The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 391 The Ownership of the Holy Remains

In a daze, Mu Qingzhi had a distant dream.

The scene in the dream was quite strange. She couldn't see or hear anything. The only thing she could feel was the never-ending pain like a sea wave coming from her limbs and bones, and the kind of pain that seemed to A bone-chilling cold that penetrates deep into the bone marrow.

But in this terrible situation, Mu Qingzhi felt that her consciousness was unexpectedly clear, as if there was some invisible force that isolated her from the pain, putting a mirror between her and the pain.

While she was at a loss, a vague voice came intermittently from outside the world. The voice was not in any language she was familiar with. It sounded quite strange and the whole was broken.

[...The established destiny creates cause and effect, here is the effect, and the cause is in the future... It's wrong, it's all wrong...]

[...Black King Nidhogg...Idiot...]

[...A long sleep...the connection between the past and the future...]

[...The human heart is more terrifying than hemorrhoids...]

【...Diaozai! ! ! 】

Mu Qingzhi: "???"

The next moment, all the weirdness he felt before left him, and the familiar world quickly returned. When she opened her eyes again, she found that she had returned to the Blackstone Mansion, and was lying in a certain room. The big bed inside.

The sky outside was gloomy, with strong winds mixed with heavy rain, and lightning piercing the sky from time to time. For a moment, she couldn't tell whether it was night or daytime.

The doors and windows of the room were closed tightly, blocking out the wind and rain from the outside world. After getting up and looking around the room, Mu Qingzhi found Ling sleeping next to the bed.

The other party seemed to have been guarding the bedside before. Now he was lying on the bedside with his head in his hands and fell asleep, with a faint look of exhaustion on his face.

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi carefully got up from the bed. Mu Qingzhi tried to carry Ling to the bed, but just as she was about to let go, Ling suddenly opened his eyes without warning and faced her head-on. Sight.

"Uh...I'm looking at you..."

Looking at Ling who woke up in front of her, Mu Qingzhi subconsciously wanted to give an explanation, but what she didn't expect was that before she could finish her sentence, Ling directly held her in his arms with his backhand, and then He closed his eyes in contentment.

Judging from the other party's movements, it was obvious that the other party, who had not yet woken up, was using her as a pillow... just like when she and Eriki slept together in the past.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."


"One night... I slept for ten hours?"

Half an hour later, in the hot spring behind the Blackstone Mansion, Mu Qingzhi frowned as she listened to Su Enxi's story.

In that weird dream, she felt that she could only stay for less than a minute at most, but to her surprise, ten hours had passed.

"That's right, you were so scared at that time that you were completely unconscious. Your body temperature was still going up and down. When it was high, it was high enough to fry an egg. When it was low, it even turned into a human-shaped ice bank. Don't you think you were scared? Scary?"

Sitting by the hot spring pool, Su Enxi still looked frightened when recalling the situation at that time.

"It wasn't until almost three hours ago that your body temperature returned to normal, otherwise we wouldn't know what to do."

This time it was noon, but due to the heavy rain outside, the sky was almost as gloomy as at night. According to reports from the meteorological department, this sudden heavy rain will last at least the whole day.

The hot spring in the backyard is open-air, and the roads on both sides are lined with cherry blossom trees. A thin gauze-like curtain hangs over the backyard, isolating the wind, rain, and thunderstorms from the outside world.

"...I may have been plotted this time."

Sitting in the pavilion, Mu Qingzhi reached out and pressed her forehead with a rather unsightly expression.

"That Odin guy has a long memory this time. After the lesson that Constantine was intercepted by us last time, this time, he started planning as early as Norton. When we focused all our attention on the rampage When he took Norton's body, he had already obtained a large amount of Dragon King's fetal blood from Norton's body in advance to accelerate the hatching of the holy bones... I mean why did he go to such trouble at that time. "

There are many ways to make a dragon king go berserk, but Odin chose the most troublesome one. He also specially sacrificed a next-generation species for this purpose. Now it seems that the reason why the other party spent so much effort to do so is just for the sake of doing so. The fetal blood of the Dragon King when Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, hatched.

At that time, she felt a little strange. With such precious fetal blood of the Dragon King, Odin used it so violently to hatch those dragon-blooded creatures. This was no longer as simple as using anti-aircraft cannons to kill mosquitoes, but completely using nuclear bombs. Fried mosquitoes.

But now that I think about it, perhaps the other party had already imagined today's layout as early as the moment they brought Old Tang back.

While she was still focusing her attention on Norton and Constantine, Odin had already made a move on the Holy Skeleton... He was worthy of being the biggest old cunt in the Dragon Clan.

"Then what can we do? We can't stop this kind of thing."

Throwing a potato chip into her mouth, Su Enxi shrugged slightly.

"Even if you can find and open the Nibelung High Heaven in the depths of the Abyss in advance, you can't take away the unawakened holy bones. Odin is several steps ahead of us."

"...It's not necessarily impossible to take it away."

After a moment of pondering, Mu Qingzhi shook her head.

"When we went to the depths of the Abyss before, the holy skeleton should still be there, and Odin hadn't left yet... At that time, my energy was sucked away by the holy skeleton."

"...The holy bones extracted your power?"

Turning her head, Su Enxi looked at the girl sitting in the pavilion.

"Nine times out of ten, it may be some kind of spiritual resonance, or maybe it's the back-up that King Bai once left behind... I know what you're thinking, but I'm really not King Bai."

Looking at Su Enxi who was still pretending, Mu Qingzhi looked a little helpless.

"Wang Bai may have something to do with me, but I definitely can't be her. King Bai and I have nothing to do with each other, okay?"

"Yeah, keep quibbling, I'm listening."

Su Enxi turned sideways and assumed a listening posture while stuffing potato chips into her mouth. Su Enxi nodded repeatedly.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

"...Forget it, let's not talk about it for now."

Feeling a little headache, Mu Qingzhi pressed her forehead and waved her hand.

"It was the right choice to retreat at that time. Regardless of whether Odin came over at that time as a puppet or a real person, under the premise that I lost consciousness, Zero and Mai could not be Odin's opponent at all... It's a good thing that the other party didn't pursue me."

"What about the White King's holy bones? Just hand them over to the other party like this?"

Inexplicably, Su Enxi felt worried when looking at the girl over there.

"Without the holy bones, you can't complete yourself, right? If this happens, will it..."

"I've already said that I can't be the White King."

Rolling her eyes, Mu Qingzhi interrupted the other party's words.

"Can we get out of the way until I get to the crux of this?"

...White King?

How could she, a traveler from another world, have anything to do with King Bai?

If she was really related to King Bai, she would eat this pavilion on the spot... live broadcast! !

Su Enxi: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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