The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 397 Sincerity is always a must-win skill

I have to say that Hiroshi Kimura is indeed an ace Sebastian.

As long as it was something Mu Qingzhi ordered, the other party would always get it done quickly and well at the right time, making it extremely worry-free.

And at this impromptu banquet that she had planned at short notice, the other party completely lived up to her expectations. The hot spring pool itself is the most scenic place in Atami. It is raining violently outside, so it is more convenient to enjoy delicious food here. It has a different flavor.

"How is it? The scenery here is not worse than that of Xingshen Temple, right?"

Holding a cup of Coke in her hand, Mu Qingzhi looked proud.

"not bad."

Turning his head to look at the heavy rain that could not see anything clearly under the cliff, Lu Mingfei nodded decisively.

"If you have discernment, come and give you a toast!!"

Lifting up the cup in her hand, a certain young lady looked bold.

"My place is very big. You can rest here after eating, play games, and soak in hot springs. That's enough!!"

"Hot springs……"

Almost subconsciously, Lu Mingfei turned his head and glanced at the outdoor hot spring pool that was still radiating heat.

...If he remembered correctly, there seems to be a traditional custom called mixed bathing in Japan?

Just as his thoughts were wandering unconsciously, he suddenly felt his foot being stepped on hard. When he turned around, he met Nono's contemptuous eyes.

Lu Mingfei: "..."

"By the way, your actions tonight may be a bit dangerous. There is more than just a Lenin hidden deep in the abyss. There are even more terrifying things there."

As if she suddenly remembered something, Mu Qingzhi spoke.

"To be conservative, I will dive with you tonight."

"You want to go too?"

Looking up at Mu Qingzhi's side, Caesar was slightly surprised.

"Actually, you don't need to take risks. It's enough for Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang and I and the three of them to dive down. We are just exploring the Jiyuan intelligence and dropping a bomb into it. There is no need..."

"Do you know what's in there?"

Very simply, Mu Qingzhi interrupted Caesar's words.

"I said, the Lenin is not the key there, not even the thing carried on the Lenin. The real key is what is hidden in the Divine Burial in the Abyss. That is the most fatal thing."

"The Divine Burial Hall...wait, what is that?"

It was the first time I heard this term. Not only Caesar, but everyone else was stunned. Mai Shutoku seemed to want to stop him, but she still took a step slower and had no choice but to shake her head helplessly.

According to the information learned by Lu Mingfei and his team, their mission this time was to take a diving bell to the Abyss to explore the icebreaker Lenin that sank there 20 years ago, and at the same time use the bombs they carried to destroy the existence of the ship. A hatching ancient dragon embryo was destroyed.

This was the first time they heard the term Divine Burial Hall.

"Literally, it means the Divine Burial Hall. The things buried inside are naturally gods. They have been buried there for ten thousand years."

Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly, and her tone seemed extremely relaxed.

"The Lenin did carry the embryo of an ancient dragon, but it was sunk there not to hatch the ancient dragon, but to use the ancient dragon as a blood sacrifice to sacrifice to the god."

"...the four kings?"

Tentatively, Susie asked.

"The god buried in the Divine Burial Hall is the King of Ocean and Water among the four kings of the Dragon Clan?"

"No, it's more advanced than him."

Turning her head, Mu Qingzhi looked at Su Qian.

"The being buried there is the White Emperor who once launched the largest rebellion in the history of the Dragon Clan. You should have read about her deeds in textbooks."

"...White King."

After a long silence, he slowly sat upright and Caesar exhaled in his mouth.

"But according to the records, the White King should have been completely killed by the tyrannical Black Emperor. Even her blood descendants were also wiped out. They don't exist..."

"No, the descendants of the White King still exist."

Shaking her head, Mu Qingzhi interrupted Caesar's words.

"The Eight Sheqi Family are the last remaining descendants of the White King in this world. From ancient times to the present, the Eight Sheqi Family have been covering up this secret."


As Mu Qingzhi announced this important fact, everyone fell silent in an instant.

For a time, the entire banquet was filled with only the wind and rain coming from the outside world.

"...Why are you telling us this?"

After a long silence, it was Caesar who finally spoke first to break the silence. Looking directly at Mu Qingzhi, Caesar narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Things like this should be kept top secret. As the future head of the Uesugi family, you shouldn't tell us such a simple matter."

"Why not? I think you have to be honest when doing things. Anyway, when you go down to Jiyuan, you will understand everything."

Mu Qingzhi reluctantly sat up straight and curled her lips.

"Also, what the Dieste carries is not an ordinary alchemical sulfur bomb. It is a nuclear bomb. It is a nuclear power cabin. The Snake Qiba Family expects to trigger a nuclear explosion deep in the Abyss."

Caesar: "......"

...Listening to the barrage of violent revelations coming from a certain gangster daughter in front of him, he felt a little scared for a moment.

"Why go down there with something dangerous like that?"

At this moment, Chu Zihang asked, looking up at Mu Qingzhi, his brows were furrowed.

"Since the Snake Qiba family is the only descendant of the White King in the world, shouldn't what you want to do be to welcome the return of the god? By triggering a nuclear explosion in a place like that, do you want to kill the god?"

"……Roughly the same."

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"The thing buried in the Divine Burial Hall is the "Holy Remains of the White King". Ten thousand years ago, the person guarding the Holy Remains of the White King was seduced by the Holy Remains and merged with the Holy Remains to become the new White King, the Yamata-no-Orochi. Later. Yamata no Orochi was killed, but the person who killed Yamata became the new Yamata, and almost destroyed Japan. The last generation of Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi tried their best to kill each other, and then buried the god's burial place. Sinking into the abyss."

While speaking, Mu Qingzhi stretched out a finger in front of her face.

"That period of history has been around for 10,000 years."

"And 10,000 years later, someone will sink the ship carrying the ancient dragon embryo into the abyss, just to awaken the holy body... So you, the Snake Qiba Family, want to destroy that god."

After exhaling in his mouth, Caesar took over Mu Qingzhi's words, but halfway through, he shook his head.

"...No, not just destroying it, you Snake Qiba Family want to completely kill that god!!"

"at all costs!!"

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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