The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 400 Men’s friendship is as strong as diamond

As time goes by, the heavy rain has not stopped, but it has a tendency to get heavier and heavier.

Although Mu Qingzhi had left, the shock she had just said to everyone still remained. It is no exaggeration to say that the information revealed by the other party almost shook their worldview.

Before today, everyone including Lu Mingfei believed that the world was controlled by humans, that the Dragon Clan was just a remnant of the old era, and that the new era did not have a giant ship to carry each other. But now, they have begun to have doubts about the nature of the world. doubted.

...Are all the dragons their hybrids have hunted so far "abandoned"?

"Potato chips, what do you think?"

Pushing Su Enxi next to her with her elbow, Jiude Mai asked in a low voice.

"You have the most information channels. Are what Zhi Zhi said just now correct?"

"……have no idea."

Reaching out and pressing her forehead, Su Enxi suddenly felt a headache.

"But what she said can perfectly explain those questions in history. Perhaps secretly, there really is a group of pure-blood dragons disguised as humans and mixed in the crowd to hunt down those abandoned tribes... Do you remember the hybrids? The source?”

As if remembering something, Su Enxi turned to look at him.

"...I understand what you mean."

After a brief silence, she exhaled and nodded.

Although the banquet in front of them was steaming with heat, not many people had the intention to eat until now...except for Eriki.

For Eriki, what her sister said just now was like listening to an adult's speech. She couldn't understand it at all, so she simply didn't bother to think about it.

In fact, there were very few things that she cared about, just a few things. She didn't even bother to cast a few glances at the things beyond her care.

...It's a pity that the weather is a bit bad today.

Raising her head, Eryi glanced at the wind and rain outside.

"Why, are you thinking about the two of them again?"

Reaching out and patting Lu Mingfei's shoulder, Caesar winked at him.

"Don't look, everyone has gone away."

"Who is thinking about them? I am thinking about life."

Glancing at Caesar next to him, Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes... and drank a glass of wine by the way.

"Okay, who can't see your kid's thoughts?"

Picking up the wine glass, Caesar shrugged slightly.

"But it's useless for you to look at it like this. You have to take the initiative to fight for it. Didn't you still use the privilege of one day of freedom last year? Use that privilege. I will teach you a few tricks. Three months will be enough for you. Got it."

"...When did you become so nosy?"

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and Lu Mingfei turned to look at him.

"It's simple, because you are also my opponent."

After finishing the glass of sake, Caesar looked solemn.

"There is an old saying in China that heroes from ancient times have been sad to die, so I have to remind you..."

"...It's the Beauty Pass."

"Huh? Then why do I remember it's the Gate of Hell?"

Caesar was slightly stunned.

"You probably forgot about it... Okay, I'm not at the point where I need other people's comfort yet."

After waving his hand, Lu Mingfei put the wine glass in his hand back on the table.

Although he said that he was out of luck for the time being, he could clearly see that senior brother was out of business now, and Zhi Zhi had no intention of falling in love at all.

At this point, he and his senior brother are now on the same starting line, and it is still unclear who will win and who will lose...but he feels that he has a better chance of winning.

"The enemy of your enemy is your friend. In this regard, I am firmly on your side."

Looking towards the others, Caesar put his hand on Lu Mingfei's shoulder and spoke in a low voice with loyalty.

"Don't worry, even if the two of them really get married by then, I will take the lead to blow up the axle of their wedding car, and then take you to steal the wedding!!"

Lu Mingfei: "..."


The Blackstone Mansion is very large and has quite a few rooms inside.

After Mu Qingzhi commandeered this place, it was completely used as a large warehouse. There were many things that were temporarily unused, so Mu Qingzhi simply put them all here.

Over time, a lot of things accumulated here, some of which even Mu Qingzhi herself could not remember.

However, Mu Qingzhi was quite familiar with the terrain here. Within ten minutes, she led Chu Zihang to the innermost room.

"Well, as usual, connecting with your father frequently can effectively speed up his awakening. You happened to be here today, so let's do it again."

Handing something that looked like a motorcycle helmet to Chu Zihang, Mu Qingzhi looked concise and concise.

There are really too few people under her command. As the situation becomes more and more urgent and severe, Chu Tianjiao, as a genuine S-level combatant, will naturally not be able to let him lie here until next year.

"...Did you go to Jiyuan last night?"

After taking the helmet and hesitating for a while, Chu Zihang finally asked.

Under the premise that his master had made it clear yesterday that he would not participate in their actions, he suddenly changed his mind one night. It was obvious that the other party had secretly taken action last night... Maybe today's sudden incident The severe storm is related to the other party.

...He knows the true identity of his master.

"Almost, the holy bones have been taken away by Odin. Now there is only the ancient city Gaotianyuan left there, and the tens of thousands of corpse guards inside... Anyway, you will know when the time comes."

As if she didn't want to say more, Mu Qingzhi waved her hand.

"You are familiar with the road here. When you come out later, just go back to the hot spring. Just put the helmet on the table nearby."


After a moment of silence, Chu Zihang nodded, and sat down next to the ice coffin.

...He just happened to have something to ask that man.

As Chu Zihang put on his helmet, the other party soon fell into Chu Tianjiao's dream.

After staring at the other person for a while to make sure nothing was wrong, he turned around and exited the room.

But just when she was about to go back to the hot spring to continue participating in the banquet, the sound of meowing came from the corner in front, and the next moment, two chasing Siamese cats appeared in her field of vision.

Those were the two cats that Lu Mingze kept here, named Tushou and Xiaoniaoyou. In the beginning, the Blackstone Mansion was regarded as a cattery.

The moment the two cats appeared, Mu Qingzhi could clearly feel that the surrounding world suddenly became quiet.

——At this moment, she seemed to have sunk into a sea of ​​silence.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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