Flames and thunder intertwined, and then bloomed in the depths of the abyss.

Standing on the ruins of the ancient city, Mu Qingzhi could clearly detect the pulse of the city. At this moment, he was moaning before his death.

"It's really a big deal to bring such a heroic spirit here at once..."

Looking around at the dense black shadows around her, holding the handle of the knife tightly in her hand, Mu Qingzhi exhaled slightly in her mouth.

"It doesn't matter that Odin is mass-produced, but in the end, even Sleipnir is also mass-produced?"

The cage made of thunder gathered above her, and the blue-purple lightning reflected the fiery red magma that was about to erupt, completely blocking her way to retreat upwards.

In fact, that's okay. What makes Mu Qingzhi feel speechless the most is that even now that the opponent has clearly gained an absolute advantage, the opponent is still hiding shamelessly among the huge group of heroic spirits. The last one.

...It's simply shameless.

"When dealing with a being like you, you can never be too cautious."

As if guessing what she was thinking, Odin's voice sounded from three directions at the same time.

"So now, tell me, can you still escape from this desperate situation?"

Regarding Odin's words, Mu Qingzhi's memory was quite clear and simple.

——She directly raised her hand high and then raised her middle finger towards the other party.

Odin: "..."

Not all hybrids are qualified to be his puppets. There are many heroic spirits who can be his, but those who are qualified to be his puppets are very few. Even among ten thousand heroic spirits, they may not be able to do so. one.

In order to ensure that this biggest enemy could be strangled in the cradle early this time, in addition to the original white-robed puppet, he not only dispatched three puppets in the form of Odin at once, but also brought so many heroic spirits. .

After several previous tests, he was very sure that he had figured out the opponent's strength. The opponent's "power" was only a little bit, and his "power" was not at all. At best, the opponent's current strength was the same as that of a representative. Substitution is equivalent.

The power he has deployed now is enough to kill the Dragon King. Norton and Constantine were so unruly and unruly in the past, didn't they still run away in confusion when he chased them? The majestic king was even forced by him to blow up the Bronze City and flee to the east to remain anonymous, but it was still not enough to escape from his grasp.

He has been working hard for so many years, but no one is his opponent. Even the supreme Supreme, isn't he nailed to the safe haven to serve as an experiment?

But now, looking at the crimson figure in the center of the encirclement, Odin felt a rare hesitation in his heart.

He has seen Norton's rage and Jormungandr's forbearance. In the face of life and death crises, everyone reacts differently. This is also his favorite repertoire.

Now it is clear that he has the absolute upper hand, but judging from the girl's reaction, it seems that he is the prey being hunted.

...For him who is used to controlling the overall situation, this feeling can be said to be quite bad.

"Is there any hidden power and back-up plan... No, Kungunil has been at the safe haven, and the holy bones are also with me. She cannot have the power to make a comeback..."

Just as Odin's thoughts were racing, he suddenly felt a high-temperature water surge below him, and the base of the ruins of Takamagahara made a cracking sound as his last groan before dying.

At this moment, everyone raised their heads.

Under the gaze of everyone, a wall of flames reaching the sky slowly rose from the side of the Dirieste hovering in the air, and deafening thunder resounded deep in the trench.

After brewing for so long, the magma river finally erupted, and millions of tons of magma spurted out from the cracks. When it erupted, the surface of the magma flow was golden, but it soon solidified and turned black, rising together. It was about half a kilometer high before it completely solidified, forming a huge black wall.

Almost as soon as the magma river surged, the seawater next to it vaporized in an instant. At that moment, it seemed as if there were a million thunderstorms exploding continuously on the seabed! ! !

The sound was originally heard with their ears, but now, they saw the sound with their naked eyes, because in this deafening sound, they could no longer hear any sound. The whole world was so quiet and terrifying, everything became silent, as if It's like the world's time has suddenly slowed down.

...Odin accurately captured the moment when the girl frowned and covered her ears.

He was a puppet, and the heroic spirits next to him were all Deadpools. Even if the sound of the blizzard was amplified 10,000 times again, it would not have any impact on them. When the girl covered her ears and lowered her head, he launched an attack on the surrounding heroic spirits. instruction.

So almost instantly, the girl in the center of the field was completely submerged by the tide of black shadows around her.

Even if the opponent has some back-ups, she is still a human body. Even if the opponent enters the dragon bone state at that time, the defense power of the dragon body is still not enough.

...Even if there is a second-generation species with a complete dragon body that is there at the moment, it will definitely be completely torn into pieces by its own group of heroic spirits! !

He has that confidence.

Sitting high on Sleipnir, Odin looked at the figure mixed in the black tide with a calm expression.

The surrounding environment has begun to collapse, and large volcanic rocks are falling like meteorites, but he is not affected at all, and he just stares at the center.

...Under the premise that Yan Ling is imprisoned, how much elemental power does the opponent still have to mobilize? Can such a pitiful remnant of spiritual authority really shake this fatal situation?

To be honest, he actually had some expectations in his heart.

At the beginning, the scarlet color briefly became brighter. The crimson flames soared into the sky like a fire phoenix, setting off a wave like the sea. However, the fire phoenix was quickly suppressed by the thunder falling from the sky. .

Three Odin puppets and three imitation Kungnir stood in three directions, completely crushing the opponent with absolute gestures, not giving the opponent any chance to escape.

So visible to the naked eye, the crimson light in the black wave began to become darker and darker, until it was completely covered up.

"To bury you with so many puppets and heroic spirits is considered a shameful thing..."

Odin murmured to himself as he looked at the black wave composed of his own army of heroic spirits that had completely suppressed the opponent.

If he wanted to escape now, his puppets could still escape from it, but firstly, he had to confirm the death of the other person, and secondly, the death of a supreme being must be accompanied by several qualified burial objects.

As for the rest...

Raising his head, Odin looked upward.

Not only did the Trieste still have no intention of coming to the surface, but several people on the ship also came towards him with blood-red faces. Caesar even rushed to the front at an unknown moment, holding Dictado in his hand for unknown reasons. The time had more than doubled, and the eyes looking at him were full of cold murderous intent.

Odin: "..."

After a brief silence, he glanced at the battlefield that seemed to have lost all movement in the center. He waved his hand casually towards the three people above him as if he was shooing away flies.

Of the three people who formed a group to charge towards him, one couldn't fight and the other couldn't move. All he could do was reluctantly send these guys up who didn't know the heights of the world.

The next moment, following the movement of his hand, Caesar who was rushing at the front was immediately hit hard. An upward stream of water rose into the sky at a very high speed and hit him hard and unceremoniously.

At the same time that Caesar spat out a mouthful of water, Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang, who were following closely behind him, could not escape their fate. They were directly driven by the current and hit the Ditryste hard.

The power of the water flow remained undiminished. After slapping the three people on the deep submersible, they shot out directly toward the top of the abyss with the deep submersible.

In just a few seconds, the Dirieste and the three people on board disappeared from Odin's sight, but the nuclear power module inside was intercepted by him.

After ordering a heroic spirit to step forward and activate the nuclear power cabin, he directly threw the nuclear power cabin into the center.

He has paid such a high price for cutting the grass without removing the root, but it will grow again with the spring breeze. If he can't kill the other party, then it would be a big loss for him.

...So he decided to add fuel to the fire.

But just when he threw the nuclear power cabin out, he seemed to sense something, and Odin's expression suddenly changed.

——The next moment, the whole world stopped strangely in front of him.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another update later, but it may have to wait until the morning (づ●─●)づ

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