8,400 meters deep in the sea, a forbidden area that humans can never reach.

In this forbidden area of ​​life, Caesar and his companions witnessed an unprecedented battle.

Although the magma was still boiling, the vibration of the ground was still increasing, and more and more corpses were revived and fleeing... but they no longer had the mind to pay attention to these things, but focused all their attention on the two figures that were moving and colliding at high speed in the ruins of the ancient city below.

The scarlet figure and the pale shadow collided with each other, and once again plowed a huge gully on the ruins of the ancient city that was already full of cracks. Often Chu Zihang and his companions could only see a series of dazzling sparks first, and then they could hear the series of explosions and the sound of metal interlacing.

Except for Chu Zihang who had activated the blood burst and could barely keep up with the speed of the two people below, in the eyes of Caesar and Lu Mingfei, there were only two bright lines moving at high speed in the ruins below.

Wherever the line passed, everything around was destroyed, and then turned into a boundless mess. They couldn't even get close to this mythical battlefield, let alone participate in it.

But at this time, Caesar and the others showed a relaxed look on their faces, because as long as they looked for a while, they could clearly see that the scarlet figure had the upper hand.

But unlike Caesar and Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei was pale, his eyes were fixed on the battlefield below, and his breathing unconsciously became rapid.

... In a trance, he heard a sound, like a horse neighing.


Mu Qingzhi never thought that it was just a puppet, but it was so difficult to deal with.

You know, this is 8,400 meters underwater. Under the huge water pressure, in Caesar's words, when you reach the bottom of the abyss, you will have 20 pigs from the pig farm standing on you.

She was exempted from this pressure by the effect of the props, but the opponent relied on his body to bear it. Not only that, the opponent's movements were even terrifyingly flexible.

It would be fine if the opponent had fought her head-on, but the opponent had been deliberately dodging from the beginning to now, not paying attention to attacking at all, only focusing on defense, and the overall performance was at ease.

... It was outrageous that a mere puppet could reach this level.

It was not that she had never fought with Odin's puppets. The first time was on the viaduct. Although she killed the opponent's horse, that battle could only be regarded as a test.

The second time was at the Kuimen Hotel. Under the cover of Samson, she fought against Chu Tianjiao controlled by Odin. She won a great victory in that battle and successfully brought Chu Tianjiao back.

As for the third time, it is now.

Originally, she wanted to kill Odin's puppet to teach the other party a small lesson and collect some interest, but she didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary puppet was unexpectedly strong.

At this time, the surrounding environment was deteriorating rapidly, the magma was violently churning, and the vibration waves of the earth were becoming more and more frequent. The whole scene seemed like the end of the world.

Her previous inference had a small error. This was not a simple small earthquake, but an unprecedented underground volcanic eruption. The other party used the power of the earth and the king of the mountain to pry the fulcrum, thus triggering this disaster.

If she continued to delay, she would have the confidence to escape, but it was hard to say for others. Such a large-scale underground volcanic eruption would inevitably cause a tsunami at sea, coupled with those who took advantage of the chaos to surge to the surface of the water. Even if there were three people guarding on the water, Eri, Gen Chisei and Gen Chinu, it would be difficult to guarantee that there would be no accidents.

Mu Qingzhi exhaled slightly in her mouth, clenched the Zhidian Zana in her hand, and stopped.

... She didn't plan to continue to waste time with the guy in front of her.

"What, did you finally notice it?"

And just as she stopped, Odin in front of her also stopped.

"Your disability is too serious, and your power decline is far greater than I thought. I thought you would notice it earlier, but I didn't expect that you didn't find it until now." Looking up at her, the white-robed puppet's words vaguely carried a little regret.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...What is this guy in front of him saying?

Although the previous battle did not have any effect, the opponent's situation at this time is definitely not good. Not only is the white robe on his body tattered, but the mask on his face is also missing a piece... Unfortunately, the opponent successfully dodged the fatal blow.

"Domain, it's the alchemy domain!!"

Just as Mu Qingzhi was calm and confused, Lu Mingfei's voice suddenly came from above.

"That guy, it built a new Nibelungen here!!"

"Too late."

Looking up at the Trieste above, Odin chuckled.

Just as he finished speaking, the underground of the ancient city, which had been mostly destroyed in the battle and earthquake, suddenly lit up. Complex patterns lit up one by one on the ruins, and finally connected end to end to form a huge alchemical field.

For a moment, this lit alchemical field even surpassed the blazing flames of the lava.

After taking alchemy from Norton, Odin's attainments in alchemy have reached an unprecedented level. It was based on Norton's understanding of alchemy that he successfully reproduced the imitation of Kungunir.

Building such a huge alchemical field is not too difficult for him.

"This alchemy field is specially prepared by me for you. In this field, you will be completely suppressed, and those suppressions will be turned into increases for me. You who have only realized all this now have already late."

Looking up at Mu Qingzhi, Odin smiled and spoke.

"You have caused me too much trouble. Since you are unwilling to stand on my side, then you are my enemy. Without getting back your power and strength, you are now the weakest in history. , do you think I will miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?"

When a lion fights a rabbit, it also requires all your strength.

He has lived for a long time and naturally understands this truth more deeply than anyone else. So what if the other party's white emperor? Anyone who stands in his way is his stepping stone.

Even though the opponent doesn't seem to be a threat now, and the power and power are firmly in his hands, he will never make the mistake of letting the opponent defeat monsters and upgrade all the way despite being the final boss.

——Danger should be nipped in the cradle.

He has been preparing for today for a long time. He even started preparations a year ago or even earlier. This alchemical field was specially used by the black emperor to imprison the opponent. He spent a lot of time and energy. It has been fully modified and adapted.

Taking advantage of the opponent's arrogance, he successfully led the opponent into this desperate trap aimed at the opponent.

Everything that happened in Jiyuan was a grand funeral he prepared for the other party. The death of a supreme being should be so grand.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

She turned to look at the surrounding alchemy field that was lit up on the ruins of the ancient city. She didn't know what she was thinking of, but her face suddenly looked a little strange.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be more later, in the morning (づ●─●)づ

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