In fact, Mu Qingzhi didn't care much about the holy bones at first, but now, even if she wanted to, she couldn't care less.

The plot went wild again. The holy bones were obtained by Odin so early in advance. It was hard to say what Odin would do with that thing.

... Is it to create the resurrected Baqi, or is it to simply create the "White King"?

Thinking of this, Mu Qingzhi's face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Under the premise that the Holy Skeleton was taken away by Odin in advance, the situation on her side suddenly became extremely passive. At the same time, as the perfect host of the "Holy Skeleton", Eri will definitely be watched by Odin. superior.

Even if the hidden dangers in Eriki's body were temporarily suppressed by Natsumi and the others, there are too many ways to kidnap Eriki away if Odin wants to. After all, there has always been only one theory of being a thief for a thousand days, but There is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

What if Odin secretly tied Eri into the Nibelung while she was away, and she would be too late to rescue her. Although the word spirit of Judgment is said to be very strong, it still has to deal with an existence like Odin. A little worse.

With Eriyi's strength, it is not a problem to fight against Odin's puppets. As long as those puppets do not use Kungunir's imitations, they can even completely suppress the opponent. But if Odin's true form comes...

"...How is the current situation at Old Tang's side?"

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi turned around and asked Su Enxi on the other side of the hot spring.

"Norton? After he sold himself out for 20 years, now he does it if he has a mission, and if he doesn't have a mission, he hangs out in Internet cafes all day long and waits to die. I think this Dragon King is useless."

Recalling a certain completely corrupted King of Bronze and Fire, Su Enxi shook her head, then turned to look at her.

"Why, do you have anything to do with him? His name is No. 1 now."

"That's about it. I have a long-term task for him here. You can contact him for me later."

Reaching out and pressing her neck, Mu Qingzhi stood up from the pavilion.

"By the way, are Samson and the Dragon Attendant back? I have something to do with them."

She can't stay by Eriki's side all the time, so she can only find a way to find a competent bodyguard for him. Norton is undoubtedly a good choice. If Odin himself comes on stage, only Norton can slightly block the opponent and Notify yourself of support.

Although sending Norton to Eriki's side to protect her secretly might lead to Norton being exposed in advance, at this time, there was no need to worry about that much.

...The worst that can happen is that the melee will be ahead of schedule.


In the courtyard in the center of the Blackstone Mansion, Mu Qingzhi saw the returning Samson and the Dragon Warrior. Due to the previous two-on-three battle, both dragons were covered in bruises. The Dragon Warrior's tail was broken, and Samson's body was injured. There were even a few ghost-toothed dragon vipers burrowing through, and the situation looked extremely miserable.

At this time, the two dragons were prostrate in the center of the courtyard, looking completely weak and about to expire. The heavy rain washed over them, washing large amounts of dragon blood into the sewers.

Holding a big black umbrella, Sebastian Kimura Hiroshi, the strongest man in the Black Stone Mansion, stood in front of the two dragons with a calm expression. Next to him were several carts piled with raw meat. It seemed to be prepared for these two dragons.

In fact, he, the butler, shouldn't be allowed to do such a small thing as preparing food for two pet dragons, but the servants and wives in the Blackstone Mansion obviously haven't adapted to the style here. After seeing such two behemoth evil dragons, Even if Kimura Hiroshi calmly explained that these two dragons were just pet dragons raised by his master, the servants still did not dare to come forward, so he had to do it himself.

In fact, he wanted to find a doctor to look at the wounds of his owner's two pet dragons, but firstly, he couldn't find such a special doctor, and secondly, the dragon's blood seemed to be highly corrosive, so he had no choice but to Done.

"Miss, you are here."

Noticing the arrival of his master, he returned to the corridor with an umbrella. Hiroshi Kimura, dressed in a crisp black suit, bowed slightly to the girl in front of him.

Since the Blackstone Mansion was bought again, he has been the housekeeper here for almost ten years. Ten years have passed. The girl in front of him looked like ten years ago and she still looks like now. Time seems to be on each other. Stagnated, leaving no trace.

As time went by, his respect for the other party became deeper and deeper.

There is a saying in China that when a person achieves enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, the same goes for him. According to his age, he is actually an old man. Ten years ago, he may have been a handsome and handsome uncle, but ten years later he will only be an old man. An old man who is about to retire in his twilight years... is how it should be.

The actual situation is that compared with ten years ago, he not only has not aged, but has become younger. In order to ensure his majesty in front of the servants and the prying eyes of the outside world, he even had to take the initiative to give up his temple hair. Dye white.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll come over here and you go prepare lunch."

Taking the umbrella from the opponent's hand, Mu Qingzhi waved to the opponent.

"The lunch is prepared for ten people and should be as luxurious as possible. Others will be here at noon."

"Okay, I will follow your instructions."

With a perfect smile on his face, Hiroshi Kimura bowed slightly, and then exited the corridor politely.

However, after leaving the corridor, Kimura Hiroshi's steps suddenly became hurried, and the original calmness disappeared from his face, and he quickly ran in the direction of the maid.

It was now 11 o'clock in the morning, only an hour before lunch. If he wanted to prepare a luxurious meal for ten people within an hour, time could be said to be quite tight, and he could not waste a single minute.

After sizing up the black umbrella in his hand, Mu Qingzhi put it aside and walked into the courtyard.

And as she stepped into the courtyard, a layer of gauze quietly appeared above the courtyard, blocking out all the wind and rain from the outside world in the shortest possible time.

In an instant, the heavy rain in the courtyard stopped completely.

Sensing the changes in the courtyard, the two dragons curled up in the courtyard opened their eyes in confusion. When they saw the adult who had walked into the courtyard, the two of them suddenly became panicked.

Without enough time to take into account the tragic injuries on their bodies, Samson and Long Shi, who were lying on the ground, first tried their best to support their bodies, and then humbly prostrated their heads in front of each other.

——In this way, they showed their most respect to the adult in front of them.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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