The weather today is not very good. It drizzled at night.

In the hazy rain, looking down from the terrace of the Awakening Temple, the whole of Tokyo seemed to be looming, and the scenery was excellent.

But until now, no one cared about this scenery. Looking at the girl on the screen who was obviously dying but had a strong face, everyone fell into an unspeakable silence.

... To be honest, if this was not a global live broadcast, some people could not help but curse out loud.

The detailed information about the head of the Uesugi family of the Snake Eight Families, Uesugi Zhi, has been placed on the desk of each of them in the past half month.

From the information, the other party is an extremely magical existence. This magic is not reflected in the strength of Uesugi Yue, but in the other party's rather unscientific alchemy.

Let's not talk about other things. How many big news has he made since he entered Kassel?

One day of freedom, special training on a deserted island, Kuimen Project...

Given the magic shown by the other party in the above events, they would not believe that the other party was seriously injured and dying.

They thought that the other party would be more serious in this global live broadcast, but now it seems that they still overestimated the integrity of the head of the Uesugi family.

...But unfortunately, some people still fell for it.

Looking at the rapidly increasing barrage of comments in the live broadcast channel that defended the other party and accused them of being too cold-blooded, Han Gao, who was sitting next to Beowulf, had a cerebral hemorrhage for a while.

Like Beowulf and Ange, he is also a legend in the history of mixed-bloods, but Beowulf and Ange are still as strong as warriors, but he is already very old, so old that he even needs crutches to walk.

"Okay, let's start this meeting."

After a long period of adjustment, the girl on the screen finally adjusted to a more comfortable posture. After sitting up straight, the other party turned her head and showed them a weak and strong smile on the screen.

"I believe you have many questions to ask, and this time, I will answer all your questions without reservation."

"What happened under the abyss that day?"

Looking at the girl on the screen, Beowulf had a blank expression on his face.

"In theory, that kind of action should be under full surveillance, but five minutes after you found the ancient underwater city, all communications were cut off. From then on to the underwater volcano, you were out of sight of everyone in the world for 21 minutes, and after that, the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth that enveloped the whole world occurred."

It's not that they didn't think about learning the truth of what happened that day from Caesar, Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei, but the three of them were as close as if they had stitches. One of them remained silent, one of them was full of nonsense, and the other one was looking at you with a sneer from beginning to end...

To be honest, if it weren't for the pressure from the Snake Qi Eight Families and the Gattuso Family, they would have wanted to torture them to extract a confession.

"Before telling you about these things, please allow me to first popularize some relevant concepts to you."

As if she had guessed that he would ask this question, the girl nodded to them and then turned to look aside.

The next moment, as the girl moved, a person outside the camera appeared in the camera with a laptop in his hand. Based on the information they collected, they easily recognized the other party's retainer named Jiude Mai.

But their attention had not stayed on each other for a few seconds, and they all focused on the unfolded PPT on the computer.

In a relatively concise description, this PPT started from the major event that almost caused the sinking of Japan 10,000 years ago, and revealed the origin and past of the Snake Eight Clan from beginning to end, and focused on the story of the resurrected Eight Clan and the White King's Holy Remains, while also taking into account the information of Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu and the Emperor.

——In the simplest and crudest way, Mu Qingzhi announced the secrets hidden by the Snake Eight Clan for so many years to the world.

This PPT that Mu Qingzhi had rushed to make in the afternoon was actually not very long. It was full of shoddy taste. It was played in a few minutes, but after reading this PPT, Beowulf and the others were silent for nearly ten minutes.

It was not until a long time later that Beowulf looked up at the girl on the screen with some uncertainty.

"...Are you descendants of the White King? The strange phenomenon that covered the whole world that day was related to the White King's holy remains?"

"Yes, that is exactly the secret that our Sheqi Eight Clan has been trying to cover up!!"

After drinking some of the black potion that looked like cola handed over by Jiude Mai, the girl was obviously much more energetic.

"In order to prevent the White King from reviving, we have been guarding silently, but everything we tried our best to protect was defeated by the intervention of a certain ambitious person. As a last resort, we can only choose to reveal this secret in the hope of getting your help and jointly protecting this world."

At this point, the girl sighed helplessly.

"There is no way. The responsibility we shoulder is too heavy, almost suffocating us. The identity of the White King's bloodline is actually a curse. Our descendants can easily degenerate into "ghosts", and we are powerless to do anything about it. We can only watch them become monsters. One birth can determine everything. Friends and relatives will be friends, and friends will be friends. Over the years, we have borne too much pain."

As if she remembered something, the girl shook her head with some emotion.

"Do you know? My father, the current patriarch, Uesugi Yue, once endured decades of infamy in order to cut off the curse of this bloodline, almost slaughtered all the three upper families that inherited the royal blood, and then hid his identity for decades and became a ramen chef on the street. But even though he made such a sacrifice and bore so much infamy, the curse of this bloodline still follows him like a shadow. To this day, there are still many people in the Snake Eight Families who curse him, but who can understand his good intentions?"

Uesugi Yue: "..."

...Feeling the various eyes of people around him complaining about him, he felt quite uncomfortable for a while.

"According to you, there was a fifth person under the abyss at that time?"

Looking at Uesugi Yue in front of him, Beowulf looked up at the girl on the screen again.

"That fifth person, is the ambitious person you mentioned?"

"Yes, in fact, you should have some guesses in your heart."

Sitting up straight, the girl nodded seriously.

"——Odin, the most ambitious man in history!!"

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Let's see if I can post a few more chapters today...

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