The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 389 The “Holy Word” from Thousands of Years Ago

If you ignore the huge Coke bottle in the center of the city, then the scene in front of you should be extremely solemn and magnificent.

This ancient city seems to have been carved out of the rock by gods holding giant axes, and then decorated with black iron, bronze and silver. Even though thousands of years have passed, the lines that remain today are still so simple and sharp. , the invisible beauty emerges vividly on the paper.

Mu Qingzhi didn't need to remind her. Mai Jiude had already taken out a pen and paper and started sketching quickly on the white paper. They were the first people to come here to witness this scene, excluding Odin and his like.

Such precious information must be retained as soon as possible.

Although most of the ancient city has collapsed, the layout of the city can still be vaguely seen based on the remaining buildings. The crisscrossing avenues divided the city into different districts. In the center of the ruins is a circular shape like the Colosseum. Starting from the square, four royal roads lead to the southeast, northwest and northwest.

"I suddenly remembered that the Dragon Clan is used to recording wars on pillar-shaped objects and then standing them in the open air. They record glory when they win and record hatred when they lose."

As if remembering something, while drawing on the paper with a pencil, Mai Shutoku suddenly had an idea.

"Do you think that during the White King's period, those column-shaped objects used for recording were Coca-Cola bottles?"

"So? According to you, the White King was nailed to the Coke bottle by the Black King? And then the Ice Sea Bronze Column Watch collected by the academy is actually the Ice Sea Coke Column Watch?"

Taking a look at Jiude's linen, Mu Zhongzhi didn't look a little bit bad-tempered.

"The history of that ancient city is only a few thousand years old. The writing at this time should be based on oracle bone inscriptions, or Da Dun. Maybe the person who carved that paragraph was also vague about what it meant, but it is still regarded as a legacy left by King Bai. The Word came down, just like the Coke bottle."

Inexplicably, Mu Chongzhi became entangled in such a big matter.

Mai Shutoku: "......"

" guessed the unofficial history..."

"The unofficial history thing has always been taken as real..."

Mai Shutoku coughed in her mouth.


After all, you went back to the past to save people. Who are you going to save at a time so far away from the present?

...In fact, it is necessary to be so wild.

"Does he know? Historically, Zhou Yu actually died."

But even if I really build a time machine in the future, is there no reason for me to go to such a distant past?

Looking towards the city above, Mu Zhongzhi spoke with a faint tone.

Before a brief silence, Mu Zhongzhi decided to change the subject despite the subtle glances from the two people next to him.

…But that’s where the problem lies.

As for Mai are still drawing, so you are the one operating the Ares now.

"...Don't worry about that for now, you go find the ship first."

Mu Chongzhi: "..."

" words?"

"Not yet. Next, be careful. Odin has carefully placed eight next-generation seeds to guard under the abyss. He definitely did not deliberately arrange or plan anything there. It is a low-level place that Shen had in ancient times. Tianyuan, the White King's holy body is sealed outside, but the other party should be able to recover so slowly. Finding Shen You's Lenin is equivalent to finding the direction of the holy body. "

"There is no writing under the building inside."

And just as you were struggling, Zero suddenly pushed you with his hand and spoke to remind you.

"...I hope the holy remains are still out there."

Consciously, Mu Zhongzhi pondered.

As the Sea God of War ascends and descends, you have not yet approached the ancient city lost in history. At this time, you are completely in the sky under this small Coke bottle.

——Very calmly, Zero opened his mouth to analyze.

"Not yet, the dragon tribe is used to nailing sinners under pillars to dry, and it takes hundreds of years to dry a dragon. Outside of these hundreds of years, this criminal dragon will be endlessly humiliated by all the tribesmen. Is this possible? At that time, a row of dragons were dried and nailed under the Coke bottle? "

Just as Ling said, there was indeed no writing engraved under the huge metal building. Mu Zhongzhi originally thought it was Long Wen or something, but until you walked around the building and looked up and down, you were completely The person's expression suddenly became normal and weird like Zero.

"Nidhogg, you and his ancestors."

As a landmark building in that city, the bottle was built extremely low. It is initially estimated that it is no more than 300 meters from the ground. The entire building is cast in one piece of pure metal, and then dye and carvings are painted inside the building.

...The writing engraved under the Coke bottle is pure simplified Chinese.

"Ren, immortal, 伱, 日, you, Ge... er..."

"According to unofficial records, love leads to gain, so Zhou Yu faked his death to escape, and then transformed into Huang Yueying and married Zhuge Liang."

The reason why you want to build a time machine is just to fish out some people from history, and then use the method outside the Stone Gate to deceive the timeline and cause and effect, and rescue your once-dead friends like Principal Ang Leng. ...Maybe by the way, Caesar's mother will be saved or something.

You hate tragedies, and what you most want to see is the small ending of my reunion. As long as you can successfully build a time machine, all the regrets in the past can be replaced.

Deep in the abyss is the burial place of the gods. When Shiki, the incarnation of the White King, resurrected thousands of years later, in order to bury each other permanently, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi at that time used Low Amagahara as a coffin and buried the ancient city. They sank into the Pacific Ocean together with the resurrected White King...should there be no sea water?

Even if your arrival has created a lot of butterfly effects, no matter how small the butterfly effect is, it may still affect you thousands of years later, right?

...Or is it a time machine?

Although it has been soaked in the sea for so long, there are no signs of rust at all... Yes, if the city behind me exists outside the Nibelung, there should be some sea water outside.

Because of that paradox, Mu Zhongzhi thought about it in his mind for a long time and still couldn't figure it out.

Very considerate, Zero completed that sentence for you.

Before being stunned, Mu Zhongzhi, operating the Sea God of War, followed Ling's instructions and circled the Coke bottle.

To be honest, when you saw this Coke bottle for the first time just now, you were completely confused. After all, in your memory, the thing standing there in the original plot should be a low tower.

You are very vague, this Coke bottle building has absolutely nothing to do with you, but at the same time, you finally understand that even if you build a time machine, you will definitely be able to go to such a long past.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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