When Mu Qingzhi received the message from Xiaomu, she was sitting cross-legged on the sofa playing games with Eriyi.

Since the big cleaning a week ago, like rats in the gutter, the fierce ghosts have lurked again. In the past few days, their work intensity has dropped a lot.

Although it was a working day, they still skipped work confidently.

In fact, both Mu Qingzhi and Uesugoshi knew very well that things like the Fierce Ghosts could not be eradicated. At least before the holy bones at the Divine Burial Hall were revived, for the sake of the legacy left by King Bai, they... In other words, the people behind them will always exist.

The current Fierce Ghosts, in addition to still bearing this name on the surface, have actually been completely changed inside. In the big sweep a week ago, the Fierce Ghosts they captured were no longer It is no longer a question of how many Japanese there are, but whites and blacks make up the majority...

Seeing these guys who couldn't even speak Japanese yelling about charging for the great cause, they felt dumbfounded.

After investigation, they found that these people were basically hunters recruited from hunter websites, also known as attention-grabbing abandoners and atmosphere groups.

There are actually only two core characters among the real fierce ghosts.

Just like [Dragon King] Kazama Ruri (Minamoto Jiro) and [King General] Herzog in the original plot, the core of the current demons is the "Deadpool version of Herzog" who has never appeared before. And the mysterious mentor who almost created Eri's second personality [player].

In fact, the instructor almost succeeded, but Eriyi's body couldn't support it at all, otherwise the fierce ghosts would have a more powerful [player] than [Kazema Ruri].

According to the intelligence they obtained during their last operation, the mysterious mentor has returned to Japan. Various plans and attacks were made by him. Not only did he recruit a large number of people on the hunter website with huge sums of money, but he also hired a lot of money-seeking people on the hunter website. The hunter who was destined to confuse the public and even took charge of the trafficking of hybrids on the smuggling ships.

Mu Qingzhi wanted to capture this dangerous person, but all the information about him was unknown. The only person who had contact with him was Sakurai Kogure, besides Eri.

Through the feedback from the two of them, Mu Qingzhi drew a portrait of the other party, but the result of importing the props was that this person did not exist in the world at all.

Originally, Sakurai Kogure wanted to volunteer and use her identity as an undercover agent to obtain information, but she didn't expect that the other party never contacted her, as if she had completely forgotten about her as an undercover agent... But Mu Qingzhi was not in a hurry.

The vast stage has been laid, and all preparations are in place. Even if the opponent can hide, he will definitely jump out when the White King's holy skeleton revives.

After nearly 20 years of operation and preparation, the Sheqiba family has the confidence to deal with any risks. Fundamentally speaking, they are in an invincible position, and the person who should be anxious now is the other party.


Just when Mu Qingzhi was distracted, a settlement screen suddenly popped up on the screen in front of her because of a mistake.

[Sister was distracted just now. 】

Taking out a note and showing it to her, Eriyi looked slightly dissatisfied.

"You can't win even if you don't lose your focus. I'm the last one here, so you're still the first one. I'm really not very good at games."

With a sigh, Mu Qingzhi put down the game controller in her hand.

She and Eri played the King of Fighters together. This type of fighting game has never been her strong point. She didn't know how to do any tricks and could only mindlessly press the moves.

Under the premise that she was penetrated three times by Eri Yi, the opponent's first character only lost less than 1/3 of its health...

"Let's play a racing game. This is a fighting game. We'll play it with you after the kids come back. They should be back early today."

After thinking for a while, Mu Qingzhi made a suggestion.

Although Yuan Zhisheng was extremely busy in the past and might not even be able to return home for a few days, but now that the fierce ghosts have been suppressed again, his work suddenly seems much easier.

——By the way, Yuan Jingnu also went to the Executive Bureau.

Now, it can be said that Yuan Zhisheng is trying every possible means to let his good brother take over his position as the director of the Executive Bureau...

Faced with her suggestion, after thinking for a moment, Eriki nodded obediently.

In fact, she doesn't care what games she plays, she just cares about whether there is someone to play with her. Maybe she realizes that her sister will go back to school in half a month, so in the past few days, she can be said to be extremely glued to each other. .

It didn’t matter that they had to take a shower together, and they had to sleep together when they went to bed. Because of Eli Yi’s terrible sleeping state, Mu Qingzhi had nightmares for several days in a row...

And just when Mu Qingzhi was holding the game controller to select a game, the doorbell outside the door suddenly rang.

"……have a guest?"

Looking at the time on the wall clock, Mu Qingzhi seemed a little confused for a moment.

The time is now three o'clock in the afternoon. Genji is angry that they will not come back from get off work so early. And half an hour ago, Kogure just set off from Genji Heavy Industries and picked them up at the airport. Ming is not them, so it can't be them. .

...With these possibilities eliminated, who else would come over and ring the doorbell at this time?

With some doubts, after looking down at the large T-shirt she was wearing, Mu Qingzhi picked up a sportswear and put it on, then went straight to the door and opened it.

Unexpectedly, there was no one outside the door, but there was a package on the ground with an unknown sender.

After looking around for a moment, he put a seemingly light package on his hand, closed the door, and returned to the living room with the package.

There was nothing in the package, just some small toys that seemed to be old. There were about ten pieces in total. Although these toys were very old, they were all well preserved.

Just when Mu Qingzhi was wondering in her mind whether someone had sent something to the wrong place, she suddenly noticed something was wrong with Eryi's face, and she looked a little pale for some reason.

"What's wrong?"

Mu Qingzhi quickly put down the toy in her hand and stretched out her hand to support him.

[...is a mentor. 】

After a brief silence, Eriki wrote her a note.

[These toys were all gifts bought for me by my former mentor. 】

[...She was the one who rang the doorbell just now. 】

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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