow, let me know, the helicopter escort and pilotage has been cancelled, as well as the luxury car convoy..."

Listening to the arrangements coming out of Xiao Mu's mouth, not only Lu Mingfei but also everyone else's faces were numb.

They thought that the previous pick-up at the airport was exaggerated enough, but they didn't expect that something even more exaggerated would be coming...

"Well... wouldn't this arrangement be too wasteful?"

After Xiaomu hung up the intercom, Lu Mingfei asked cautiously.

"Maybe Zhi just asked you to..."

"We naturally have to do our best with the matters arranged by the eldest lady."

As if she guessed what he was going to ask, Xiaomu smiled slightly at him.

"You are important guests that the eldest lady has personally ordered to be well received. No amount of arrangements is a waste."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

That chapter was blocked yesterday. I don’t know the reason for the blocking, but it has been released now...

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