...Is human technology strong?

In Mu Qingzhi's opinion, it is indeed quite strong, especially with the rapid development of science and technology in the past hundred years, which has reached a new peak.

If the dragons were only powerful in body, then it would be okay. After all, they are not out of the category of carbon-based creatures. Even Herzog, who gained the power of the White King, was punished by the Gattuso family's space-based weapons orbiting outer space. destroyed.

But the power of the Dragon Clan does not lie in its body, but in the power it holds, which is truly extraordinary power.

Mu Qingzhi had actually asked Old Tang about this matter. If it had been the other party's heyday, even a nuclear bomb would not have been able to restrain the other party in the slightest.

It would be too ridiculous to use those human weapons to fight against Nidhogg. Those things may be of some use, but only to the extent that they are of some use.

In the world of dragons, Odin is the biggest careerist, but at the same time, it is also the Black King who is most afraid of him.

In order to prevent and delay the other party's recovery, he first planned to destroy the entire dragon civilization, and then continued to hunt other kings to increase his power during this long period of time. In the end, he even wanted to replace the Black King.

The dragon civilization did not disappear, but was hidden by the other party. The small island that Mu Qingzhi saw under the ice sea at that time was a "nest" used by Odin to hide the dragon civilization.

Through so many years of investigation, Mu Qingzhi has been able to roughly infer the other party's thoughts and past. After the Black King was killed, while everyone else was immersed in the joy brought by the new era, Austrian Ding secretly reached an agreement with the leaders of humanity at that time.

The specific content of the agreement is unknown, but after that, Kungunir, who was incarnated by the authority of the White King, came into the hands of Odin. The four kings were killed one by one and fell asleep. The dragon civilization collapsed in the shortest time until the final disappeared, and mankind has since stepped onto the world stage.

Odin retained the blood descendants who were loyal to him and let them enter the Nibelungs to sleep uniformly. If the blood descendants of other kings could surrender, they would also enter the Nibelungs. , but those who refuse to surrender will suffer its devastating blow.

Although the remaining kings were said to have been killed one by one and fell asleep, there were definitely loyal ones among their blood descendants. Faced with this sudden change in the tribe, they were either killed or hid and fled to sleep. , over a long period of time, it gradually evolved into the situation today.

If this inference is true, then the power hidden behind Odin may be far more terrifying than Mu Qingzhi imagined.

...How many dragon nests exist in the world like the dragon nest where dragons sleep under the ice sea?

Once Odin suddenly goes crazy and unblocks all the dragon nests, the number of dragons in the world is likely to be overwhelming. Even if humans have already occupied this world, in the face of that huge number of dragons, humans will eventually Reduced to the original situation.

Although judging from the current situation, the final BOSS is indeed the Black King Nidhogg, but if Odin does not die, he will become the last and largest BOSS! !

Don’t forget, the other party has lived in the human world for thousands of years. How could the other party not have the technologies that humans are proud of! ?

Odin's ambition is not only to replace the Black King, he also wants to bring the lost dragon civilization back again and become the supreme supreme! !

With such a terrifying guy as an enemy, there is no doubt that this is a very headache for Mu Qingzhi.

If she wants to fight against the opponent, she must strengthen her own strength as much as possible. Regardless of other things, she will definitely win over Caesar.

"……What's the meaning?"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Caesar couldn't help but frown.

"What do you think dragons are? Irrational beasts? Or are they prey hunted all over the world by the Secret Party and those hybrid families?"

Sighing, Mu Qingzhi shook her head.

"No, they are not, they are a civilization. It is known that humans have no ability to destroy the dragon civilization, but the once brilliant dragon civilization disappeared, and humans have entered the world stage. Don't you think it's strange? ? After eliminating all the impossibilities, no matter how incredible the remaining one is, it is the truth."

"——Only some of them have become abandoned!!!"

Inexplicably, Mu Qingzhi's tone seemed a bit cold.

"After the death of the Black King, civil strife broke out within the dragon civilization. In the end, Odin won and became the final winner. The dragons who were unwilling to surrender to each other were divided into abandoned tribes and were subjected to crazy suppression and killing. Over the years Come on, the dragons killed by the Secret Party and those mixed-race families are all abandoned!"

"Wait, you mean..."

As if she understood something, Susie's expression couldn't help but change slightly.

"That's right, those who are not part of the abandoned clan, except for the vast majority who voluntarily entered a deep sleep to prevent the Black King from reviving early, the rest have all integrated into the human world."

Turning her head, Mu Qingzhi glanced at the other party.

"Dragons can transform into human bodies, and they have no desire to suck blood or attack. As long as they want to hide, they can hide well in human society. In addition, they have long lifespans, and they began to deliberately integrate into humans thousands of years ago. , Is it difficult to do this? I can even tell you with certainty that most of the famous hybrids or dragon-slaying families in history are from pure-blooded dragons who have mixed with the crowd!"

"Then, isn't this equivalent to cannibalism..."

"Is there a difference? Don't forget, those dragons have become the so-called abandoned tribe. What can't they do against the abandoned tribe? Maybe they are far more advanced than those hybrids."

After interrupting Su Qian's words, Mu Qingzhi curled her lips.

"No different than those dragons that have lived among humans for hundreds of years. After those abandoned clans woke up from their slumber, they faced such a strange world and had to encounter crazy pursuits from humans and compatriots. Then... Call it a miserable word, okay? The hybrids think they are protecting the peace of the world, but in fact, they are just helping others to eliminate their gang members. "


Because the information revealed by Mu Qingzhi's story was even greater, apart from Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang, even Jiudoku Mai and Su Enxiling couldn't help but stay there...except for Eli Yi.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Mu Qingzhi's words were revealed, it would definitely trigger an extremely strong earthquake in the world of mixed races.

——Her words simply subverted everything! !

"Okay, you can digest it yourself first, and remember not to spread these words to others. I don't want to be labeled as a monster who brings trouble to the world."

Looking at the stunned crowd in front of him, Mu Qingzhi shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked towards the house.

"Also, Chu Zihang, come over here."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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