The rain was pouring and the wind was howling.

Compared with the previous few days, today's weather is undoubtedly quite bad. The weather station did not expect such bad weather conditions to occur. It can only be speculated that it is due to the impact of changes in sea airflow.

In this extremely bad weather, fishermen have been banned from going to sea at the port terminal, and the possibility of a tsunami has not even been ruled out.

"How's it going? Haven't we contacted you yet?"

Inside Genji Heavy Industries, Uesugi Yue's face was terrifyingly cold as he sat in his office.

The changes in the celestial phenomena were not accidents, but changes caused by the chaos between the elements of heaven and earth. When thinking about Zhi, who had been unable to contact him since last night, it was difficult not to have some bad associations in his mind.

"No, her phone is always turned off... Also, the thing that everyone should pay most attention to right now should be the Xumizuo."

Looking at the gloomy Uesugoshi in front of him, Inuyama He couldn't laugh or cry for a while. He didn't know what to say to the daughter-in-law in front of him.

...Speaking of which, that ancestor disappeared once and twice because of disagreements. Is it necessary to be obsessed with the whereabouts of the other party at this time?

You know, today is the scheduled time to explore and clean up the God Burial Site on the Jiyuan side. Under the premise of a strong typhoon blowing at sea and extremely bad weather, as a parent, you should pay more attention Isn't it such a big deal?

But unfortunately, since early in the morning, everyone's thoughts have not been focused on this aspect at all... Don't forget, the other party was not only the director of the Executive Bureau, but also the legendary Tsukuyomi. What happened?

And besides, when that ancestor was the director of the Executive Bureau, didn’t he disappear for no apparent reason once or twice every one or two months?

In Inuyama Ga's view, the parents' worries are completely unfounded.

"...How is the situation over at Xumizuo?"

After glancing at Inuyama Ga in front of him and pressing his forehead, Uesugoshi asked in a rather irritable mood.

Sumeruza, a project jointly produced by the family's Yanliu Research Institute and Maruyama Engineering Co., Ltd., also known as the "Unsinkable Sumeruza", is a floating platform specially built on the sea.

Generally speaking, these floating platforms are used to explore oil or seabed mineral veins. Although these things move slowly, due to their huge weight, they can even withstand level 12 winds and even tsunamis at sea.

For this time's exploration of the Abyss, the Sheqi Eight Family did not hesitate to gather all six "Xumizuo" floating platforms together and use them exclusively as a front-line base for this deep-sea exploration.

——Compared with the things buried in the divine cache, creatures like the Ghost-toothed Dragon Viper can only be regarded as appetizers.

"Parents, please rest assured about this."

Seeing Uesugoshi finally talking about business, Inuyama Ga couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face.

"At the beginning of the design, Xumizuo was designed to be a building that could withstand typhoons or tsunamis. Although the environment on the sea side was extremely harsh and all external staff had to withdraw inside, it was generally stable. Master Yuan Shao had already rushed Heading over there, it’s expected to be in two hours…”

"Since it's okay, why are you talking about these things?"

Without mercy, Uesugoshi interrupted him.

"It's enough for the children to handle the matter over there. Your top priority now is to activate the intelligence network of the Sheqiba family and seize the time to find Zhi's whereabouts. Do you understand?"

Inuyama Ga: "..."

...This daughter is hopeless.

While Inuyama Ga was sitting there in silence, the phone in the office suddenly rang. Originally, Uesugoshi was not in the mood to answer the phone, but after seeing the incoming call notification, he immediately picked up the phone.

In the next five minutes, Inuyama Ga deeply understood what it means to change one's face. From the initial joy, to worry and solemnity, and then to the final relief, in these short five minutes, a variety of expressions Changes are taking turns on the faces of the parents of the family.

...He was suddenly very curious about the content of this phone call.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

After hanging up the phone, Uesugoshi's face was as bright as spring breeze.

"What were you talking about just now, Xumizuo? How is the situation over there?"

Inuyama Ga: "..."


Lu Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief towards the car window, and drew a smiling face on the glass with a few strokes.

Since tonight was the time for action, they originally planned to recharge their batteries during the day. He planned to go to Akihabara again to see if he could buy some high-quality figurines for his collection. Nono and Susie made an appointment to think about it. He was going shopping at the largest shopping mall in Tokyo and wanted to start the shopping spree again. Caesar wanted to bring some gifts to his student council members, so he boldly planned to go shopping with him in Akihabara, and Chu Zihang planned to sit quietly in the hotel alone, seemingly intending to cultivate his moral character.

However, due to this sudden heavy rain, all their plans were ruined...except for Chu Zihang.

It was as if the Tianhe River had vented. It was not only raining heavily outside, but also strong winds. Under the violent rain and rain, the visibility was even less than one meter. Even if you were holding an umbrella, you would get wet within a second, but not Just stay in the hotel in a daze?

And just when they were about to lie down together for the whole day, Mai Shutoku suddenly drove up to the door in a stretched Lincoln very arrogantly, saying that a banquet was held at the Black Stone Mansion and she wanted to invite They went over to participate in the group, doing their best as landlords.

Naturally, they would not miss this kind of invitation, so they got in the car without much hesitation.

It was only after getting in the car that Lu Mingfei discovered that besides Mai Shutoku, Eri was also in the car. When he saw them getting on the car, he politely raised his hand to say hello to them.

Nono and Susie obviously liked this well-behaved girl, so they couldn't help but pull each other to sit in the back row. Chu Zihang sat in the co-pilot's seat, and then he sat in the middle with Caesar.

——The sounds of warblers and swallows coming from the rear made it difficult for him to turn his eyes away.

Most of the time, his eyes were focused on Nono and Eriki, but more often than not, he was looking at and comparing something.

He didn't know what was going on. Although they had different temperaments and slight differences in appearance... he always felt that they looked very similar.

...It even looks a little scary.

He had asked other people about this matter in a roundabout way, but no one had the same feelings as him, so he had to keep this matter in his heart and treat it as his own illusion.

Because there were few opportunities for the two of them to share the same screen before, he almost forgot about it, but now that the two of them were sitting together, he was bored on the road and naturally had to take a closer look and compare.

Just like that, when he turned his head for the 21st time, Nono was finally annoyed and used a seat belt to force him to the seat.

Lu Mingfei: "..."

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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