The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 390 The tampered history of the Holy Skeleton of the White King

Amidst the explosive sounds caused by the contact between lava and seawater, an extremely bright light shines in the depths of the Abyss.

"The the way, is there really a hatching Dragon King's egg on that icebreaker?"

Putting the drawing in her hand carefully into her pocket, Mai Shutoku couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know... I guess it's a pet."

Reaching out and pressing her forehead, Mu Qingzhi answered casually.

"You can ask Ling about this. She should have an impression. When she and I were still in Siberia, we would come out to play with that black snake every full moon night."

Mai Shutoku: "......"

...It felt like I heard something extraordinary.

"Can it still survive?"

After staring at the dilapidated ancient city below for a while, Zero suddenly asked softly.

"No, it has been completely reduced to a sacrifice."

With half-squinted eyes, Mu Qingzhi stood up from the driver's seat.

"It was deprived of its brain in the embryonic stage and is now just a sacrifice bleeding with dragon blood. But because of its bloodline, it will not die completely. It will only continue to grow and continuously transfuse blood to the city. Now Its status is nothing more than a placenta used to provide nutrition... It is the same as what Norton in the Bronze City suffered before, except that it is more thorough."

"Norton...wait, where are you going?"

Just after reacting, looking at Mu Qingzhi who stood up and walked towards the porthole, Mai Jiudoku quickly asked.

"We have some personal matters to do. That thing outside is not pleasing to the eye. Fortunately, we came early enough."

Sighing and pressing her temples with her hands, Mu Qingzhi pointed at the huge Coke bottle outside.

"Don't worry, it'll be quick. Just give me a minute."

……One minute?

Soon, Mai Shutoku and Zero understood what the other party was going to do.

Because they had used the adaptation lights in advance, the eight thousand-meter-deep water pressure outside was like nothing to them. After exiting the Ares Undersea, they saw that the other party seemed to have taken something out of his pocket, and then He pressed the manual tool directly onto the huge Coke bottle.

The next moment, with the flicker of faint silver light on the fingertips, the shape of the metal building of the Coke bottle that had stood for thousands of years changed silently. When the other party took back his hand a moment later, the original huge Coke bottle had changed. It became a majestic tower.

Mai Shutoku recognized that thing. The name of the prop was a shaping potion. They had played with it during the summer vacation before and built a cloud amusement park on the clouds several thousand meters high... But what about the next day? The amusement park was blown away by the wind.

At this moment, the shaping potion that my eldest lady took out was obviously more high-end. She actually used her thoughts to reshape and give a new appearance to this building several hundred meters high... Should this be regarded as destroying cultural relics?

...or eradicate the black history?

She saw that in addition to the shape being reshaped into a high tower, all the words originally engraved on the tower had also been erased and replaced by a series of dragon inscriptions that she could not understand.

"...That's the answer to the last 3E exam question."

Just when Mai Shutoku was trying hard to remember those dragon texts, after a brief silence, Zero's voice came from the side.

"Also, the dragon text in the third line is wrong...forget it, the academy will probably think that their records are wrong."

Mai Shutoku: "......"


A few minutes later, dragging her inexplicably tired body, Mu Qingzhi returned to the submarine from the outside world.

"Speaking of which, what you are doing should be called tampering with history, right?"

Looking at the huge redesigned tower outside the porthole, Mai Shutoku looked a little helpless for a moment.

"Tampering with history? This is called correcting history."

After glancing at the other person, he hummed softly in his mouth, and while pressing his eyebrows firmly with his fingers, Mu Qingzhi sat down on the sofa at the back.

"I just think that things like history are better to be more serious and serious. Anyway, we are the first batch of people to come here. As long as you don't tell the outside world, who will know?"

"I don't think anyone would believe us even if we said it..."

"Isn't that okay?"

Pouting her lips and half-squinting her eyes, Mu Qingzhi leaned back on the armrest of the chair.

"Hurry up and find a boat. Samson and the Dragon Warrior won't last long. I feel vaguely..."

"What's wrong?"

Before Mu Qingzhi could finish her words, Zero frowned and interrupted her words, and at the same time quickly stood up and came to her side.

"I noticed just now that you have been pressing your head. Are you recalling some bad memory?"

"Uh...what bad memory?"

Looking at Ling who reached out to cover her forehead, Mu Qingzhi blinked.

"To be honest, I just feel like I might be a little seasick right now. Do you have any motion sickness medicine over there?"



...Mu Qingzhi feels that her current condition is a bit not good.

Maybe it was the aftereffects of diving three thousand meters in one breath, or maybe she started to get motion sickness again. After entering the depths of the abyss, she always felt a little dizzy.

At the beginning, the impact was very slight, but as time went by, she felt that her condition was getting worse and worse, and the inexplicable dizziness became more and more severe.

Not only that, she even felt like she was beginning to have auditory hallucinations.

The sinners nailed to the pillar, the never-ending punishment, the sad wind and mottled blood, and the biting cold that seemed to freeze even the internal organs...

She could only relieve this strange phenomenon by pressing her forehead tightly.

"Sea sickness? You only get motion sickness."

After staring at her for a few seconds, Zero's face turned cold, and without any explanation, she hugged her directly.

It was also at this time that Mu Qingzhi realized the weakness of her body. It was as if all the strength in her body had been sucked away by something in a very short period of time. In response to Zero's movements, she felt He didn't even have the strength to resist.

When he saw this scene, the expression on Zero's face suddenly became colder.

"Return, let's go back to the sea!!"

Turning his head, Zero spoke to Mai Shutoku, who was sitting in the driver's seat, with some unquestionable determination in his tone.

"Hurry up, we can't stay here any longer."

In response to Zero's words, Mai Shutoku did not look back, but lowered her head and quickly operated the submarine.

A few seconds later, the Ares under the Sea turned into a missile and quickly rushed towards the dark water above its head.

And just as the submarine disappeared into the depths of the abyss, under a torii gate that was almost ruined in the city, a figure wrapped in a white robe looked up and looked faintly in the direction where they disappeared.

——In the left hand of this white-robed figure, he tightly grasped a piece of white bones as crystal clear as jade.

The skeleton had obviously experienced strong vibrations before, and seemed to be struggling to go somewhere, but in the end it was unable to move at all in the face of some more powerful force.

After the submarine completely disappeared into the abyss, the skeleton returned to the silence it had at the beginning... as if it had never moved.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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