Originally, Mu Qingzhi did not plan to start the Caesar and Nono line so quickly at the beginning. After all, the clues she controlled were still not enough.

But now, Odin has almost bullied her, so she naturally has to find a way to fight back. Caesar is a good breakthrough for her.

Although so far, she has not been able to find any evidence of a relationship between the Gattuso family and Odin, but as the saying goes, bold guesses and careful verification can always reveal clues to the other party.

To be honest, Caesar is actually quite pitiful. His fate was already arranged from the very beginning. What he thought was his resistance to the family was actually the family's way of manipulating him.

If you have to say it, Caesar's experience is actually a bit similar to that of Yuan Zhisheng in the original plot. Both of them have been living in lies since childhood. The only difference is that his status is more special and his treatment is better.

...but who knows what will happen in the future?

If she wanted to take down Caesar, she had to take down Nono first. Originally, she wanted to take it slow, but now she can only find another way.

"Gattuso...do you have any evidence?"

After a moment of daze, the expression on Su Enxi's face suddenly became serious.

"The Gattuso family is a member of the school board of directors, the backbone of the secret party. Logically speaking, they will not get along with..."

"There is no evidence, but if there is indeed a problem with Chen Motong, then the Gattuso family must have close ties with Odin."

After interrupting Su Enxi's words and shaking her head, Mu Qingzhi turned to look at him.

"Eriyi is a container prepared for King Bai. So Chen Motong, what kind of existence do you think she is prepared for?"

"...I know what you want to express."

After a long silence, Su Enxi took a breath and spoke with a solemn expression.

"Mo Tong refers to the eyes of the Black King, so Chen Mo Tong is the sacrifice prepared for the black emperor. Odin is not satisfied with plundering the power of other kings and even the White King. What he wants even more is Ascend to the position of Black King, am I right?”

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...Can the name still be explained in this way?

"……This should be."

After a moment of pondering, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"No matter what achievements Odin has achieved, when the Black King returns, everything he has now will be in vain, so he must either prevent the Black King's resurrection or directly usurp the other party's power. Obviously, the other party chose a two-pronged approach ”

"Hmm...has he ever prevented the Black King from being resurrected?"

"Of course, otherwise, how do you think the once prosperous dragon civilization disappeared from the world so quickly? Isn't it because the other party was behind it? Otherwise, the Black King would have revived long ago."

After glancing at Su Enxi who looked like a curious baby next to her, Mu Qingzhi curled her lips.

"In this way, he has been trying to delay the recovery of the Black King until there is no more delay and until he is ready. If nothing else happens, the Black King will probably recover in 2012. By then That’s the end of it all.”

"This is the so-called moment of decisive battle... No wonder you and the four kings will collectively wake up at this time."

Su Enxi nodded thoughtfully.

"I told you I'm not...forget it, they're coming, just put everything away."

With a sigh, Mu Qingzhi stood up from the chair.

"Nono has a special ability called profiling. Although she generally doesn't use this ability very much, you'd better not let her see any flaws."

The most incomprehensible ability among the dragon clan was Nuonuo's unreasonable profile. In the Bronze City, the other party could clearly see what happened a thousand years ago. It was simply a reversal. sky.

...Especially when the system accidentally told her that Nono seemed to have seen the existence of the system through profiling.


"...I feel like it's a bit spooky here, what do you think?"

Unconsciously hiding next to Susie, Nono asked in a low voice.

"I also think it's a little bit. Many of the ornaments here feel quite weird."

Falling at the end of the team with Nono, Susie also responded in a low voice.

It was fine on the outside before, but the further she walked inside, the more she felt that the environment inside was a bit strange, and many things were arranged in a disorderly manner.

For example, in the courtyard they had just turned a few minutes ago, they saw a rather strange-looking plaster statue in the courtyard with its back to them and toward the corner. However, they just looked away slightly, and that plaster statue It quickly disappeared, as if it were haunted in broad daylight.

In addition to the weird plaster statue, there were also the banging sounds of basketballs coming from the sealed room, the big red lantern floating in the air behind the courtyard door, and the embroidered shoes that appeared in front of them out of thin air... Ever since they entered Since the Blackstone Mansion, they have seen various strange phenomena and things almost twenty times.

But for these problems that a discerning person could see at a glance, the long-legged lady seemed extremely calm, as if everything that happened in this building was normal, which actually scared them all.

To be honest, if they hadn't smelled the aroma of the food, they would have almost thought they were here to participate in a courage test...

"Don't worry, those collections are just running around because they are not properly contained or there is a problem with the containment measures. Miss, she has placed restrictions on these products. They cannot cause life danger to people now."

As if he heard their thoughts, he stopped in front of the gate of the hot spring pool courtyard and turned to look at them. The long-legged lady explained with a chuckle.

"Normally, they are actually quite friendly. The reason why there were so many of them just now was mainly because they were a little curious about the new guests in this official residence. You don't need to take them too seriously."

Nono/Susie: “………”

...So those things used to be life-threatening?

But soon, as the door in front of them opened, their minds were immediately focused on the beautiful scenery in front of them.

The hot spring pool in the Black Stone Mansion is a natural bluestone trough. The stonemason used copper pipes to introduce the hot spring water to form this warm and jade-like pool. A tall ancient cherry blossom bloomed above the pool. This kind of cherry blossom is called "cold". Sakura" is said to have a history of hundreds of years.

Although the invisible barrier cut off the wind and rain from the outside world, there was still a slight breeze blowing. It seemed that the opening of the door disturbed the flow of air in the courtyard, and in an instant, cherry blossoms were flying in front of them.

...The sky is full of falling cherry blossoms.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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