The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 401 Shana’s attribute is tsundere

The world is extremely quiet, without a single sound.

After leaning down to help smooth the fur of the two cats that ran to her legs and rubbed their heads against hers, Mu Qingzhi rolled her eyes speechlessly when she saw that someone still hadn't come out.

"Why, you still can't hide, do you need me to drag you over?"

——There is no one except Lu Mingze who can create such a battle quietly.

"Ahem...shouldn't I make some preparations?"

Accompanied by a few awkward coughs, the door next to Mu Qingzhi was opened, and Lu Mingze, dressed in kimono, walked out.

"You didn't even call me at the banquet you held."

"I wanted to call you, but firstly, you didn't give me your contact information. Secondly..."

Standing up from the ground, Mu Qingzhi looked up and down at Lu Mingze in front of him.

"Speaking of which, can you really show up now? Also, why did you change into a kimono?"

"This is a bathrobe. I'm going to take a bath in the hot springs later."

Lu Mingze looked serious.

"……never mind."

Mu Qingzhi pressed her forehead speechlessly and asked.

"Tell me, what do you want from me? It's going to cost you a lot to appear in this situation, right?"

"Look what you said, can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?"

Lu Mingze simply sat down against the wall, hugged the little bird next to him in his arms, and then smoothed the other person's fur.

"I just heard from Su Enxi that something happened to you, so I wanted to take a look."


After glancing at the other party, Mu Qingzhi curled her lips into her arms while Tu Shou climbed up onto her shoulders.

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. I just had a weird dream due to the influence of the holy bones. I'll be fine after I sleep."

"The holy bones were taken away by Odin?"

Raising his head, Lu Mingze looked at her.

"Yes, it was a step too late. Originally, the holy bones should not have revived so early, but Odin used Norton's Dragon King's fetal blood to speed up the process in advance... But it doesn't matter."

Looking at Lu Mingze sitting on the floor against the wall with his cat in his arms, Mu Qingzhi simply sat down against the wall after thinking about it for a moment.

"It's not that easy for the holy skeleton to find a suitable host. Even if it is found, it will only give birth to a defective Baqi, which is convenient for me to recycle."

"……Do you need help?"

After a moment of pondering, Lu Mingze asked.

"Although I can't provide direct help, it's okay to provide some necessary support. If you agree, I can increase the strength of your retainer several times."

"...Mai Shutoku?"

"Well, I can directly change her bloodline and give her more power... You also need more powerful helpers now, right?"

Lu Mingze smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, it's not dangerous or has any side effects. It's just about improving her strength, and it doesn't take much time."

"...For things like this, you should ask her yourself."

After a little hesitation, Mu Qingzhi shook her head.

"Everyone has their own freedom. I have no right to make decisions for other people's futures, so..."

"Don't worry, I've given up on the idea of ​​writing a script."

As if he figured out what she wanted to say, Lu Mingze sighed.

"Ever since my carefully written scripts were ruined by you several times, I have given up on this idea. I don't know what the future will look like."

"Yes, my ideological consciousness has improved."

Very satisfied, while smoothing Tu Shou's hair in her arms, Mu Qingzhi nodded towards him.

"Actually, I've wanted to say it for a long time. Writing other people's destiny scripts at will is the way of a superior god. I'm very pleased that you can wake up in time."

Lu Mingze: "..."

"...By the way, you are going to dive with me again tonight, right?"

After a brief silence, Lu Mingze decided to change the topic.

"If you can, I hope you can help me bring something out from there."


Looking up at the other party, Mu Qingzhi raised her eyebrows slightly.

"That thing has been bleeding for such a long time. Is it possible that it can still be saved?"

"It's not that easy to kill a king. Even among all the first-generation species, it is the best among them."

Smiling and shaking his head, Lu Mingze stood up from the floor.

"In short, I leave my pet to you. I hope you can bring it back from the depths of the abyss."

"Don't worry, it's a piece of cake."

Very casually, Mu Qingzhi waved her hand.

"Actually, I planned to bring that thing back last night, but I never imagined that something like that would happen. However, given that the holy remains were taken away, it shouldn't happen today... What is this?"

Looking at the card handed to her by Lu Mingze in front of her, Mu Qingzhi looked confused.

"My contact information, didn't you say you couldn't contact me before? Now I'm giving you my contact information."

Lu Mingze looked serious.

"Call the number recorded on this card and you can contact me directly. No matter where I am at that time, I will definitely answer this call."


After taking the card, Mu Qingzhi looked at it.

Different from the string of numbers she imagined, what was recorded on the card was a complex garbled code that was dozens of digits long. It looked like the graffiti of a child when he was bored.

"No, your phone... eh?"

Raising her head, Mu Qingzhi was about to say something when she realized that the person in front of her had completely changed. At some point, Chu Zihang appeared in front of her instead of the original Lu Mingze.

Tu Shou was still held in her arms, while Xiao Niaoyou kept rubbing his head against her. Everything was no different from before. The only difference was that Lu Mingze disappeared... Just like when Tathagata came. quietly.

"what phone?"

Listening to his master's words, Chu Zihang couldn't help but be a little stunned.

When he came out of that man's dream, the room was already empty, which made him feel a little disappointed.

But what he didn't expect was that when he came out of the room, he saw his master sitting in the corridor waiting for him with a cat in his arms... so the disappointment in his heart was immediately replaced by surprise.

"'s nothing, let's go."

Putting the card back into the Ring, Mu Qingzhi stood up from the floor after coughing a few times.

"I planned to go back alone before, but I happened to meet these two cats in the corridor, so I teased them a bit... Let's go back, let's go back to eat."

Chu Zihang: "..."

...Well, Shana is indeed tsundere.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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