The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 402 Overturning the table and exploring again (two in one)

Sea of ​​Japan, Xumizuo.

It was already night time, but the heavy rain still had no intention of stopping. The storm had been blowing since the morning, and the wind on the sea was so strong that it could almost blow people away.

Thanks to the fact that offshore platforms like Xumizuo were originally designed to withstand storms, and the Sheqiba Family connected all their offshore platforms together, so even if the storm blows for a day, Xumizuo is still as stable as a mountain. .

Mu Qingzhi and her group arrived here by boat at eight o'clock in the evening, but when the Diriaste was officially launched, they waited until eleven and a half in the evening. In the intervening few hours, the rock flow The institute's technical staff have been conducting a comprehensive inspection of this antique-level submarine.

At a certain moment, the long chirping sound of "Woo-Woo" overwhelmed the wind and rain, and the six "Xumizuo" dazzling yellow lights lit up at the same time. The shadows of the lights passed through the thick rainstorm and swirled across the surrounding sea.

In this kind of bad weather, it is difficult for helicopters to take off, especially when there is constant thunder in the clouds, but large ships are no problem. At this time, there are marine police ships surrounding the six Xumi constellations, and fishing boats are on guard in the distance. A bright red light flashes on it.

Standing on the top of Xumizuo in the heavy rain, Yuan Zhisheng silently looked at the black ocean below, his long windbreaker whistling in the wind.

Regarding the fact that the holy bones had been taken away in advance, Mu Qingzhi did not hide it from them. The divine burial place below was actually just an empty city full of monsters.

The symbolic significance of this dive is actually greater than the practical significance, because after tonight, the story of the descendant of the White King will spread throughout the world.

...Unconsciously, Yuan Zhisheng remembered what his elder sister said when he came here to look for him and his daughter in the afternoon.


"Yes, we are indeed very passive now."

Putting her hands on the table and leaning forward slightly, Mu Qingzhi looked serious.

"Odin took away the holy bones and left us a mess. The current situation is simply terrible."

"Will Baqi be resurrected again?"

Raising her hand, Yuan Zhennu asked, with a vague fighting spirit in her eyes.

"……probably not."

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi answered.

"The essence of the holy skeleton is a parasite. It is difficult for Odin to find a perfect host. If the other party's goal is just to resurrect Baqi, it may not be too easy."


Yuan Zhisheng frowned.

"It's the key to unlocking the power of the White King."

Sighing, Mu Qingzhi stood up straight.

"Eriyi is the perfect host, so you must protect Eriyi in the next time. As for the rest, leave it to me."

"What are you going to do?"

Looking towards his elder sister, Yuan Zhisheng frowned.

"This kind of thing is not..."

"It's not polite to call me sister."

Before Yuan Zhisheng could finish his words, he hit him on the head accurately with a knife.

Yuan Zhisheng: "..."

"In short, let's muddy the water first. The more chaotic the better."

Taking the opportunity to rub the head of his cheap friend, Mu Qingzhi retracted his hand with satisfaction.

"Since Odin is going to cause trouble, let's just make it clear. The secrets of the White King's descendants and the Divine Burial Hall have been hidden for so many years. There is no need to hide them any longer. I have already agreed that after today's matter is over, The old man will post a sky-high price reward for the holy bones on the hunter website, and then at the same time shake Odin's old bottom to the ground. "

Mu Qingzhi suddenly waved her hand, with a proud look on her face.

"Like to hide your identity? Like to make vests? Then take off all your vests. Play chess? We don't want to play anymore. Let's play table stud with him!!"

"My sister said it well."

As soon as Mu Qingzhi finished speaking, the girl beside her applauded enthusiastically. After tilting her head and looking at the girl next to her, she put down the PSP she was playing, and Eriyi also clapped.

"Yuan Zhisheng: "......"


"...It's just messing around."

After returning to his thoughts, he reached out and pressed his forehead, and Yuan Zhisheng sighed helplessly.

Although he knew very well that the secret of the White King's bloodline could not be kept for long, but to reveal it all so carelessly... he still couldn't accept it in his heart.

In fact, if it was just like this, then forget it, but making things like the sacred remains and the burial place of the gods public to the world is no longer a mess, but a random act.

"Eldest lady, they have entered the Dirieste. The inspection work has been completed. The deep submersible is in good condition and the sea water conditions are stable. The headquarters has ordered the launch of the Longyuan Project. After you are in place, the deep submersible can enter the water. "

As a voice sounded behind him, Yabuki Sakura, wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform, came to his side.

"...let's go."

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Zhisheng turned around.

A few minutes later, as the diving dock at the bottom of the Xumi constellation opened, the Ditrieste, loaded with heavy loads, plummeted straight into the black sea. White bubbles could be seen pouring out from the bottom of the Xumi constellation. That was the DiTrieste. No. released air.

The frogmen team dived into the sea and hung the safety line on the safety hook on the top of the DiTrieste. The other end of the safety line was connected to the roulette on the top of the Xumizuo. This huge roulette was wrapped with a 12-kilometer long safety hook. This kind of metal safety rope is durable and wear-resistant, and can lift five Dirieste. The equipment department's special recovery system can recover the deep submersible from the bottom of the polar abyss to the surface of the sea within 20 minutes.

Although from the outside, the Trieste looks like a behemoth fifteen meters long, the cockpit is about the same size as an elevator room. It is surrounded by watertight cabins, airtight cabins, air pumps and various pipes. The cockpit was still densely packed with valves and instruments, and there wasn't much room to move around.

It was barely enough to squeeze three people in, but if one more person was added, it would be a bit stretched. Even if Mu Qingzhi was petite, one person could still squeeze into the deep submersible.

However, Mu Qingzhi was already prepared for this situation. After letting Lu Mingfei step aside, she took out a sticker from the ring and pasted it on the wall. At the same time, she also placed a sticker with a snowflake mark engraved on it. Badges are attached to the corners.

"Secret base sticker, winter badge."

After a brief introduction, Mu Qingzhi greeted Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei into the secret base, leaving all the space in the cockpit to Caesar.

Different from the one used in public toilets a long time ago, this secret base sticker is open, just extending an open space on the plane... Mu Qingzhi also specially prepared several sofas and a small refrigerator.

So, while Caesar was struggling to control various instruments and valves in the cabin, the three bored people behind him simply started fighting with the landlord...

The operation of the Trieste is a technical job. Although there is a supporting operation manual, the thick book makes people have no interest in reading it. Among everyone, only Caesar has read it and After memorizing the contents of the operation manual, he will naturally do the operation. This is called more work for those who can do it.

Caesar: "......"


As time passed, the bathyscaphe continued to descend.

More than an hour later, the Dirieste had dived to the location of the trench, but unlike the extreme darkness that Caesar had imagined, there was an extremely gorgeous scene outside.

Warm red light shines in from the porthole window, and the color of the water is like sunset.

A huge school of thousands of fish floats in the twilight-like water, some rising in a spiral arc, and some sinking into the bottom of the sea like whirlpools. Some of these fish are as white as silver, and some have almost transparent bodies. Some emit a faint blue fluorescence.

The scene in front of me has a vast and glorious momentum, as well as a dreamy beauty that exceeds the limits of human imagination.

For a moment, Caesar actually thought that the sunset-colored water outside the porthole window was the sky before sunset, and schools of fish were swimming in the sky.

"...Are you here already?"

Just as Caesar frowned and looked at the scenery outside the porthole, a voice came from beside him. When he turned his head, he found that Lu Mingfei, whose face was covered with notes, had arrived at him without knowing it. Beside him, he was looking out the window with a curious expression.

Caesar: "......"

"...The situation is different from what we imagined."

Somewhat disgusted, he stayed away from the other party, and Caesar spoke in a deep voice.

"According to Ye Sheng, we should have encountered those ghost-toothed dragon vipers a long time ago, and this area of ​​water should have become devoid of life due to the hunting of those ghost-toothed dragon vipers. However, when we dived all the way down here, we I didn’t see anything related to his complaint, so I doubt…”

"It's simple, because the holy bones have been taken away, and their mission as jailers has ended. Naturally, there is no need to continue with that kind of meaningless hunting."

Before Caesar could finish a sentence, Mu Qingzhi's voice sounded behind him.

"Let's go on."


After looking at a young lady in front of him who seemed to have more papers on his face than Lu Mingfei's face, and then looking back at Chu Zihang, Caesar decided to remain silent.

They are now located directly above the Japan Trench, and below is a large submarine canyon formed by the collision of two continental plates. The source of the light comes from the canyon below.

At the bottom of the canyon, there is a golden crack running from north to south. The earth's crust is broken there, and the red-burnt rock layers roll out. Magma spurts out intermittently. The seawater and magma present a wonderful scene like water and milk blending together. There is a faint sound of thunder echoing below. .

The seafloor fissure below was like a burning abyss, and the Dirieste passing above it was like a midge illuminated by flames. In front of this almost suffocating spectacle, the three Caesars subconsciously Hold your breath.

Mu Qingzhi has been here more than once, so she is already immune to this kind of scene, but this is the first time for Caesar and the others, so they are inevitably fascinated by the wonders in front of them.

"Holy crap, there seems to be shrimp in the lava!!"

Suddenly, Lu Mingfei opened his eyes wide.

On the long river of lava, the boundary between the golden magma and the black sea water is extremely clear. You can vaguely see small dark red shrimps swimming in the lava.

"It's normal to have shrimps. Originally, people thought that no living thing could survive temperatures exceeding 100 degrees. However, some divers discovered some special small krill in the deep sea that can tolerate temperatures of 400 degrees. They live next to submarine volcanoes. , feeding on phosphorus from volcanoes.”

Looking at the scene below, Chu Zihang opened his mouth to explain.

"Life is an incredible thing, and humans only understand a small part of it. Although the temperature of the lava is higher, those shrimps that can survive in the lava may be dragon-blooded creatures contaminated with dragon's blood, so..."

"How do you think you should eat this shrimp?"

Before Chu Zihang could finish his sentence, he turned to look at Lu Mingfei, and Mu Qingzhi asked with a serious face.

"...It should be neither stewed nor fried."

After some hesitation, Lu Mingfei shook his head.

"If you can, maybe try making some sashimi... or something?"

"Yes, you have great ideas. Let me learn how to cook."

Patting Lu Mingfei's shoulder, Mu Qingzhi looked appreciative.


Chu Zihang: "..."


The trench was hundreds of miles long. Under Mu Qingzhi's deliberate guidance, it didn't take long for the Diriaste to successfully find the ancient city.

I don't know if it was the impact of the holy bones being taken away. Compared with yesterday when Mu Qingzhi came here, just one day passed, and the ancient city seemed to be more dilapidated.

When the Dirieste came to the top of this ancient city, not only the Sheqiba family above, but also the Kassel College in the United States, all the people watching in front of the screen lost their voices.

"This is...a city of dragons?"

Suddenly standing up from the chair, Schneider stared at the picture displayed on the screen in front of him.

Over the years, the secret party has not found some relics about the Dragon Clan, but those relics are all in tatters, and the scale is too narrow, but even these dilapidated relics make them feel like they have found a treasure.

But now, a more complete dragon city appeared in front of them... This was the first time in the history of hybrids! !

As the Dieste moved forward, more details about the city were displayed in front of them. Perhaps because it sank in the nearly 10,000-meter-deep sea, although the city was said to have collapsed in half, The rest of it is quite well preserved.

"The high tower in the center of the city...Norma, can you detect the specific information of the dragon inscriptions engraved on the tower? Is it a brand-new dragon inscription that has not been discovered?"

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, Schneider asked in a deep voice.

Tens of seconds later, Norma responded.

"According to comparison, there are 76 dragon inscriptions inscribed on the tower. The remaining 75 dragon inscriptions are the same as those in the school database, but only one sentence is slightly different."


ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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