Mu Qingzhi's sudden openness caught Caesar and the others off guard. They never expected that a simple task could involve so many secrets of the dragon clan.

Although Lu Mingfei had learned about these things from Lu Mingze before, he did not expect that a certain young lady would be so honest... Can such things really be said casually?

"All in all, this is the situation, so your operation is very dangerous."

Unlike others, Mu Qingzhi was quite calm.

"In the depths of the abyss, there is an ancient city that has sunk for ten thousand years. It was the former Gao Tianyuan. The white king's holy bones were suppressed there. The ghost-toothed dragon viper was the jailer guarding the other party. And except for the ghost-toothed dragon viper, there are There is something even more terrifying. If I don’t follow you, your actions this time will result in a narrow escape.”

If she remembered correctly, the corpse guards sleeping inside the ancient city were the most troublesome. Under the premise that the holy bones had been taken away by Odin, they were like a large untimed bomb.

Even in the deep sea of ​​8,000 meters, those corpse guards can still move freely. Compared with Deadpool, things like corpse guards are undoubtedly more terrifying.

Once those tens of thousands of corpse guards surface from the bottom of the sea and head for the land, the secrets of the dragon clan will be made public. No one can afford the consequences... At least now, it is not the time to overturn the table.

"So you want to ensure that the holy remains are destroyed?"

Looking towards Mu Qingzhi, Caesar looked thoughtful.

"My family has mentioned before that you are Tsukuyomi's destiny, and the former Yamato was killed and sealed in the deep sea by Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu. Are you ready to continue your mission now?"

"It's not that simple. We are already more than one step behind."

Mu Qingzhi sighed.

"Nothing has happened there for ten thousand years, but something happened at this time. Don't you think it's strange? Someone has focused on the White King's holy bones earlier than us. Maybe by the time we rush over, That thing may have been taken away, the probability of this happening is more than 90%. "

"But the matter of the Divine Burial Hall is a secret within your family. How could other forces know about it?"

Frowning slightly, Susie asked.

"Also, your Sheqiba family has been keeping an eye on the Divine Burial Hall. Under your surveillance, no one has the power or ability to sneak in there without anyone noticing, right?"

"What if it's not some simple force that's targeting the holy remains?"

Shrugging slightly, Mu Qingzhi spread her hands in front of her.

"You should all know that even the most powerful hybrid in the world may not be able to dive into eight thousand meters of water with the body. But firstly, the other party can accurately position the sunken Takamagahara, and secondly, it can An ancient dragon was used as a blood sacrifice, and Sanlai was able to sneak in there alone and take away the resurrected holy bones. Do you think the other party will be a human? "


"Yes, the other party is an unknown Dragon King."

After looking at Nuonuo, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"Some of you should have heard of his name. His name is Odin. In fact, I have fought against him several times."

"Odin...the main god of Northern Europe?"

Listening to Mu Qingzhi's story, Caesar had a subtle look on his face.

"Are we talking about the Dragon Clan? Why are we suddenly talking about mythology again?"

"The history of mankind is the history of the Dragon Clan. The myths and stories circulated among humans are the myths written by the Dragon Clan themselves. You should have learned this in class."

Shaking her head, Mu Qingzhi looked at Caesar.

"Those dragons hiding behind the scenes wanted to mythologize themselves, so they made up mythical stories one after another around the world, and then made themselves gods... With the ability of the Gattuso family, they should be able to find out and Regarding information related to Odin, among those major forces, Odin’s existence is not a secret, just like those dark side kings.”

"...I will check it out later."

After a moment of pondering, Caesar nodded.

"So what you're saying is that everything that happened in Japan was caused by Odin behind his back? And Odin's true identity is actually a Dragon King?"

"Yes, in fact, this world is already beginning to countdown to its end... Listen carefully to what I am going to say next."

Standing up from the table, Mu Qingzhi walked straight to the direction facing Atami, and then used the dark wind and rain behind him to draw a minimalist sketch in the air.

"The awakening of the King of Bronze and Fire is not an accident. After that, more Dragon Kings will wake up from their slumber. The last one to wake up will bring a complete doomsday to this world. And until that day comes, It’s actually not that far away.”

As Mu Qingzhi finished speaking, the sketch she drew in the air was completed. Under everyone's gaze, the golden lines faded little by little, and then quickly merged into the dark wind and rain behind.

In the blink of an eye, what appeared in front of everyone was no longer the hot sea swept by the heavy rain, but a vast ice field. Plain white and bluish ice covered the mountains that pierced the sky. The sky was as rich as blood red, and the ice sheet was covered with countless corpses.

And on the top of the ice peak, a black giant beast was rising from the depths of the pile of bones. Its wings were covered with skeletons. Its huge membrane wings opened back and spit out black flames.

"...Black King Nidhogg?"

Looking at the strange picture in front of her, Susie couldn't help but be stunned.

"Yes, the other party will wake up soon, within a year or two at most."

Looking calmly at Chen Motong, who was looking at the painting blankly, Mu Qingzhi raised a finger in front of her.

"When Nidhogg returns, that's when the world ends. Humanity's most powerful weapons are like ants in front of that kind of existence. That's when the world ends."

"It's not that exaggerated, is it?"

Unconsciously, Caesar frowned.

"The weapons made by humans are still very lethal. Even the King of Bronze and Fire, who is as powerful as the Four Kings, didn't suffer under the Storm Torpedo? Even if the Black King revives, humans will not be able to fight back. "What you said is a bit exaggerated."

"So this is what I'm worried about. You don't have a clear understanding of power at all."

After waving his hand to disperse the picture, Mu Qingzhi sighed.

"Also, how can you be sure that the current human society is controlled by humans? Don't forget that compared to humans, dragons are the real immortal species."

"...Why did such a brilliant civilization disappear overnight? Have you ever thought about it?"

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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