Although she was a little dissatisfied with the provocative behavior of the "mentor" coming to give gifts, Mu Qingzhi decided to remember the other person's feelings because he helped her discover a hidden danger in Eryi.

——The kindness of a drop of water must be repaid by a spring of water.

Since the other party scared Eriki, she decided that after catching the other party in the future, she must scare the other party half to death.

After temporarily dealing with the changes caused by the unexpected express delivery, Mu Qingzhi went to check the surveillance camera at the door. The actual results were not much different from what she had guessed. The instructor who was sent to deliver the goods did not appear. The courier is a child.

According to subsequent Yaji's investigation, the child was also hired. The person who hired him covered his face tightly and left no clues.

In fact, if you think about it, with the other party's usual caution, it is naturally impossible to leave this loophole. The other party can just send a group of fierce ghosts over. Previously, Eriyi was a little frightened by the players who were resurrected in the body, so she What would you say if a mentor showed up... To be honest, the psychological shadow that the other party brought to Eriki was really a bit big.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Qingzhi's eyes dimmed slightly for a moment.

...And at this moment, she heard the sound of cars coming from outside the courtyard.

After declining many welcome ceremonies that Xiao Mu arranged for his group, which made them ashamed, at 4:30 in the afternoon, Lu Mingfei and his group successfully arrived at the villa where the underworld daughter lived.

It's just a villa, but it's actually just a three-story quiet courtyard in a residential area. The courtyard is only a dozen square meters, which is far from the luxurious residence that Lu Mingfei and the others imagined like the Meiji Imperial Palace.

"Huh? Are you here?"

Just when they collectively wondered if the car had driven to the wrong place, the door was opened, and Mu Qingzhi appeared in front of them wearing a pair of kitten slippers.

Because it was summer and she was at home, Mu Qingzhi was only wearing a large white T-shirt and thermal shorts. The hem of the T-shirt did not reach her trouser legs, so she was wearing quite cool clothes.

After just glancing at the girl in front of him, the boys in the team looked away uncomfortably.

"Okay, come in. There are slippers at the entrance, and the air conditioner is on in the living room."

Mu Qingzhi didn't pay much attention to this. After waving her hand at Xiaomu, she turned back to the house.

At four-thirty in the afternoon, when the sun is at its best, this courtyard is located in a sunny place, quiet and yet noisy at the same time.

With a little restraint, Lu Mingfei and the others put on their slippers and entered the living room.

Just like the situation outside, the living room is unexpectedly simple and clean, with no extraneous furnishings. There are only a few sofas and dozens of inches of large screens across the wall. The golden sunlight shines in from the wide floor-to-ceiling windows. The light shines into the living room, giving the entire living room a warm glow.

Zhi seemed to have gone to the kitchen. There was only one person sitting on the sofa in the living room. The person was wearing a witch costume and had long burgundy hair similar to Nono. She was sitting on the sofa and looking at them curiously. , also holding a game controller in his hand.

"This is……"

Looking at the red-haired witch on the sofa in front of him, Caesar suddenly remembered the mysterious boss-level figure in the arena during the three-month special training in Hell who would be refreshed every seven days... At that time, he suspected that the opponent was a krypton gold boss.

"Why are you all standing? Sit down, there is a seat on the sofa."

While Caesar was stunned, Mu Qingzhi walked out of the kitchen carrying a bowl of cut watermelon.

As for why it was a pot... the watermelon she prepared for everyone was a small half, and she also thoughtfully prepared a spoon.

This was the first time for Caesar to treat guests to half a watermelon when they came to his door. Looking at the half of watermelon held in his and other people's hands, he was quite dumbfounded.

The atmosphere that was originally a bit awkward and reserved instantly became down-to-earth as everyone held watermelons and became melon eaters.

"Introducing Uesugi Eri, my sister."

Sitting cross-legged next to Eri Yi, Mu Qingzhi introduced Eri Yi to the others very seriously.

"My sister's situation is a bit special. She can't speak for the time being. Please forgive me. As for me, you can call me Uesugi Zhi."

——Although Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei both knew about the existence of Eli Yi, it was obviously the first time for Caesar Nono and Su Qi to meet her, so a certain self-introduction was still necessary.

"The eldest and second young ladies of the Uesugi family?"

Holding the watermelon, Nono blinked.

"It's just a false name, we don't pay attention to this."

He scooped up the watermelon with a spoon and put it into his mouth. With the spoon in his mouth, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"Besides Eri, I have two younger brothers. I can introduce you to them later. They are at work now and haven't come back yet."

"By the way, where are Natsuya and Zero? Didn't they come?"

Seemingly thinking of something, Susie asked.

"For Zero, it will be later. For Xia Mi, she has some things to do this summer, so she can't come over... By the way, this is the special training arrangement for the next time."

After coughing a few times, Mu Qingzhi took out a remote control from the ring and pressed it against the wall.

"You all have a look. If you have any objections, you can raise them now. Don't worry, this time is no better than the last time. I have deliberately added a lot of entertainment activities to soothe the body and mind."

As Mu Qingzhi finished speaking, a densely packed timetable suddenly appeared on the blank wall beside her. Just looking at this table, Caesar felt an inexplicable headache.

As for what kind of entertainment activities...only a ghost would believe it.

"If I complete the special training, will there be a reward?"

Turning to look at Mu Qingzhi, Lu Mingfei's eyes were burning.

"For example, the sword can be upgraded a second time...?"

Although he already had [Hongyan], compared to Chu Zihang and Caesar's [Murasame] and [Dictado] who could transform twice, he was greedy.

...When he and Chu Zihang were sparring this summer, once Chu Zihang activated [Murasame]'s second black flame transformation, he couldn't even get close to the opponent.

Who wouldn’t want such a special effect that is not only handsome but also powerful?

...Strength is a matter of version.

——But being handsome is a lifelong thing! !

"It's okay to upgrade... too."

After holding her chin and thinking for a while, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"Let's do this. When the time comes, I will design a point redemption form for you, and let you freely choose rewards based on your performance in this training camp. This way, you will have greater freedom."

As the Holy Palace Medical Association gradually surfaced, it was necessary to strengthen their combat power. Blood burst was a very good auxiliary method. After several blood bursts, Chu Zihang was even able to kill the second generation species alone. It is enough to show the power of this method.

Under such circumstances, Mu Qingzhi would naturally not stop eating due to choking...especially if she could still control the horrific side effects of the blood explosion.

This time's special training will allow everyone to learn that bursting blood is the mainstream.

As for the cost of the reward... you can't take it with you anyway, so there's no need to feel bad about it.


ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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