The absolute control over all power is the authority that belongs exclusively to the King of Earth and Mountains.

In the words of one of the strongest next-generation species, natural disasters like earthquakes are just a casually fabricated game for her. As long as she is given enough time, she will not only destroy a city, but also a country. Even a continent is no problem.

But it is a pity that after dying again and again for thousands of years, part of her authority was taken away by Odin, so even Odin can easily create such small earthquakes.

——Just as Mu Qingzhi had guessed, Odin really didn’t want the dragon clan’s secrets to be exposed too much.

This earthquake is not enough to destroy this ancient city, but it is enough to wake up the sleeping things in the ancient city. Once those things successfully reach the sea, it will be a disaster for ordinary people.

Seeing the crimson figure quickly disappearing into the ruins of the ancient city, Lu Mingfei, who was holding the game controller in his hand, was at a loss for a moment.

He had met Odin once, on the elevated road that time. It was also his first meeting with Lao Yan. That battle also opened the door to a new world for him.

...And now, Odin is in this ancient city?

"Don't be stunned and continue working. There are valuable research materials everywhere here."

After re-closing and locking the box containing the "Suspicion", Caesar spoke in a deep voice.

"Don't forget our mission. The purpose of our trip is to destroy the embryo that exists on the Lenin!!"

As the vibrations continue to intensify, layers of waves begin to roll up on the lava river. These viscous rock solutions flow extremely slowly. Waves more than ten meters high can be shaped in the water for more than ten seconds, and then the shape of the waves collapses. Hundreds of tons of magma slapped heavily on the magma river.

In an instant, the light of the lava suddenly became brighter, illuminating every corner of the ruins and the faces of each of them.

Directly in front of them, millions of snails fell off the Lenin as the ground shook, and sticky blood streaks stretched on them.

But after the camouflage was removed, what was revealed was not the giant ship that Caesar and the others had imagined, but an alien object that was difficult to describe in words.

This thing is a hundred meters long. Half of it is inserted into the seabed, and the other half is wrapped in layers of lung snails. The half exposed on the ground is the color of lunch meat, densely covered with structures similar to tendons and fascia, and is also slightly squirming. The snails use their mouthparts to bite into the body of this giant creature, constantly eating, mating and breeding. Shocking wounds are opened on its surface, and the remaining lung snails can be seen tightly sucked deep into the wound. .

"What is this? An embryo?"

Looking at the monster in front of him, Lu Mingfei was stunned.

"No, this is the Lenin. The sunken ship is occupied by an embryo, which transforms steel into a part of its body."

Looking down, Chu Zihang spoke in a low voice.

"Master, what she said is not wrong. From the beginning, this was a grand and grand blood sacrifice for the holy body."

Below, where the lung snails accumulate in large numbers, the Lenin gave birth to thick blood vessels that penetrated the seabed. The blood flowed from the Lenin to the entire city, seeming to be a spring that nourished this dead city.

As the shaking intensifies, the seabed is cracking, and the black gaps are full of sticky black plasma. The dragon's blood flowing out of the Lenin is irrigating this ancient city. Before this earthquake that was caused by humans, Gao Tianyuan was in the holy remains. After leaving, the fragile balance was completely broken. The giant ship wrapped in flesh quickly withered, and an unknown force was sucking its blood crazily.

——After ten thousand years of slumber, the city is waking up from its long slumber.


At the same time, Mu Qingzhi successfully found Odin in the ruins of the ancient city.

The other party didn't seem to have any intention of hiding. When she found the other party under a crumbling torii, the other party was looking up at the Lenin that was undergoing rapid changes with his hands behind his back.

Different from the past, this time the other party was wrapped in a white robe, with an iron mask on his face, and a faint golden light bloomed from behind the mask.

"You know what? I regret it all the time."

As if he had guessed in advance that she would come for him, keeping his back to her, Odin spoke quietly.

"If I could recognize your identity at that time, maybe you wouldn't have caused me so much trouble. The end of the world is right in front of you, but I missed it several times. I have to say, your disguise is quite good. ”

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

... She felt that there was something wrong with the person in front of her.

"Do you have the holy body in your hand? What are you going to do with it?"

Facing what looked like a puppet in front of him, Mu Qingzhi temporarily put aside the idea of ​​starting a fight with him, and instead asked patiently.

"Also, where did you hide Lu Mingze?"

"Lu Mingze? It's really strange that you still care about him."

He chuckled softly in his mouth, turned around, and Odin looked at her.

"From what I learned, you two supreme beings are supposed to be hostile... No, you want to regain your authority, right?"

Odin seemed to have thought of something, and his tone was very certain.

"Although you have awakened from a distant slumber, your strength has weakened quite seriously. In terms of power and power, you have almost no "power", and only a little bit of "power" has been retained. . You want to find what you are missing and successfully complete yourself, so you entered the Sheqiba family in such a capacity, am I right?"

"Yes, yes, everything you said is right."

Secretly rolling her eyes in her heart, Mu Qingzhi raised the knife and pointed the tip of the knife at the opponent.

"So, can you please tell me the detailed answers to the two questions above? Otherwise, I have to ask you to stay here. Even if you are a puppet, it is not easy to find a suitable puppet, right? ?”

"After thousands of years of accumulation, it is very simple to accumulate useful things. The abandonment of a puppet is not a too painful thing for me."

Vaguely, Odin seemed to have a smile on his face.

"Actually speaking, there is no conflict between you and me. After all, our ultimate enemy is the black emperor. You were killed by him once, and I am eager to kill him again. The resurrection of that existence is not far away. Is it possible that we can actually reach cooperation? "

"Cooperation? Yes."

Nodding, Mu Qingzhi simply stretched out her hand towards the other party.

"As long as you are willing to hand over the holy remains first as a sign of sincerity, and then release Lu Mingze, I am willing to consider cooperating with you."

"You're not interested anymore. You know, this is not how we show sincerity to each other."

Odin sighed vaguely and shook his head.

"In that case, let's try it."

Looking up to her side, the golden color behind the mask on Odin's face became brighter and brighter, as if something was burning fiercely inside.

"...I would really like to see to what extent your strength has been restored."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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