The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 393 Mu Qingzhi’s speculation

In the world of dragons, strength is revered and bloodline is king.

——Bloodline represents everything.

In the world of dragons, most relationships are connected by blood. Strictly speaking, the composition of factions in the world of dragons is actually quite simple and can be roughly divided into five lines.

That is, the Black King's direct lineage, the Bronze and Fire King's lineage, the Earth and Mountain King's lineage, the Sky and Wind King's lineage, and the Ocean and Water King's lineage.

It is said that there used to be a lineage of the White King and a lineage of the Presbyterian Church, but with the failure of the White King's rebellion, those two lines were brutally purged, and now there are no blood descendants from those two lines.

The two next-generation species, Samson and Dragon Warrior, belong to the lineage of the King of Bronze and Fire. They can even sacrifice their lives for the king they serve.

As early as thousands of years ago, they have been guarding the king they serve. However, with the passage of time and Odin's pursuit, the once large and powerful blood descendants of the bronze and fire lineage have also been destroyed to this day. Only two of them were left alone.

They are not wild beasts, but have intelligence far beyond that of humans, but in order to protect their king, they are willing to become silent guards.

The authorities are obsessed, but bystanders are clear. In fact, many things are often only seen most clearly by onlookers like them. Their king wants to regain his former dignity, and all hope lies in the man in front of him. If he hadn't taken action, they would have protected him. The king may have already fallen into an irreversible ending.

For this reason, they will comply 100% unconditionally with any request made by the adult in front of them...even if it costs their own lives.

"Is the injury so serious..."

Walking closer, Mu Qingzhi couldn't help but frown slightly as she looked at the miserable wounds on the two giant dragons in front of her.

Before, I only thought it was a bit miserable when I looked at it from a distance, but now when I look closer, I realize that the two dragons in front of me are almost half dead. The long-term watch in the thousand-year Bronze City has severely depleted their strength, and they have not fully recovered. At that time, they were facing the three next-generation species plus those ghost-toothed dragon vipers. The fact that these two dragons were able to come back alive at this moment was purely a matter of fate.

After a brief pause, Mu Qingzhi stretched out her hand to hold the [Na Ring] on her neck. Following her movements, within a few seconds, two golden elixirs that were as big as a child's fist and emitted a faint golden light appeared. Appeared out of thin air and hovered in front of her.

"Eat this thing."

Looking at the two seriously injured dragons in front of her, Mu Qingzhi pointed at the two pills suspended in mid-air with a concise expression on her face.

Over the years, after realizing that she could not improve her strength, she spent a lot of time on the production of props. Although the highest quality can only be made at present, she has secretly saved a lot of gold-quality items. few.

Although it is a bit extravagant to feed the two dragons in front of them golden-quality healing medicine, it is what the other party deserves.

Without any hesitation, after the adults in front of them spoke, Samson and the Dragon Warrior quickly opened their mouths and swallowed the pill suspended in front of them.

The golden elixir melted in their mouths. Before they could taste the taste of the elixir, a warm current surged into their hearts. While the pain from various parts of their bodies was reduced by 90%, they I felt a slight itching sensation from the wound.

Under their slightly stunned gazes, the bleeding wounds on their bodies quickly stopped bleeding, and then quickly formed scars in just a few seconds. Only half a minute later, their serious and even bone-deep injuries were healed. More than 80%.

"Thank you sir for the medicine."

After looking at each other, Samson and the Dragon Attendant stood up and bowed their heads in unusual respect to the adults in front of them.

One of their voices is a pleasant female voice with a mature tone, sounding like a royal sister, while the other female voice is slightly childish.

" can actually talk?"

This was the first time he heard the two dragons in front of him speaking. He unconsciously took a step back, and Mu Qingzhi's pupils trembled violently.

This voice sounds... like one is underage?

Samson/Dragon Attendant: “………”

...They felt that the adult in front of them had a deep misunderstanding of them.

"To be honest, I have always regarded you two as mutes in my mind... Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore."

Reaching out to scratch her cheek, Mu Qingzhi took out two half-person-high buckets from the ring and placed them on the ground.

"First of all, give me a bucket of blood. I will use it. Remember to fill the bucket."

In this world, the most accessible raw material for high-end manufacturing props is dragon's blood. In order to deal with the threat posed by Odin, she plans to quickly produce a batch of high-end targeted props.

Not to mention anything else, one random door was no longer enough, so she had to make another door for Norton.

Of course, it is still a bit reluctant to use the blood of the next generation to make golden-quality props, so she plans to send Samson and the Dragon Warrior back later, and then go to Fenrir and Shami to draw some blood. As for the previous ones, she will first Use it as a mat.

Samson/Dragon Attendant: “………”

...Give me a sweet date and a knife. This adult is really unpredictable.


"Are you planning to make new props again?"

In the backyard hot spring, Su Enxi, who was sitting in front of the computer and typing on the keyboard, looked strange as she looked at someone who was sitting in front of her.

"That's about it. I plan to build a few more usable random doors... By the way, hasn't Zero gotten up yet?"

Turning to look at Su Enxi, Mu Qingzhi withdrew her gaze again and started working on her own matters at hand.

"I can roughly sense the location of the holy corpse. As long as it appears within a certain range around me, I can sense its existence... I would like to ask her to help investigate certain things."

"Her? I was busy taking care of you for so long yesterday. She is probably still asleep now. If you have anything to say to me, just tell me. I have several very good teams under my command."

Turning slightly sideways and looking at her, Su Enxi was still typing quickly on the keyboard with one hand, with a smug look on her face.

"I'm not boasting. No matter what the task is, my team can complete it perfectly."

"It's very simple. Get Nono's blood sample or hair for me. I'll need it tomorrow morning at the latest."

Mu Qingzhi didn't even raise her head.

"Besides, please help me investigate Nono's life experience and past. I want the most detailed one."

"Nono...Chen Motong? Why do you want her blood sample?"

After being stunned for a moment, Su Enxi quickly reacted.

"...Some kind of guess."

After a moment of pondering, Mu Qingzhi answered as he looked at the newly minted props in his hands.

"Honestly, I kind of doubt she is Eri's sister."


ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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