Mu Qingzhi was not surprised that Odin focused on Eli Yi.

After all, compared to bronze and fire, as well as earth and mountains, the attraction of the White King is much greater than the first two. As an important "key" to unlocking the White King's legacy, Odin did not tamper with Eriki. feel strange.

But the other brand...the White King?

Mu Qingzhi pondered in her heart as she looked at Eriyi, who was sitting on the sofa and blinking at her pitifully.

The two brands mean that Eriki has been to two Nibelungs. Regardless of Odin's Nibelungen, if it is like the other Nibelungen, there is a high probability that it is the one where Herzog is hiding.


"How about it, have you thought about it?"

While Mu Qingzhi was pondering, Xia Mi started to urge her.

"My Nibelungen is at a critical stage of transformation. I can't leave it for too long. After you've finished handling the matter, I'll have to go back and continue working on it."

"Are you sure you can suppress it?"

After coming back to her senses, Mu Qingzhi turned to look at Xia Mi.

I don’t know whether it was intentional or not, but the other party not only changed into the kind of gray work clothes used for dusting on construction sites, but also wore a yellow safety helmet on his head with a sense of safety... The person who dusted the dust belongs to the category of dusting. yes.

"Why, haven't you heard an old saying?"

"Uh...what are you talking about?"

“A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!!”

Xia Mi put his hands on his hips and looked proud.

"Me, Constantine, Fenrir, and Norton, if the four of us can't suppress Odin alone, then we won't survive."

"It's four dragon kings."

Pouting his lips, Constantine corrected her mistake with some dissatisfaction.

"Also, brother, he can't take action, there are only three of us."

"Three? Three will do, too. As the old saying goes, three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang."

Xia Mi blinked, his eyes shining with wisdom.

"At least in the short term, with the three of us giving the brand together, we can definitely ensure that she is safe."

"...Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

After a moment of pondering, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"So, what to do next?"

"This? This is a little more troublesome. You have to take her to BJ first, and then take the subway into my Nibelungen. I will open the door for you then."

Xia Mi started counting with his fingers.

"Currently, my opening time is after nine o'clock in the evening, so you'd better choose this time... let's go to ten thirty, when we will stop work and have a midnight snack."

"Why, can't we just go there now?"

Turning her head, Mu Qingzhi looked at the arbitrary door on the side.

"We have to go through the normal process, the normal process. This is completely an illegal intrusion, okay?"

Pouting his lips, Xia Mi straightened the helmet on his head.

"Remember, at 10:30 p.m., when you come over, remember to call me. We will go back to work first. Come back... What are you doing?"

Seeing the plastic bag stuffed in his hand, Xia Mi looked confused.

"Help take out the trash, I'm too lazy to move."

Mu Qingzhi pointed to the trash can beside her and spoke concisely.

Xia Mi: "......"

... She suddenly wanted to kill him with a mouthful of salt soda.


After confirming the problem with Eryi, Mu Qingzhi finally felt a little relieved.

Although the problem cannot be cured for the time being, at least it has been effectively controlled. When she crushes the bones of the White King, she doesn't believe that Odin will still cling to Eri.

[The White King’s authority is quite valuable, you can consider it. 】

Out of the blue, the system suddenly bubbled up.

"...Let's talk about it then."

After some hesitation, Mu Qingzhi shook her head.

"I don't know why, but when I think of the White King, I always unconsciously think of that disgusting guy Herzog...and besides, I will be able to harness the power of the Red God right away. The White King’s authority is just that, I don’t think it can be compared to the Red God.”

The Sky Tribulation Fire Alastair is a supernormal existence that controls specific laws and embodies the laws of the red world. It is one of the pillars called "God" and is the "God of Punishment" who controls the power of "judgment" and "conviction".

In her previous plan with the system, she was to receive power from the hands of the red god... in the form of Shana's alien body.

Strength is more valuable than essence, so she doesn't have any unnecessary thoughts about the White King's authority.

[Herzog? At best, he only got the "power" of the White King. He never touched the "power" of the White King, so he can only be regarded as a false king. Don't look at Herzog's performance after becoming the new White King in the original work. Not good, but actually excusable. Although "Black King Nidhogg" is the ultimate in this world, the White King is not bad either. 】

Vaguely, the system coughed a few times in the mouth.

[…Okay, let’s not talk about this kind of thing for now. I have something to inform you first. You’d better be mentally prepared. 】

"Notification...what's the matter?"

Mu Qingzhi stopped replacing the garbage bag with a new one in the trash can and asked with interest.

"Is the power connection completed? Do I need to prepare a pendant of the same style as Shana?"

[The matter of us borrowing power seems to have been discovered by that red god... It should be. 】

Rarely, there is a little uncertainty in the system's words.


After a moment of daze, Mu Qingzhi's face suddenly turned dark.

"No...didn't you promise that it would be completed within half a year? Now the half-year period is coming soon, and why are you here?"

【Do you blame me? Who told you that the progress of your mission is so slow? Originally, I thought my power could be restored more... And besides, the other party is also a demon god who is related to the nature of the world, so it is normal for problems to arise. 】

Unscrewing a can of soda over there, the system's tone was quite calm.

[All in all, the work that was originally expected to be completed in half a year may now be delayed for several months. You can wait slowly. You are not in a hurry now anyway. See you later, I went to sunbathe, bye——】

As if he was afraid that she would ask anything, after saying these words in rapid succession, the system simply disappeared.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

... She seriously suspected that the system was boasting when it first mentioned this kind of thing to her.

"You heard what I said just now, so I said don't worry, it's okay."

Secretly giving the system a middle finger in his mind, after changing the garbage bags for the trash can, he sat back on the sofa, and Mu Qingzhi comforted Hui Liyi on the sofa.

"In the evening, I will take you to BJ's place to collect the brand."

——Very well-behaved, Erika nodded.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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