The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 405 The rising dragon under the sea

As time went by, the magnitude of the vibrations in the entire ancient city continued to increase. The three people who were still on the Diryste clearly noticed the changes in the city.

Scarlet mist gushed out from the torn ground of the ancient city, and the dragon's blood flowing underground filled the entire ruins. From the cracks in the ground, slender living creatures crawled out.

They tore the afterbirth that enveloped and bound them, their bodies glowed with a metallic sheen, and their pupils were ferocious gold. Because they had been sleeping for too long, they could not get up, so they could only crawl on the sea bed, twisting their slender snake-like limbs. Lower body.

But at this time, the entire ruins were filled with dragon blood. After being nourished by the dragon's blood, their bodies immediately regained the strength of the ancient times. As they crawled, they jumped up suddenly, swinging their long tails upwards rapidly. Float away.

One, two...ten, a hundred, a thousand...

These monsters with human heads and snake bodies passed by the side of the Trieste, but they did not cast even a single glance at the illuminated metal object. In their eyes, they only saw the endless darkness above.

The changes happened very quickly. By the time Caesar and the others reacted, monsters were already all over the mountains and plains. Looking up from their current perspective, they could see countless slender shadows struggling to swing their long tails, and the lava illuminated them. body, they come together like a golden vortex.

This situation is like a group of dragons ascending to the sky.

"these things……"

"The Corpse Guard is a legendary creature. I didn't expect these things to actually exist."

Pulling out Murasame and holding it in his hand, Chu Zihang spoke calmly.

"The corpses of dragons will not decay for many years after death, so the dragons use alchemy to process the corpses of the same kind and use them to serve as city guards. This is a forbidden technology, and until ancient Egypt, humans still tried to use this method again. Technology concocted the corpses of pharaohs and nobles in an attempt to make them immortal, but they were only able to preserve the corpses, but failed to preserve the activity of nerves and muscles, so they could not create true walking corpses.”

"Serpent tails and human heads, these things are not pure dragons. They were also hybrids when they were alive. This is not a city of dragons, but a place created by the ancestors of hybrids."

Pulling out the Desert Eagle from his waist, Caesar exhaled in his mouth.

"So, have you found her? We have to retreat. With such a huge number, we can only detonate the nuclear power cabin to completely bury these things under the sea."

From his perspective, the ruins of the ancient city below have almost turned into a hell on earth. Corpses are constantly waking up from the ruins, and then scrambling to swim upwards. The number seems to be endless.

"I'm looking for it."

Holding the game controller in his hand, Lu Mingfei spoke quickly as he maneuvered the Ditryste through the densely packed corpse guards. His eyes were fixed on the ruins below.

Originally, the operation of the Trieste required complicated steps, but with this magical game controller, reality seemed to have become a game, completely divorced from the original laws of physics.

It seems that the other party had anticipated the appearance of the Corpse Guards before and gave him this game controller. Otherwise, the current Diryste would be a large can of meat for those huge Corpse Guards.

But as the number of corpse guards resurrected from the ruins of the ancient city continued to increase, at a certain moment, the Dirieste still slammed into those corpse guards.

As the Ditryeste swayed, several ferocious and twisted faces clung to the observation window. These ghosts looked as dry as mummies, with pale skin as hard as rock and tight. Tightly wrapped around the rugged bones.

Its facial features are twice as big as those of humans, its red-gold eyeballs protrude, and its huge mouth cleft extends to the edge of its lower jaw. It is tightly sewn together with threads similar to fish tendons, but at this moment it is swinging its long, withered white head. It opened its mouth slowly, and the fish tendons broke one by one, and the slender teeth protruded from the lips one by one. Finally, its entire mouth was completely opened, so big that it could swallow a calf! !

But just when it was about to launch an attack on the Trieste, a knife pierced the observation window and penetrated straight through its head. The tip of the knife emerged from the back of its head, and then it turned around and slashed its head.

"I will go outside, and then you will conduct the nuclear detonation."

After saying these words, Chu Zihang directly opened the hatch and dived into the deep sea of ​​the outside world.

So in an instant, the seawater surged in, but for them who had already been exposed to the doubts, let alone this little seawater, the terrifying high pressure of the deep sea had no effect at all.


Raising his middle finger at Chu Zihang's back rather unhappily, Caesar retreated to the window.

——He had a hunch that this precious collection collected by his family would probably fall into pieces today.

At this moment, a violent explosion sounded from below, like tens of thousands of artillery shells firing in unison, and the deafening sound almost deafened their ears.

The moment the shaking sound rang out, the corpse guards who had been inspired by the killing and wanted to launch a siege on the Dirieste were instantly defeated and fled upwards again in a panic.

Below is the battlefield of monsters. If they continue to stay there, all that will be left for them is death.

"my God……"

Looking blankly at the scene happening below, Caesar opened his eyes unconsciously.

In his field of vision, a huge crimson sword shot up from the ruins with great momentum. After passing dangerously and dangerously against the side of the Dieste, it was cut off without knowing it in the middle. Many of the fleeing corpse guards finally struck the Lenin, which was stuck upside down on the seabed.

So a moment later, the wreckage of the Lenin was split into two, and the sword slashed into the mountain beside it without losing its power, artificially triggering a large-scale mountain landslide in the deep sea.

Although Caesar had always known that the opponent was strong, in his own mind, that kind of strength should have a visible upper limit. But now, he found that his previous thoughts were simply horribly wrong.

... In this world, are there any hybrids who can wield a sword comparable to this?

"Amaterasu's destiny, Tsukuyomi's destiny...blood descendant of the White King..."

Originally, Caesar had too many doubts about the mythical story told by the other party that happened 10,000 years ago. At that time, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi worked together to kill the resurrected Yamato and sink the entire Takamagahara. Going into the deep sea, he believes that there are a lot of artistic processing elements in it.

...But now, he felt that the other party might have said less.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Only then did I realize that the leader of the alliance, Huan Fengge, had given another reward... I spent a lot of money, and I will try my best to add more in the next few days...

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