…The world has never been so quiet.

Originally, in the depths of this 8,000-meter-deep abyss, it was already a completely apocalyptic situation. Magma fell like meteorites in showers, and the earth tore with a heavy roar. But at a certain moment, it seemed as if the world was being pushed down. When the freeze button is pressed, everything comes to a standstill.

The water flow stopped and the meteor stagnated in mid-air. The scurrying corpse guards and ghost-toothed dragon vipers remained motionless in the air. The thunderous rumbling explosions completely disappeared at this moment. Although Odin still retained his consciousness, he was still very conscious. I was horrified to find that I couldn't do anything.

The world stood still in front of him, and then turned into something close to pure black and white. During the period when time and space were stagnant, he watched helplessly as everything faded away from its original color bit by bit.

In the end, the only color left in the world was the crimson in the darkness at the center.

"How can it be……"

Seeing the crimson color in the center that was becoming more and more dazzling, Odin's heart was filled with fear.

The scene in front of him was not only completely beyond his imagination, but also beyond his understanding. Using Nidhogg as a comparison, he had tried his best to exaggerate the terror of the white emperor, but now, he found that he What you know is just the tip of the iceberg.

He could feel that in the crimson center, unparalleled destructive power was gathering in it. A certain terrifying existence seemed to want to come again after a long time, and the whole world was trembling with the arrival of the other party.

Once that existence truly comes to the world, it's hard to say what terrible things will happen.

"The shadow of the White King who flourished in ancient times..."

While such a chaotic thought vaguely appeared in his mind, Odin decisively gave up the power of the other two puppets. After concentrating all his power on one puppet, he regained the ability to The right to move in this stagnant time and space.

And the next second he finally gained the right to move, he used all his strength, in this black and white world, as if in a desperate attempt, he moved towards the crimson color that was changing rapidly. He threw the dry spear in his hand.

——Although his plan has basically failed, he will never allow himself to get nothing after paying so much.

Then Odin saw the figure in the light lift its head.


...How to use words to describe the scene that happened next in front of him?

Odin didn't know because he had completely lost the ability to express himself.

At the last second when the puppet body was annihilated, what he felt in his consciousness was a majestic star standing at the end of distant time. The shadow of endless brilliance that was so dazzling that it was indescribable seemed to come from Projected from an unimaginable distance.

At that moment, everything visible within the field of vision was completely replaced by endless blazing red.

...At the same time, Xumizuo on the sea.

Due to the eruption of submarine volcanoes, the sea is in a mess. As the rainstorm becomes heavier, a tsunami and a large number of corpses rising underwater are coming.

Although the Sheqiba family had already deployed a large number of lethal weapons in this sea area, those preparations faced the harsh environment and the violent corpse guards. Under the premise that the nuclear power was not successfully detonated, they could only It's a drop in the bucket.

Standing alone on a small boat, Eryi looked quietly at the black water below.

The strong wind never stopped and the heavy rain continued. Her long dark red hair was messy by the sea breeze, and her sleeves were dancing wildly in the wind.

Although the waves on the sea were undulating at this time, and even the Xumizuo was trembling violently, with her small boat as the center, the surrounding sea area was calm.

Looking at the corpse guards in front of him who were rushing out of the water, he tilted his head slightly and pulled out the snow-white long knife in his hand.

Minamoto's sword is [Spider Kirigai], Minamoto's sword is [Doji Kiri Yasuna], and hers is [Yukizuka].

Unlike Yuan Zhisheng and Yuan Zhimu, she just swung the long knife forward casually, but even if the tip of the knife did not touch the monsters, the corpse guards who appeared in front of her suddenly split apart, and then walked away wailing. Absolute death.

——[Word Spirit Judgment].

The long knife in her hand is just a medium for her to exert her power. She is not cutting the corpse guards with the knife, but giving orders to cut these things apart.

No matter how violent the corpse guards were, in the face of this unreasonable death, they finally felt fear and flinched, and began to stay away from the small boat and rush to other places.

But before they could escape, in an instant, the originally violent sea surface suddenly became calm. A huge domain was inspired by Eryi, and everything in the domain was forcibly suppressed.

The heavy rain stopped, the dark clouds in the sky collapsed, and the quiet moonlight shone on the sea. With the ripples, the sea looked like a silver ingot with fine lines on the surface.

The extreme chill was released in all directions with Eriyi as the center. For one kilometer around her as the center, ice appeared on the sea silently, and the corpse guards were frozen in large numbers in the ice, even if they struggled desperately. , unable to move at all.

In front of Eri's full strength, they were as fragile as a toy.


Staring blankly at the scene in front of him, Nono, who was holding a sniper rifle at the top of Xumizuo somewhere, was completely dumbfounded.

She never thought that this girl who looked weak and weak, and who had taken a hot spring bath with them in the afternoon, actually contained such terrifying power in her body.

The scene in front of her had surpassed her imagination. This was no longer something that alchemy or spiritual communication could achieve, but it had reached a completely new realm...the realm of gods.

Vaguely, a thought passed through Nono's mind.

...If even Eriki's power is so terrifying, then how strong must Zhi, who is called [Tsukiyomi no Ming], be?

If it was the other party, he should be able to help me...

As if sensing something, Nono suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

At this moment, not only her, but everyone, including the corpse guards who were frozen in the ice, couldn't help but raise their heads because of the trembling that seemed to come from their souls.

...Then, they saw the most shocking existence in their lives.

The dark clouds completely faded away, and the moon also disappeared. Under the gaze of all of them, endless blazing red flooded the entire world.

——On this day, a transcendent existence named "The God of the Red World" briefly came to this world.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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